
  • 网络File Association
  1. 无法恢复某些默认文件关联。

    Unable to restore some default file associations .

  2. 这是通过把文件关联标记添加到应用程序清单文件中来实现的。

    This is done by adding a file association tag to the applications manifest file .

  3. AtomTable在文件关联多文档操作中的应用

    Application of Atom Table in the File-association Multifiles Operation

  4. 获得了与映射文件关联的示例输入文件后,可以使用TestMap视图来测试映射文件。

    Once you have a sample input file associated with the map file , you can use the Test Map view to test the map file .

  5. 由其他公司创建的office解决方案也可能在与文件关联的自定义属性中包含您的姓名或其他个人信息。

    Office solutions created by other companies may also include your name or other personal information in the custom properties associated with your file .

  6. VFP和VB编程实现文件关联

    Realization of Relation Between Files by VFP and VB Programming

  7. 要运行此脚本,.pl扩展名应该与Perl可执行文件关联。

    To run the script , the . pl extension should be associated with the Perl executable .

  8. 通过将单个的ClearQuest活动与这套修饰过的用来满足那项活动的文件关联起来,您就可以获取一个变更集。

    By associating individual ClearQuest activities with the set of files modified to satisfy that activity , you are capturing a change set .

  9. 返回与指定的项目文件关联的。

    Returns the project object associated with the specified project file .

  10. 返回表示与指定文件关联的版本信息的。

    Representing the version information associated with the specified file .

  11. 启动与文件关联的程序

    Launching a program associated with a file

  12. 文件关联是应用程序安装注册的重要内容。

    Relation between files is an important content of installation and registry of an application .

  13. 具体地说,需要把至少一个云组与这个概要文件关联起来。

    Specifically , you need to associate at least one cloud group with the profile .

  14. 为了实现前面列出的部署目标,把两个云组与这个概要文件关联起来。

    To accomplish the deployment goals listed earlier , associate two cloud groups with your new profile .

  15. 没有和指定文件关联的应用程序。用文件管理器创建一个关联。

    No application is associated with the specified file . Create an association by using File Manager .

  16. 记住在将概要文件关联到一个项目之前您不能开始使用这个集成。

    Remember you cannot start using this integration until you can associate the profile to the project .

  17. 与每个可执行文件关联两个特权集:潜在特权集和许可特权集。

    Privilege sets are defined for an executable file : the potential privilege set and the granted privilege set .

  18. 由于邮箱目前未与当前脱机文件夹文件关联,因此无法访问邮箱。

    This mailbox cannot be accessed because it is not the mailbox associated with the current offline folder file .

  19. 在部署组编辑器中,可以修改工件部署次序、错误处理行为和服务器概要文件关联。

    From the Deployment Group editor you can modify the artifact deployment order , error handling behavior , and Server Profile associations .

  20. 请从列表中选择某设备以与配置文件关联。如果没有合适的设备,请取消并进行无关联安装。

    Select one of the devices below to associate with your profile . If none of the devices are appropriate , cancel and install without an association .

  21. 重点研究文件关联、内存资源回收等关键技术,并采用C++实现。

    Furthermore , some key technologies are especially studied , such as file relevancy and recovery of the EMS memory resource , which are all realized by C + + .

  22. 该模型以地学图形数据库与属形数据文件关联共存的方式,解决了地图要素的计算机压缩存贮与分析处理问题。

    The models solve the problems of computer compressing store and analysis and processing for map elements , with relationship and coexistence of geo graphics database and geo attribute data files .

  23. 至于处理器能力,如果按照搜索需要对与文件关联的元数据正确建立了索引(仅命中索引),则处理器需求往往与用户的负载呈线性比例关系。

    As for processor power , if the metadata associated with a file is properly indexed to the searches ( hitting only the indexes ), then processor needs tend to scale linearly with the user load .

  24. 每个XSLTransformation原语都与一个映射文件相关联,该文件描述将对输入XML进行的转换。

    Each XSL Transformation primitive is associated with a map file that describes the transformations to be made to the input XML .

  25. 面向服务架构(SOA)应用程序经常需要程序相关数据与应用程序中的ExtensibleMarkupLanguage(XML)文件相关联。

    Service-oriented architecture ( SOA ) applications often require application-related data associated with the Extensible Markup Language ( XML ) files used in the application .

  26. 报表在与csv文件格式关联的应用程序中打开。

    The report opens in an application associated with CSV file formats .

  27. 这个工具可以与kvm模块协同工作,使用/dev/kvm来加载客户操作系统,将它与虚拟磁盘(主机操作系统中的一个普通文件)关联起来,然后启动客户操作系统。

    This utility works with the kvm module , using / dev / kvm to load a guest , associate it with the virtual disk ( a regular file in the host operating system ), and then boot it .

  28. 对概要文件中关联类的每一个原型都重复上述这些步骤,使用原型名来替换“stereotypeName”的每一个实例。

    Repeat these steps for every stereotype on an association class in your profile , replacing every instance of " stereotypeName " with your stereotype name .

  29. 没有应用程序与此操作的指定文件有关联。

    No application is associated with the specified file for this operation .

  30. 文件名关联不完整或无效。

    The file name association is incomplete or not valid .