
  • 网络fee
  1. 施工监理取费中计费额的实用计算法

    The practically calculating method of the casting quantum in construction supervision fee

  2. 工程监理取费存在的问题及其影响

    Problems with Project Management Fee Charging and Effects

  3. 冶金矿山建筑工程取费参数的计算

    The calculation of the engineering price parameters in metallurgical mine construction

  4. 公路工程施工监理取费标准研究

    The research of supervision cost calculating method in highway engineering

  5. 关于公路养护工程设计取费标准的研究

    A Study on Design Expenses Standard of Highway Maintenance Engineerings

  6. 高速铁路设计概算取费标准的探讨

    A probe into estimate charge standard on high - speed railway design

  7. 水利工程施工监理取费测算方法探讨

    Calculating methods on water resource projects construction supervision rates

  8. 改善设计取费的具体方法;

    The specific method of improving design cost calculation ;

  9. 调整费用不参加取费。

    Adjustment expense is not included in the charge .

  10. 对当前我国家居室内设计取费问题的探讨

    Discussion about the Fee-collection of Nowaday Domestic Interior Design

  11. 对各项取费进行详细审计。

    And detailed audit to every draw fee .

  12. 基于代建项目取费现状的代建人激励初探

    Preliminary Research on the Agent Incentive Based on the Status Quo of Agential Cost

  13. 提高监理取费的初步研究

    Basic study on raising the supervision fees

  14. 关于我省水利水电工程间接费取费几个问题的探讨

    Discuss on the price of indirect charges of hydraulic or hydroelectric projects in Shaanxi Province

  15. 关于工程建设监理取费标准的思考

    On Charging Standard of Construction Supervision

  16. 我想问一下,这个安装、调试的取费依据是什么?

    I want to ask , what is this installation , debugged extraction expends a basis ?

  17. 工程建设监理取费标准的高低体现了其对工程建设管理的重视程度和管理水平。

    The charging standard of construction supervision shows the emphasis degree and management level to construction management .

  18. 政府投资项目代建取费研究&基于代建人风险偏好的视角

    On the Payment Criterion of Agent Construction Projects From an Agent 's View Based on Risk Preference

  19. 指出建立适应当前市场投标策略和方向,对编好工程标书及取费问题提出新的见解,并重点论述了关于投标报价水平的宏观调整问题,较详细地阐述了应该采取的调整原则和对策。

    Macroscopic adjustment on bid proposal level is mainly discussed , the relevant adjustment principle and solutions are elaborated .

  20. 缆车取费低廉,据说近百年来一直没涨过价。

    Fares are cheap ; they have not risen , I 'm told , for almost a hundred years .

  21. 关于对公路基本建设工程投资估算、概算、预算编制办法中部分取费标准的探讨

    Discussions on the Rates Criteria in the Investment Estimation , Price Evaluation and Budget Compilation Method for Highway Fundmental Construction

  22. 决算不漏项,如何的在工程量、取费、子目等方面的控制最为关键。

    No omission is allowed and it of the greatest importance how to control quantities , expenditures and specific items .

  23. 该系统采用单项取费的预算方法,便于工程招投标和项目决算。

    The system adopted method of monomial charging and adapt to invite public bidding and tender for engineering and final accounting of item .

  24. 现行的投标报价,承包商是根据有关的预算定额和取费标准及政府造价管理部门公布的信息价所编制的。

    Now the bid quoted price is drawn up by contractors according to some related budgeteering , charging standards and information price publicized by government .

  25. 我国长期由政府管理部门编制各专业的概预算定额,确定计划利润和各种取费标准。

    It has long been implemented in China to prepare norm system for every specialties as well as fixed profit and add-on by relevant governmental authorities .

  26. 介绍了费用定额改革的含义,对费用定额改革的切入点从其必要性及改革要点进行了分析,较详细的论述了费用定额的三种表现形式,即:按取费类别进行取费;

    The signification of expense standards reform is introduced and the necessity and key points of reform are analyzed . And three representative forms are detailed discussed .

  27. 对高速铁路小临等4项费用及设备费业务提成率的取费标准进行探讨。

    Charge standards on costs of 4 items of small and temporary facilities of high speed railway and deduct rate of equipment cost have been put forward .

  28. 设计了合理可行的代建管理费取费标准,并对现行代建管理费计费形式提出了建设性意见。

    The paper contrives standard of charge for construction agent management , and puts forwards some advice for charge for construction agent management at the present time .

  29. 文章针对电力行业工程概预算的特点,详细介绍了电力工程概预算系统的算法、取费标准、开发过程及系统性能。

    Aimed at the characteristic of electric project budget , the paper detailedly introduces arithmetic , charging stand , developed process and system performance of electric project budget system .

  30. 利用统计比较分析的方法,对我国的建设监理与国外的建设项目管理从模式、准入制度、人员素质、监理取费、人员收入方面进行比较,找出差距;

    Make using of statistics and analytical method , carrying on the comparision of our management model , personnel character , taking the fee , personnel 's income with abroad .