
zhǔ jiǎo fāng
  • calling party
主叫方[zhǔ jiǎo fāng]
  1. 识别到主叫方的被叫号码。

    Equipment identification code Identification of called line to calling party .

  2. 有时还会告诉你主叫方的名字。

    And sometimes it might tell you who 's actually calling .

  3. 主叫方几乎听不到前排乘客的声音。

    The caller can bearly hear the person on the front passenger 's side .

  4. 主叫方被转接至邮箱。

    Callers are forwarded to mailbox .

  5. 请确认从主叫方收到的信息,并挂断电话后,才这样做来电。

    Please confirm information received from the caller and hang up only after the caller has done so .