
  • 网络Cultural customs;culture and customs
  1. 古希腊同性恋现象的产生与其社会政治结构、宗教、文化风俗有着密切的关联,在道德和法律的范畴下,希腊人将这一现象制度化。

    The generation of homosexuality in ancient Greece and its socio-political structure , religion , culture and customs are closely linked , in the context of ethical and legal , the Greeks will institutionalize the phenomenon .

  2. 我所说的是一系列文化风俗。

    I 'm speaking to a set of Cultural Praxis and mores .

  3. 糟糕的是,美国的学校很少教授其他国家的文化风俗。

    Unfortunately , little is taught about the cultures or customs of other countries in American schools .

  4. 其二,全面考虑了56个民族在发展水平和文化风俗上存在的多样性和差异性;其三,深刻总结了我们历史上处理民族问题的经验教训;

    Second , a complete consideration of diversity of experiences and lessons in handling problems of nationalities .

  5. 七夕节日的文化风俗及其所反映的思想感情,典型地体现了封建社会的家庭夫妇伦理关系。

    Its customs and the thoughts it reflected typically embodies the connubial ethical relation of the feudal society .

  6. 由于文化风俗、地理位置、历史传统、思维习惯等的不同,颜色词在英汉语言中也就具有不同的联想意义和文化内涵。

    They convey different feelings and cultural connotations due to different customs , geography , tradition and habits .

  7. 吴语小说是吴文化风俗的鲜艳花朵,它的背后蕴涵着深广的吴文化风俗内涵。

    There are many aspects concerning the custom of Wu culture in Wuyu novels such as the admiration Subai and Su-prostitute .

  8. 方言词的特定语义内容,例如,方言词的贬义色彩、方言词的文化风俗内涵等。

    Finally we talk about the specifical meaning of dialect vocabulary , such as its derogatory sense and something about cultural custom .

  9. 她问了我很多关于加拿大和美国的问题,那里的文化风俗怎么样?她可以在那里学到什么?

    She asked me many questions about Canada and America , what the culture was like there and what she could expect .

  10. 但是,它们受到各种因素的制约。如当地文化风俗、习惯;经济消费能力;施工技术水平等。

    But they are subject to various factors , such as local culture , customs and habits ; economic affordability ; construction technology .

  11. 根据阿富汗的文化风俗,除了新郎和新娘之外,妇女必须与男性隔离。

    In accordance with Afghan culture the men are required to be segregated from the women with the exception of the bride and groom .

  12. 有关专家表示,中国人缺少获取国外文化风俗以及国际行为准则的信息渠道。

    According to experts , Chinese people lack access to information regarding the cultural customs of foreign countries , as well as international behavior guidelines .

  13. 汉代是中国历史上原始社会与封建社会的交界点,多种文化风俗于此时得以碰撞与融合。

    Han Dynasty is the junction point of the primitive society and feudal society in Chinese history , a variety of social customs and culture collection .

  14. 他们操持不同的语言,携带不同的文化风俗,代表着世界上不同的民族,不同的肤色和不同的宗教信仰。

    They come speaking different languages , bringing with them diverse cultures and customs , and representing the world 's various nationalities , colors and creeds .

  15. 汉代婚姻在多种社会文化风俗的共同作用下呈现出多元化的时代特点。

    Han Dynasty marriage under the combined effect for the interaction of various social and cultural customs , showing a wide range of characteristics of the times .

  16. 分别分析了交通与政治、军事、经济、文化风俗的关系以及对后世交通状况的影响。

    This part separately analyzed the relations between transportation and politics , military affairs , economy and cultures and customs , and how these would affect future transportations .

  17. 现代化的世界是多元融合与创新,因而了解各国的文化风俗与国际礼仪是现代人的一门重要学程。

    A.It is important for us to understand each country 's cultural customs and the international etiquette , for today the modernized world is more integrated and innovated . B.

  18. 课堂内外的一切经历使孩子们大量接触新鲜事物,参与各类活动,感受美国的文化风俗,并在此过程中不断学习英语。

    The experiences in and out of the classroom also expose students to new behavior and activities as they enjoy and learn from American cultural traditions , holidays and activities .

  19. 由于经济发展相对滞后、文化风俗和宗教信仰的差异以及地理区位等因素的影响,民族地区社会问题具有特殊性。

    Owing to the relevant backwardness of economic development , difference of cultural customs and religious beliefs , and geographical location , the social issues of ethnic minorities has its peculiar characteristics .

  20. 内蒙古中南部地区历来是中原人民与北方各族人民南北往来、农牧交融的前沿,又是各族人民经济物资彼此交换、文化风俗互相影响的南北主要通道之一,地理位置非常重要。

    The South central area of Inner Mongolia has been the leading edge of farming communications between people in the Central Plain and Northern China . It has also served as a major channel of trading and cultural communication for people of all nationalities .

  21. 我国有近9亿农民居住在农村,全国拥有300多万个村落和集镇,各地不同的自然环境、生产特点、生活习惯及民族文化风俗导致了农村聚居模式的巨大地域差异。

    There are about 900 million peasants living in rural area , and three million villages and towns are located in China . Different natural environments , production features , living habits , national cultural customs lead to enormous regional differences of rural settlement models .

  22. 本文从交际双方不同的文化风俗、不同的文化规约、不同的文化心理三个层面,有例有证地探讨了不同民族的语言文化环境和相同民族的亚文化环境对话语交际的消极干预。

    From the perspectives of different cultural customs , different cultural rules and different cultural mentality between both sides of communication , this article analyzes the negative intervention of language cultural environments of different nations and sub cultural environments of the same nation on conversational communication .

  23. 那些通过浏览网络,观看电视、DVD以及阅读书籍来了解不同国家、文化以及风俗的人就叫做“座椅游客”或者“神游族”。

    Someone who stays at home but experiences travel by surfing the Internet , watching TV , DVDs and reading books about different countries , cultures and customs are called armchair tourist .

  24. 6.我们将会参观一些著名大学,体验文化和风俗,去那里的名胜古迹观光。

    we will visit some famous universities , experience the culture and customs , and tour places of interest there .

  25. 清代广东的茶叶文化与风俗

    Tea Culture and Popular Customs in Guangdong during the Qing Dynasty

  26. 你知道不同的国家的不同的文化和风俗吗?

    Do you know different culture and customs in different countries ?

  27. 委婉语从独特的角度反映了一个民族的历史文化、风俗习惯。

    Euphemisms can reflect history , culture and customs of a nation .

  28. 北京市井文化和风俗民情引人关注;

    Beijing 's marketplace culture and folk customs are fascinating .

  29. 了解说英语国家的文化及风俗习惯。

    Know the culture and customs of English-speaking countries .

  30. 此外,他们断言欧洲的传统仍然是美国文化和风俗的中心。

    Moreover , they assert , European traditions remain central to American culture and institutions .