
zhǔ wén jiàn
  • master file;main file
主文件[zhǔ wén jiàn]
  1. f选项让我们可以指定一个包含搜索项的主文件,其中可以列出经常搜索的内容。

    The-f option allows you to specify a master file containing search items for which you search frequently .

  2. 该文件共享结构由三个部分组成:一个主文件服务器、一个认证拓扑服务器(ATS)和客户节点群。

    This structure consists of three parts : one master file server , one authentication and topology server ( ATS ) and client nodes .

  3. 文件系统以簇为单位分配和回收外存空间,通过主文件表来进行管理

    NTFS file system allocates and revokes the storage by cluster . It manages by MFT . NTFS

  4. 如果文件有效,就用xmlinclude()将它替换到主文件中。

    If the file is valid , it is substituted into the main file with xml_include () .

  5. 主文件系统上的文件是使用UID为300的DB2帐户创建的。

    The files on the primary file system were created with the DB2 account with UID300 .

  6. 下一部分将讨论如何检查您的AIX系统,查看是否有任何无主文件。

    The next section discusses how to examine your AIX systems to find out if there are any unowned files .

  7. 应该对照主文件或DNS检查服务器文档中TCPIP端口设置的NetworkAddress条目以确保准确性。

    The TCPIP port setting 's Network Address entry within the Server document should be checked for accuracy against the hosts file or DNS .

  8. Solaris的主文件系统是UNIX文件系统(UFS)。

    The primary filesystem for Solaris is the UNIX File System ( UFS ) .

  9. 本篇论文主要内容和创新有以下几点:1、完成了对数据仓库、商务智能、物料主文件及一般ERP软件的现状分析,对未来的研究提供了理论基础。

    Analysis of the data warehouse , business intelligence , and material master files and general ERP software , provides a theoretical foundation for future research . 2 .

  10. 分析了物料主文件的确定与BOM表的生成,实现了物料编码的自动生成。

    The following describe the determination of MMF and the generation of ROM table and provide the auto-generating method of material coding .

  11. 构建Samba主文件包也需要编译这些程序,但是您可能需要手动编译其他程序。

    Building the main Samba package also compiles some of these programs , but you may need to compile others manually .

  12. 对于分区环境,建议在集群中的一台机器上创建一个单独的DB2主文件系统,用作实例主目录。

    For partitioned environments , it is recommended that you create a separate DB2 home file system on one of the machine in the cluster to be used as the instance home directory .

  13. 与主文件一样,编辑此文件之后,sudo会指出语法错误(如果有的话)。

    Once you have edited the file , sudo will pick up on syntax errors if any , as with the main file .

  14. 从主文件菜单选择File=>Import。

    From the main File Menu , select File = > Import .

  15. 主文件的修订按变更控制程序进行管理。

    Modifications to M-aster Documents are managed through Change Control .

  16. 处于使用中的主文件表的比例。

    The percentage of the master file table that is in use .

  17. var/cfmasterfiles&具有策略服务器上的主文件的目录

    Var / cfmasterfiles & Directory with master files on the policy server

  18. 准备进行更改:扫描您的系统查找无主文件

    Prepare to make the change : Scan your system for unowned files

  19. 无法更改主文件组的名称。

    The name of the primary filegroup cannot be changed .

  20. 主文件的文件组不能更改。

    The filegroup cannot be changed for the primary file .

  21. 此卷主文件表碎片的总数。

    The total number of master file table fragments on the volume .

  22. 世界基础教育:面临的挑战、趋势和优先事项&解读联合国教科文组织第47届国际教育大会“主文件”及“公报与建议”

    Basic Education in the International Community : Challenges , Trends and Priorities

  23. 只有在复制到服务器中时,才能跳过主文件列。

    Host-file columns may be skipped only when copying INto the Server .

  24. 主文件服务器向各个客户端提供文件资源下载。

    The file server offers file resources to clients .

  25. 所有已编制的完成的质量保证相关文件,均记录在主文件登记薄中。

    A master document register records all QA related documents that are generated .

  26. 为对照主文件进行处理而准备就绪的一批积累事务〔事项〕。

    Transactions accumulated as a batch ready for processing against the master file .

  27. 按照指定的过程,用当前的信息去修改主文件。

    To modify a master file with current information according to a specified procedure .

  28. 此脚本可以快速找到所有无主文件并将其输出到屏幕上。

    This script quickly finds all your unowned files and prints the output to the screen .

  29. 不能重新命名主文件组。

    Cannot rename the primary filegroup .

  30. 如果未安装该主文件集,需要在继续之前进行安装。

    If the master fileset is not installed , you will need to install it before continuing .