
  1. 流了一点血,不要紧。

    There was just a little bleeding . Nothing serious .

  2. 不弄点血出来就不像一栋闹鬼的房子了。

    You can 't have a haunted HouseWithout spilling some blood .

  3. 他的衣领上有一点血斑。

    There was a speck of blood on his collar .

  4. 护士要从您胳膊上采点血。

    The nurse is coming to take some blood from your arm .

  5. 然后你需要在上面撒点血。

    Then you want to get some blood on there .

  6. 不给兔子抹点血,挂几个眼珠吗?

    You gonna put some blood on it , maybe dangle an eyeball ?

  7. 只是点血安娜你这是干什么我就知道

    It 's just blood , Anna.What are you doing ? I knew it .

  8. 彩色多普勒超声检测颅内动脉不同点血流速的差异

    Detecting thd Flow Velocity in Different Spot of Intracranial Arteries by Color Doppler Ultrasonography

  9. 只是一点血而已,那是净化仪式

    Some blood . It was a cleansing .

  10. 他们就抽一点血而已嘛。

    They 're just taking a little blood .

  11. 翌日,老农夫又去找智者,老农给他的马放了点血。

    The next day the old farmer went to the wise man 's house again .

  12. 老农给他的马放了点血。

    The old farmer bled his horse .

  13. 就找到船里有点血。

    Just some blood in the boat .

  14. 你是要我多做几次核磁共振,多抽点血……我需要更快的速度。

    You need more MRIS , more blood , or ... I need more speed .

  15. 你要流点血才知道什么是血,才知道心脏还在跳动。

    You gotta bleed to know there 's blood , To know your heart is beating .

  16. 我们先给他喂了点血当时他还拿着指南针狐假虎威呢

    We slipped him some blood when he started getting all poser slayer with that comps .

  17. 相比于给经济放血,它看起来更热衷于给它输血。老农给他的马放了点血。

    It seems keener on blood transfusions than on bloodletting . The old farmer bled his horse .

  18. 你什么时候回学校快了拜托来继续喝点血吧拜托

    When you goin ' back to school ? Soon.Oh , come on . Just drink already.Come on .

  19. 进食状态下不同时间点血中标记氨基酸浓度和丰度差异性分析

    Analysis of Concentration and Enrichment of Labeled Amino Acid in Blood at Different Time Points in Feed State

  20. 但是回家后我看见左脚踝上有点血。

    But after I came back home , I saw my left ankle covered with a bit of blood .

  21. 刺一下,它会象征性地出一点血,而其他经济体都在大出血。

    Prick it , and it will duly release a token amount of blood while peers are haemorrhaging copiously .

  22. 目的:观察脾虚证模型大鼠造模不同时间点血中胃肠激素含量的变化。

    Objective : To observe gastroenteric hormones content changes of blood in model rat of spleen-qi deficiency during different modelling time points .

  23. 我要回店里,往墙上浇点血,好讨麦克斯欢心。

    I 'm gonna go over to my store and put blood on the walls , so Max will like it more .

  24. 背俞穴刺络放血治疗痤疮的临床研究老农给他的马放了点血。

    The Clinical Study of Using Blood-vessel Pricking to Bleed at the Back-shu Points for Treat Acne The old farmer bled his horse .

  25. 我自己缝合…腹部枪伤的时候溅了点血在胶卷上面…但二十五号是我拍得最好的一�

    I spilled some blood on it ... while self-stitching a gun wound to my abdomen ... but number is my best ever .

  26. 早已习以为常了,每次跟它玩都得准备流点血。

    That 's one thing I 've made peace with : every time I play with him I 'm prepared to bleed a little bit .

  27. 结果:单次静脉注射异丙酚起效时间、各时间点血药浓度两组间无显著差异(P>0.05);

    RESULTS : The effect onset time and the blood propofol concentrations at different time points had no statistical difference ( P > 0.05 ) .

  28. 秘诀就是握着硬币的手会比另外一只一些,因为它失去了一点血。

    The secret is that hand that was on the head will be paler than the other because it lost a little blood do to gravity .

  29. 当时我想到向师父祈求,于是在家中默默打坐,请师父帮忙。结果奇迹出现了,女儿在手术过程中,没有流一点血!

    I then thought of praying to master for help , began meditating at home and next a miracle occurredmy daughter experienced no bleeding during her surgery !

  30. 维吉尔:当然!毕竟我们流着相同的血,我正好也让你流点血来解除爸爸的小咒语。

    Vergil : Why not ? After all we share the same blood . I 'll just use more of yours to undo daddy 's little spell .