
  • 网络early warning system
  1. 探讨了径向基神经网络(RBF)在商业银行风险预警系统中的应用。

    The application of the RBF neural network to the commercial bank early warning system was studied .

  2. 根据商业银行风险预警系统的特点选择12个指标,构建了风险预警系统的RBF模型,基于该模型进行了示范性仿真实验,结果验证了该方法的有效性。

    According to the characteristics of commercial bank early warning system , 12 indexes of performance were elected , and then the RBF model was constructed . The effectiveness of the proposed approach was proved by the experiment results .

  3. UML在社会保险基金风险预警系统中的建模应用

    Application of UML to Modeling for Warning System of Social Security Funds

  4. 基于J2EE的社会保险基金风险预警系统的设计

    The design on the early warning systems of social security funds based on J2EE

  5. 玩具行业应对TBT风险预警系统的研究

    Research on the toy industry 's response to TBT Risk Prewarning System

  6. 基于CTI技术的水库防洪风险预警系统

    CTI Technology-based Flood Risk Warning System for Reservoirs

  7. 研究中,基于面向对象的UML建模技术,对社保基金风险预警系统进行了分析和设计,从而使复杂的预警系统具有良好的适用性和扩展性。

    The model of warning system for social security funds was analyzed and designed by using the method of OOA and UML . Accordingly , it could make the system more applicability and expansibility .

  8. 然后结合硕士阶段学习的软件工程方法和J2EE技术,建立原型系统,解决了日常安全预警流程与信息化系统的结合问题,对贵州空管安全风险预警系统做出了方案设计。

    Master of stage and then combined with software engineering methods and learning technologies J2EE , EJB , database development technology to address the daily security early warning process and the combination of information systems , air traffic control safety risks in Guizhou has made design an early warning system .

  9. 银行业风险预警系统的构建问题研究

    Research on the Construction of Banking Early-warning System for Financial Risks

  10. 企业物流外包风险预警系统的设计与评价

    Design and Evaluation of Risk Alarming System in Business Logistics Outsourcing

  11. 电力客户信用评价与欠费风险预警系统的总体设计

    Overall Design of Credit Evaluation and Arrears Risk Early Warning System

  12. 我国民营企业融资风险预警系统研究

    The Research of Private Enterprises Financing Prediction in Our Country

  13. 水产品出口贸易风险预警系统研究

    Study on Early-Warning System for Export Risks of Aquatic Products

  14. 水泥混凝土路面设计风险预警系统的研究

    A Study on Risk Early Warning System of Cement Concrete Pavement Design

  15. 社保基金投资风险预警系统研究

    Research on Early Warning System of the Social Insurance Fund Investment Risk

  16. 电网公司财务风险预警系统设计

    Designing of Electrified Wire Netting Company 's Treasurer Risk Early Warning System

  17. 国际工程承包风险预警系统的构建

    The construction of early warning system of international engineering contract

  18. 我国直接显性财政风险预警系统研究

    A Study on Direct and Explicit Fiscal Risks Warning System in China

  19. 政府投资建设项目的风险预警系统研究

    The Research on the Risk Early Warning System of Government Invested Projects

  20. 基于模糊类比推理的企业技术创新风险预警系统研究

    Fuzzy-analogy-reasoning based risk warning system for technical innovation of enterprises

  21. 病险水库大坝风险预警系统架构初探

    Preliminary study on the framework of dam risk early-warning system on ill reservoir

  22. 技术开发风险预警系统探讨

    A Study on Early-warning System for Technology Innovation Risk

  23. 供电企业风险预警系统设计

    Design of risk warning systems for power supply companies

  24. 区域金融风险预警系统的理论与实践探讨

    On the Theory and Practice of Early Warning System of Regional Financial Risk

  25. 试论我国商业银行信贷风险预警系统的建立

    On Establishing a Credit Risk Pre - Warning System by Our Commercial Banks

  26. 关于完善我国食品安全风险预警系统的思考

    Views on how to improve food safety risk pre-warning system in our country

  27. 企业风险预警系统的研究

    Study on early warning system of business risk

  28. 金融风险预警系统设计及实现

    Design and Implement of Financial Risk Early-warning System

  29. 新形势下的财务风险预警系统

    Pre-warning System of Financial Risks under New Situations

  30. 四要利用供应链风险预警系统方法,制定系统优化的风险预警策略;

    Fourth , map out the strategy of alarm system of supply chain risk ;