
  • 网络Click on advertisement;paid to click;VIEW Ads;SURF ADS;Share per Click
  1. JiWire同时还在为盖璞(Gap)这样的全国性品牌投放基于位置的广告,这样人们点击广告之后就能查看附近所有的盖璞门店。

    Jiwire is also using these geo-located ads for national brands such as the Gap so that people can click a Gap ad and see all the Gap stores nearby .

  2. 由于广告可以直接内嵌病毒,因此单是点击广告或是访问网站就可以令电脑受到感染,或者通过广告引导用户进入一个意在盗取密码或ID的恶意网站。

    Viruses can be incorporated directly within an ad , so that simply clicking on the ad or visiting the site can infect a computer , or ads can be used to direct users to a nefarious Web site that aims to steal passwords or identities .

  3. Facebook前数据主管杰夫•哈默巴赫尔(JeffHammerbacher)称:“我这代人中头脑最为出色的人都在考虑如何让人们点击广告。”在另一个平行宇宙中,他们也许正在考虑更有意义的事。

    Jeff Hammerbacher , former head of data at Facebook , said : " The best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads. " In a parallel universe , they might be figuring out something more noteworthy .

  4. 人,并把他们在点击广告。

    People and bring them in to click on ads.

  5. 点击广告条上广告是不是增加我的收入?

    Does clicking on banners increase the points I earn from the bar ?

  6. 罗马尼亚人对网络广告的态度是最积极的,并最有可能点击广告。

    Romanians had the most positive ATOA and were most likely to click on advertisements .

  7. 这几年,营销公司一直想方设法吸引消费者用蓝牙手机来点击广告牌上的资讯。

    Marketing companies have been trying to get us to click on billboards with Bluetooth phones for some years .

  8. 我们这一代最聪明的人竟然都在这里思考着怎样让人们去大量的点击广告,真衰。

    " The best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads ," he says .

  9. 投放了移动广告的公司发现了一个不同寻常的全新促销秘诀:通过智能手机广告,让消费者直接点击广告拨打电话给卖家。

    Companies diving into mobile advertising have found success getting consumers to do something unusual with their smartphones : make calls .

  10. 最重要的一点就是要让人们自愿地去点击广告,而不是使用那些弹出式广告或是强制点击。

    It 's important that people want to click the ad so don 't start using popups or other forced clicks .

  11. 一些卷入近期贷款危机的美国抵押贷款机构已经加大了在线广告支出,因为网络具有诱使人们点击广告的能力。

    Some of the US mortgage lenders embroiled in the recent lending crisis have stepped up online spending , attracted by the ability to entice people to click on ads.

  12. 我们将与你建立一个有吸引力的网页,与社会网络配置齐全,付费点击广告,电子邮件营销活动和专业的博客写作。

    We will work with you to build an attractive Web page , complete with social networking profiles , pay-per-click advertisements , e-mail marketing campaigns and professional blog writing .

  13. 原因是,一些访问者点击广告,然后再在不同的工作阶段,直接交还该网站通过书签。

    The reason is that some visitors clicked on the ad , and then later , during a different session , returned directly to the site through a bookmark .

  14. 虽然我们没有限制你点击广告调幅的频率,但在互联网上有被认可的标准的参数。

    Although there is no limit on the number of clicks you can make on the ad banners , there are certain standard parameters universally recognized throughout the Internet business .

  15. 显然他的决心无比坚定,他又开设了一家名为“Branchr”的付费点击广告公司,该公司每月在各大小网站上发布超过3亿次的广告。

    His determination is so great that he has already created a new company , Branchr , a pay-per-click advertising company that distributes more than 300 million ads every month all over the Web .

  16. 比如谷歌,“爬行搜索”广告商使用的登陆页,就像它爬行搜索互联网上的其它网页一样,试图确定它们对点击广告的人的用处有多大。

    Google , for instance , " crawls " the landing pages used by advertisers , much as it crawls other pages on the Internet , to try to assess how useful they will be to people who click on adverts .

  17. 他们的工作是让人民热衷于点击移动广告。

    Their jobs are to get people to click on mobile ads.

  18. 令人惊讶的是,当时44%的该网站访问者都会点击这个广告,有一些甚至还会分享给他们的朋友。

    Amazingly , 44 percent of Hotwired 's visitors clicked the ad , and some even shared it with friends .

  19. 但是,一定不要点击任何广告,也不要过多地重新加载自己的网页。

    However , it must not in any advertisements , and not too much to reload their own web pages .

  20. 点击垃圾广告词语箱,选中然后复制所有的并将它粘贴到记事本中进行检查。

    Right click in the Spam Words box , Select All then Copy and paste it into Notepad to check it .

  21. 当用户点击该广告时,链接会引导他们到一个网站,在这里他们可以在世界顶级的七大博物馆做一个虚拟漫游。

    When the user clicked on it , the link took them to a site where they could do a virtual tour of seven of the world 's top museums .

  22. 相比之下,如今只有0.0004%的网页访问者会去点击横幅广告,而将广告分享给朋友不失为一个与朋友断绝关系的好办法。

    Compare that to today , when only about 0.0004 percent of website visitors click on banner ads , and sending one to your friends is a good way to lose those friends .

  23. 去年,雅虎使人们对这一问题更重视了。当时它表示,公司自身的研究显示,假如消费者已经接触了同一公司的某些打造品牌的横幅广告,就更有可能点击搜索广告。

    Yahoo helped to give this issue greater prominence last year , when it said that its own research showed that consumers were far more likely to click on a search ad if they had already been exposed to some brand-building banner advertising from the same company .

  24. 所以当你上Facebook的时候请点击一两个广告吧

    so can you click on an ad or two

  25. 另外,我们现在是上市公司了,所以当你上Facebook的时候请点击一两个广告吧!

    And we 're public now , so can you click on an ad or two while you are there .

  26. 在StumbleUpon这样网站上购买按点击次数付费广告及社会媒体广告就可以为你的带去周末流量。

    Pay per click advertising and social media advertising on sites like StumbleUpon can bring in traffic on the weekends .

  27. 网页上的横幅广告行不通,因为根本没有人会去点击这类广告。

    Banner ads suck - no one clicks on them .

  28. 今年年初,欺诈点击占手机广告总点击数的10%。

    At the start of the year , fraud accounted for 10 % of mobile-ad clicks .

  29. 找到那个评论,并且点击不是垃圾广告按钮,评论就不再是垃圾广告了。

    Find the comment , and click on the Not Spam button , and the comment is spam no longer .

  30. 相比传统广告(电视、广播、印刷品和广告牌),“点击付费”广告的好处不言自明。

    The benefits of the pay-per-click approach over traditional advertising ( television , radio , print and billboards ) are obvious .