
  • 网络Main elements;key elements;staple
  1. 研究目的:在京津冀地区城际快速铁路网规划的基础上,结合城际铁路的客流特点及功能定位分析,着重分析论述这一区域形成规划的城际快速铁路网的主要要素。

    Research purposes : Based on the intercity rapid railway network plan and its characteristic of passenger flow & function of Beijing , Tianjin and Hebei , the paper analyzes the staple of its intercity rapid railway network plan .

  2. 浮力筒的设计是一个循环验证并逐步优化的过程,其设计的主要要素为长度、外径、舱室数目及中心管尺度。

    The design for buoyancy tank is a cyclic proof process ; the key elements are length , external diameter , number of cabins , and the dimension of core pipes .

  3. 建立RQ-PCR方法并对其主要要素进行优化,评价优化后RQ-PCR的敏感性、特异性和可靠性。

    After optimized the conditions , sensitivity , specificity and reliability were evaluated .

  4. 因此本文构建了旅游产品体验性设计的宏观RMP模式和以主题、情节、布景、角色和表演为主要要素的微观设计模式,并结合多个案例对这一新的模式进行分析与检验。

    This paper fabricates the macroscopic RMP mode and microcosmic design mode regarding the theme , plot , setting , role and performance as the main elements .

  5. 论述了中国中密度纤维板发展历程,阐明了我国MDF发展与市场、原料、生产技术等商品经济主要要素关联性以及存在的问题和解决的方法。

    This paper demonstrated the medium density fiberboard development course in China , and dealt with the correlations between MDF Development in China and the main commodity economy elements of market , raw material , and production technology , the existing problems , and the solving methods .

  6. 散货船主要要素交互设计程序系统

    An interactive program system for determining principal characteristics of bulk carriers

  7. 边坡主要要素对其安全系数影响的研究

    Study on the Impact of Slope Main Elements on Safety Factor

  8. 第二部分涵盖了对学习技术系统全部主要要素和环境的描述和分析,属于解构部分;

    Two analysis the elements and environments of the system ;

  9. 大中型集装箱船主要要素估算公式

    Estimating formula for large and middle - sized containership

  10. 美德伦理学的主要要素是什么?

    What are the main elements of virtue ethics ?

  11. 水汽和云是调节直接太阳吸收的主要要素。

    Water vapour and clouds are the primary variables modulating direct solar absorption .

  12. 双体气垫船主要要素对兴波性能的影响

    The Effect of Parameters of Air Cushion Assisted Catamaran ( ACAC ) on Wavemaking Characteristics

  13. 换挡点的控制和程序的自动变换的设计是它的一个主要要素。

    Designs for shift point control and automatic program changeover represent one main factor of this .

  14. 水循环主要要素的变化取决于气候条件的变化与人类活动的影响。

    The changes of water cycle elements depend closely on climate variations and human activity impacts .

  15. 本文论述一个用于初始设计阶段确定散货船主要要素的计算机程序系统。

    This papar deals with a program system for determining principal characteristics of bulk carriers in initial design stage .

  16. 土壤的温度与水分是影响农作物生长的重要因素,是农业气象观测的主要要素。

    The soil temperature and moisture is very important for crop growth and also the main factors of agricultural meteorological observation .

  17. 调查的主要要素是潮流,结合调查与之相关的环境条件和社会经济条件。

    The main element of the survey is tidal current , combined with the related environmental conditions and social economic conditions .

  18. 量规,包括对义务中主要要素入行描述的指标,也包括对指标中各层级等级所表示出来的才能的描述。

    Rubric includes criteria which describe the important elements of task and descriptions which reveal the capability of every level of performance .

  19. 其次,面向创新的项目导向型企业评价指标体系框架以其组织模型为基础,涵盖了企业创新活动组织管理的主要要素。

    Second , the frame of the assessment indicator system for the company should include the major factor of enterprise organization and management .

  20. 数据样本集是人工智能发展需要的主要要素,所以要求提供的数据样本集,应该是全面的、有效的集合。

    The data bank is the most important factor of artificial intelligence development , so the demanding data bank must be all-round , effective collection .

  21. 数字化学习资源是数字化学习的主要要素之一,是开展数字化学习的关键所在。

    Digital learning resources are one of the main elements of digital learning . It is a critical factor to carry on this learning style .

  22. 在艺术生产力构成中,传统的艺术生产力构成包括劳动者、劳动资料、劳动对象等主要要素。

    In the realm of trade , art productivity is composed of labor , working tools , the labor force , labor objects main elements .

  23. 人是构成社会组织的主要要素,有人存在的地方,就有对人教育管理问题。

    The human is one of main essential factors of social organizations . There is the problem of human education administration where there are humen .

  24. 第一,在明确小学、中学和大学各阶段语文教育目标核心后,讨论各阶段教育目标之间主要要素的衔接;

    The first one throws light upon the emphasis of every stage about Chinese education , discusses the connection of education goals between near stage .

  25. 现代物流管理的主要要素是信息、商贸、运输,其中信息是基础,商贸是载体,运输是保证。

    Modern enterprise management consists of information , business and transportation ; Information is the foundation , business is the carrier , transportation is the guarantee .

  26. 由于个人信息财产权制度广泛涉及道德、经济、法律领域,包含大量制度细节,本部分仅对该制度中的主要要素进行了讨论。

    Since the system broadly involves ethic , economic and legislation fields and contains massive institutional details , this part is limited to its principal factors .

  27. 接着,通过对长沙城市品牌及其传播现状的调查研究,梳理并整合长沙城市品牌的主要要素,对长沙城市品牌作了自己的定位。

    Secondly , studying the city brand and spread situation in Changsha to clean up and integrate the main resources of the city brand in Changsha .

  28. 不孕小穗率和千粒重与产量的相关性非常密切,是影响产量的主要要素。

    Spike sterility rate and thousand kernel weight ( TKW ) are the main factors affecting yield . A close relationship among these factors was found .

  29. 现代市场经济体制,是由市场主体、市场体系和国家宏观经济调控三个主要要素或者环节构成的。

    Modern market economy is determined by market players , the market system and national macroeconomic regulation and control , or part of three main elements of composition .

  30. 旅游景区是旅游系统食住行游购娱六个主要要素中的核心要素。

    The tourist attraction is the core element of the six major elements of the tourism system " food , housing , travel , shopping , entertainment " .