
  • 网络subjectivity of literature
  1. 新时期文学主体性话语弥漫深层探析

    A Study of the Subjectivity of Literature in the New Era discourse

  2. 知识分子面对自身的不断边缘化期望通过抢夺话语权回归文化中心,这导致了文学主体性话语的被冷落。

    Intellectuals ' wish to return to the culture center by seizing discourse power leaves the theme of subjectivity of literature neglected .

  3. 文学主体性理论趋势梳理和深层反思

    The Trends Carding in " Literary Subjectivity " and Deep Reflection

  4. 文学主体性命题及其理论蕴涵读解

    On the Proposition of Literary Subjectivity and Its Theoretical Inclusion

  5. 文学主体性话语边缘化的深层探析

    An In-depth Analysis of Discourse Marginalization in Literary Subjectivity

  6. 第三章主要介绍了文学主体性理论论争的发展过程。

    Chapter ⅲ introduces the development process of the " literary subjectivity " controversy .

  7. 开拓外国文学主体性研究的新方向

    A New Approach to Literary Subjective Study

  8. 文学主体性命题的根本蕴涵在于对个体主体性的确证和伸张;

    The essential inclusion of the literature subjectivity theory lies in ratifying and emphasizing individual subjectivity ;

  9. 文学主体性是新时期以来文学创作与理论建设中的一个重要问题。

    " The literature subjectivity " is an important problem of the literature creations and the theories constructions since new period .

  10. 在巨大的困厄面前我们必须强调现代性意义下的少数民族文学主体性建构。

    So in this solution , we must emphasize constructing the sense of identity of ethnic minority literature under the modernity meaning .

  11. 从历史的发展来看,姚雪垠的历史小说和刘再复的文学主体性理论都是我们当代文学的重要文学资源。

    From a historical perspective , Both Yao 's historical novel and Liu 's theory of subjectivity are important resources in contemporary literature .

  12. 后现代主义对“元话语”的反对以及对传统人道主义的颠覆对文学主体性话语的发展完善起着制约作用。

    Meantime , post-modernity both objects to metadiscourse and subverts traditional humanism , which restricts the development and improvement of the theory of subjectivity of literature .

  13. 文学主体性出现的历史必然为其话语的弥漫提供了基础,而与政治意识形态的一致是确定它成为主流话语的重要因素。

    It is historical and inevitable as the " subjectivity of literature " appears to offer possibility for it , with political ideology and conspiracy , it has determined the discourse position of main stream .

  14. 正是这场论争,使得文学主体性由实践上升到理论,并成为新时期文学理论发展链条上不可忽视的一环。

    Exactly this contestation , make " the literature subjectivity " been risen the theories by the fulfillment , and become the new period literature theories history chain up a wreath that can 't neglect .

  15. 文学主体性在历史生活推动下,与人的主体意识一道发展,经历了历史性变迁,代表着文学的历史水平。

    Literary subjective develops together with the consciousness of human being and experiences the historical changes under the pushing forward of the historical social life , and it represents the historical standard of literature development .

  16. 但是,文学主体性理论还是有其局限性的,这体现在:文学主体性的主体脱离了客观实践;其对于文艺本质的认识是有局限性的;而且某些概念属性涵义的表述不够准确。

    But , this theory has its limitations . This is reflected in the below : the subjectivity is out of objective practice , its understanding of the nature of literature and art has the limitation and the expression of some concepts is not accurate enough .

  17. 中西浪漫主义文学的主体性和理想问题

    The Subjective and Ideal Problems of Chinese and Western Romantic Literature

  18. 文学翻译主体性研究对整个翻译研究具有重要的学术意义。

    The study of literary translation subjectivity exerts important academic significance to the translation studies .

  19. 文学主体间性的审美生成,没有生成,就没有主体间性。

    ( B ) Aesthetic generation of literature inter-subjectivity . There is no generation , there will not be inter-subjectivity .

  20. 文学主体间性的审美超越性,真正的美在于其超越性,从有限到无限,从自我到他人。

    ( C ) Aesthetic transcendence of literature inter-subjectivity . Real beauty lies in its transcendence , from finite to infinite , from self to the other .

  21. 第一章阐述了翻译研究的文化转向是文学翻译主体性研究的背景和动因,文化是本课题的研究视野,是论文运用相关理论和方法的基本出发点。

    It first describes the cultural turn of Translation Studies as the background and motivation for the study of the literary translation subjectivity and indicates that culture is the overall research perspective for the study and it is also the starting point for the present study .

  22. 传记文学的人文主体性与当代意识&兼论柳虬的史传理论

    Humanism and Sense of Contemporary in Biographic Literature Sports Literature

  23. 自主·主动·创造&谈当代文学教学中学生主体性的弘扬

    Promoting students ' subjective activity in teaching contemporary literature

  24. 当代文学教学:主体性与主体间性

    Contemporary Literature Teaching : Subjectivity and Inter-subjectivity

  25. 文学中的主体性原则要求在文学活动中恢复人的主体地位,以人为中心,为目的。

    The subjectivity principle of literature demands to recovery subject status of human and regard human as the center and the aim in literary action .

  26. 现代阐释学视野下的文学文本翻译者的主体性问题

    Hermeneutics and the Understanding of the Literary Translator 's Subjectivity

  27. 第一章对文学翻译和译者主体性的内涵分别进行了论述;

    Chapter One expounds connotations of literary translation and the translator 's subjectivity respectively .

  28. 在强调文学翻译的译者主体性的同时,必须看到译者主体性有着明显的限度。

    While emphasizing the subjectivity of translators in literary translation , we have to be aware of its limitation .

  29. 文学价值标准具有主体性、客观性、通约性的特点,也即它必包含着社会性内涵。

    The standard of literature value possesses the features of subjectivity , objectivity and commensurability , which indicates that it is of sociability .

  30. 对文学史主体及主体性的界定,可从以下几点入手:首先认识到文学史内涵的双重性特征;

    The definition of the main body or subject of literary history can be started with the followings : first , an understanding of the double connotations of literary history ;