
  • 网络Coring
  1. 经坝体钻孔压水及取芯检查,RCC的抗渗性及力学指标均满足设计要求。

    Water pressure test and coring inspection in dam borehole indicated that RCC impermeability and mechanical property meet design demand .

  2. SDQ-91型钻孔定向取芯器的研制

    Development of SDQ-91 Directional Coring Apparatus

  3. 在该工程中,笔者用钻探取芯结果约束地震CT的反演结果。

    In the engineering , the authors combine the result of drilling survey and inversion result of seismic CT technology , and then analyze the two comparative results .

  4. 通过将已经过压水试验、钻孔取芯和面波等方法检验注浆已合格断面的电磁波CT测量数据进行统计分析,得出适用于南广铁路岩溶路基注浆质量电磁波CT检测评判标准。

    The measured data by electromagnetic tomography method in the sections are statistically analyzed , whose grouting tests have passed the examinations of over water pressure tests , coring and surface wave .

  5. 该技术适合于50m以内浅部复杂地层,特别是Ⅱ类复杂地层钻探取芯。

    Moreover , this technology is better applied to the drilling into shallow complex formation within 50m , especially to the core drilling into the II type complex stratum .

  6. CX-120型气动潜孔锤取芯钻具的研制

    Development of type cx-120 downhole hammer coring tool

  7. 该试验所取芯样最长10.57m。

    The maximum length of core sampling required for tests is 10.57m .

  8. 分析了研制CX-120型气动潜孔锤取芯钻具的必要性;介绍了该钻具的结构、工作原理和野外应用试验情况。

    This paper analyzes the necessity and introduces the structure and the work principle of Type CX-120 downhole hammer coring tool .

  9. 检测结果表明,挤入淤泥和粉土中的纯砂砾柱平均直径达到55~82cm,28d龄期时水泥砂砾灌浆体取芯的抗压强度达到4.3~11.4MPa。

    The inspection results indicated that the uniform diameter of pure sand-gravel columns in mud and silt reached 55 ~ 82 cm , and the boring core sample strength of grouting column reached 4.3 ~ 11.4 MPa at the age of 28 d.

  10. 介绍了7000m深海钴结壳取芯器的基本结构、功能、工作原理、技术参数及解决的关键技术难点。

    The basic structure , function , working principle and technical parameters of the 7 000m deep-sea cobalt sampler are introduced in this paper . In the end of this paper , the key technical difficulty is resolved .

  11. 低应变反射波法检测与钻孔取芯法检测比较

    Comparison of Low Strain Reflected Wave Test with Drill Core Test

  12. 深层搅拌桩标准贯入及取芯试验分析

    Analyse of SPT and Boring Sample Test of Deep Mixing Piles

  13. 钻取芯样法检测砖砌体抗压强度的研究

    Research on brick masonry strength test method of core boring sampling

  14. 轻便取芯触探在护城河无损高精度定位中的应用

    Application of light coring sounding in nondestructive high-precise positioning of moat

  15. 南极冰层电缆式机械取芯钻进

    Drilling in Antarctic ice-layer with the cable type mechanical coring drilling tool

  16. 密闭取芯检查井数据处理与可视化研究

    Study of Processing and Visualizing the Data of Sealing Coring Inspection Well

  17. 斜孔施工采用绳索取芯钻进浅析

    A Simple Analysis of Wire-Line-Core Drilling Employed in Construction of Deviated Hole

  18. 钻孔取芯&测试硬化砼强度的好手段

    Coring-A Good Way to Measure the Strength of Hardened Concrete

  19. 钻取芯样法检测桥梁桩身质量

    Drills takes the core method examination bridge pile body quality

  20. 曲轴箱砂芯手工制芯用取芯机械的优化设计

    Optimization Design of Core-Picker in Manual Core Making of Crankcase

  21. 旋转式井壁取芯器钻头的齿轮液压马达设计

    Geared hydraulic motor design for drill bit of rotary well wall coring utensil

  22. 旋转式井壁取芯器的设计与机构运动仿真研究

    Study on the Design and Kinematic Simulation of the Rotary Sidewall Coring Tool

  23. 新型固化剂粉喷桩现场钻孔取芯试验研究

    Testing Study on in situ core strength of DJM pile using new solidification

  24. 宁夏固原芒硝矿取芯钻探钻井液技术研究

    Drilling Fluid Technology Research on Mirabilite Mine Core Drilling in Guyuan of Ningxia

  25. 多功能钻孔取芯机的研制及在工程检验中的应用

    The Research and Its Application of Multifunctional Core-Drilling Machine

  26. 在取芯钻井井段,选用金刚石取芯钻头。

    Diamond coring bits are utilized for core drilling .

  27. 定向井长筒取芯技术应用

    Application of Long Barrel Coring Technology in Directional Wells

  28. 地下连续墙槽孔内快速取芯施工工艺

    Technology of rapid coring in underground continuous wall trench

  29. 常压密闭取芯含油饱和度校正新方法

    A new way to proofread oil saturation through sealed coring under usual pressure

  30. 南海503地质取芯船锚泊定位系统的改进设计

    The Improved Design of Anchor Mooring positioning System of Geological core Gathering Ship-Nanhai 303