
  • 网络Principal investigator;Principle Investigator
  1. 他是NASHCRN项目的副主席,PIVENS的主要研究者,同时还是里士满弗吉尼亚联邦大学胃肠病学主任。

    D. , NASH CRN co-chair and PIVENS principal investigator and chair of gastroenterology at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond .

  2. 摄像机的主要研究者,在周四的新闻发布会上说道。

    McEwen of the University of Arizona , who is the principal investigator for the camera , said Thursday during a news conference .

  3. 主要研究者为医学、卫生专业(研究与实务)人员;实证研究是大陆健康传播研究的主要研究方法;

    The main researchers are medical and healthy staff .

  4. 在结核病方面投入了多少资金?主要研究者和关键决策者是谁?

    How much is spent on TB ? Who are the leading researchers and key policymakers ?

  5. 马丁塞利格曼是积极心理学主要研究者和《真正的幸福》的作者。

    Martin Seligman is one of the leading researchers in positive psychology and author of Authentic Happiness .

  6. 主要研究者承认,这一研究结论可能并不被所有医生所接受。

    The conclusion of this study might not be palatable to all clinicians , admitted the lead investigator .

  7. 主要研究者认为,该试验将改进临床方法,成为用多能干细胞或胚胎干细胞分化而来的细胞进行治疗的跳板。

    The trial will refine clinical methods and be a " steppingstone " to therapies with cells derived from iPS or hES cells , says the principal investigator .

  8. 目前有证据证明不孕可能会导致男性心脏病,加利福尼亚斯坦福大学的这项研究的主要研究者迈克尔·艾森伯格说。

    ' There is emerging evidence to suggest that infertility may be a window into a man 's later health , ' said study leader Dr Michael Eisenberg of Stanford University in California .

  9. 主要研究者苏菲穆兰表示她所在的小组从全球的案例中选用了许多有代表性个案。通过观察发现全世界大约有38%到42%的孩子与父母的关系很疏远。

    Lead author Sophie Moullin said that when her team looked at large scale representative studies in a number of countries they all found , from their observations , that between 38 % and 42 % of children suffered from poor attachment in all the different study locations .

  10. 本文主要研究二者在微波设计中的应用。

    This thesis focuses on the application of ANN and GAto microwave design .

  11. 研究一种思想观念主要从研究者、实践者和客观现实着手。

    Studying a kind of ideology mainly start with the researchers , practitioners and objective reality .

  12. 相反,实际情况下,伦理审查委员会主要依赖研究者提供的报告和评论被签署的知情同意书,来推论出有关研究进展的情况。我们能做什么呢?

    Instead , ERCs largely depend upon reports by researchers and a review of signed informed consent forms in drawing inferences about ongoing research .

  13. 主要研究兩者运动项目之套路形式,并不包括散打、擂台、搏击及太极拳推手等运动形式。

    Excluding San Da , the martial-art-contest arena , reality fighting and Tai Chi Chuan Pushing Hands , the study focuses on set patterns of these two sports .

  14. 临床试验的利益冲突主要有研究者的利益冲突,伦理委员会成员的利益冲突,受试者监护人的利益冲突,与公开研究结果有关的利益冲突。

    Conflicts of interest in clinical trial mainly consist of the conflicts of interest for investigators , for IRB members , for guardians of the subjects and those related with publishing scientific work .

  15. 因此,研究者对相关的学习理论也进行了一个文献的梳理。其次,通过采用观察法,主要是研究者全程观看幼儿园教师在实践运用这种教学模型的过程中,其具体的表现是什么。

    Therefore , the researcher also sorts out the related literature about the learning theory . Secondly , by using the observation , researcher has watched the whole process of the kindergarten teachers using this teaching model , and to find its specific performance .

  16. 血栓是与血液接触的生物医学装置和人工器官中存在的主要问题,研究者一直试图通过发展新的材料和新的改进方法攻克这一问题。

    The principal problem associated with blood-contacting biomedical device and artificial organs is thrombogenesis .

  17. 第一章欣赏者与审美对象主要研究了欣赏者与其所经验的审美对象的关系。

    The first chapter , appreciator and aesthetic object , mainly describe the relationship between appreciator and his aesthetic object .

  18. 一位主要的火山研究者周四表示,尽管岩浆在这座活跃的火山内逐渐升高,但目前并没有提高警戒层级的立即需要。

    There is no immediate need to raise the alert status for Indonesia 's volatile Mount Merapi , despite magma moving higher inside the volcano , a leading vulcanologist said on Thursday .

  19. 本文在对学术创新内涵加以界定的基础上,初步探讨了影响学术创新的三个主要因素:研究者个人的素质、研究平台和研究环境。

    This paper discusses the three main factors affecting academic innovation on the basis of definition , namely , the quality of researchers themselves , the platform and the environment for research .

  20. 在研究对象上,中国研究人员主要研究语言学习者、非语言专业学生、教师、领导和其它身份人员。

    In the research subject , it is found that Chinese researchers focus on studying the groups of language learners , non-language major students , teachers , managers and people with other identities .

  21. 导致叙事研究结果失真的主要因素是研究者个人的生活经验、价值观念、文化参照与个人背景以及研究者与合作者之间的关系问题。

    The major reasons leading to the ' distortion ' of narrative-research result is the life experience of the re-searcher himself , value outlook , cultural reference , personal background and the relationship between the researcher and the cooperator .

  22. 当前,中国对英语学习者自主的研究发展很快,许多学者主要研究影响学习者自主的内在因素如学习者的态度,动机和兴趣。

    Presently , the study of EFL learner autonomy has developed rapidly in China , and many scholars have focused their study on intrinsic factors that affect learner autonomy , such as the learners ' attitude , motivation , and interest .

  23. 马丁等(2008)评价系统理论(AppraisalSystemTheory)是人际意义的重要分析途径,主要研究说话者与听话者之间的关系、人际意义的传递以及说话者对听话者的影响程度。

    The Appraisal System Theory ( Martin , 2008 ) as an important analysis method of interpersonal meaning mainly studies the relationship between addresser and audiences , the delivery of interpersonal meaning and the influence of addresser on the audiences .

  24. 本文主要研究多元化企业管理者的社会网络对知识转移的影响。

    This paper mainly discusses the impact of social networks of managers on knowledge transfer within diversified corporations .

  25. 而作品的叙事学研究主要是研究这三者之间的关系。

    To analyze a work from the perspective of narratology is to analyze the relationships of these three levels .

  26. 空间距离被证明是一个主要因素,但研究者暗示还有其他因素共同决定道德行为。

    Spatial distance proved to be a major factor , but the research suggests there are other contributors that determine ethical behaviour .

  27. 本文主要研究清代法律职业者的法律知识状况,以及这种知识状况与其法律实践之间的相互关系。

    This thesis focuses on the knowledge status of legal professionals in Qing Dynasty , and the relationship between this knowledge status and legal practice .

  28. 纽约(路透社健康)那些被诊断为乳腺癌的妇女,疲劳是整体生活质量下降的最主要症状,德国研究者报导。

    NEW YORK ( Reuters Health ) - Among women diagnosed with breast cancer , fatigue is the symptom most strongly associated with a worse overall quality of life , German researchers report .

  29. 本研究的最主要成果是由研究者编制的符合各方面测量学要求的中学生学习动机缺失量表,国内目前尚无同类量表。

    The main results of this study is the " lack of motivation scale for middle school students ", which compliance with the requirements of a good scale . There is no similar domestic scale .

  30. 文化学的研究方法为主要研究方法,研究者亲临现场体验研究,并通过与教师交流访谈获得第一手资料,以期确保研究的准确性与真实性。

    The research method of culturology is the main research technique . The author participates in the teaching and obtained the first-hand information through interviews with teachers in order to ensure the accuracy and authenticity of the research .