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  1. 电火花成形机工作油槽柔性升降系统设计

    Design of Flexible Work Tank Elevator for EDM Machine Tool

  2. 工程机械液力传动系统工作油的选用

    Correct Selection of the Operating Fluid in Hydrodynamic Drive System of Construction Machinery

  3. 简介了电火花成形机工作油槽柔性升降系统的工作原理及设计方法。

    The work principle and design method for flexible work tank elevator of EDM machine tool are briefly introduced .

  4. 同时通过实验研究讨论了工作油温度、负载大小及起动时间对调速起动的影响规律。

    The effects of working oil temperature , load and starting time on speed regulating start have also been studied experimentally .

  5. 本文以夏利轿车后减振器为例,介绍了拉压阻尼力与工作油经过活塞、底阀上的节流阀所产生的压力差之间的关系;

    Taking Charade rear absorber as an example , the structure of Charade absorber and the composition of resistance force is analyzed .

  6. 工作油系统是液力耦合器的关键环节,而工作油温问题时常影响液力耦合器的正常使用。

    Working oil system is the key part in variable speed turbo coupling , while the problem of working oil temperature does harm to running of variable speed turbo coupling sometimes .

  7. 文章主要介绍了机床液压装置工作油液的正确选择及使用管理中防漏、控制污染等方面的节能效果。

    This paper introduced with emphases on correct selection of working oil in machine tool hydraulic pressure system and energy saving effects of anti - leakage and pollution control in application management .

  8. 仿真结果表明,工作油液污染是制动系统发生故障的主要原因,而提高滤油器的精度和加强对油液污染的检测,则可降低油液污染所带来的危害。

    The simulation result indicated that the oil pollution is the main reason of brake system . Enhancing oil filter precision and strengthening measuring on oil pollution may reduce harm which the oil pollution brings .

  9. 考察了在不同脉冲频率时、工作油液流量大小不同时、油源供油压力不同时、每次产生脉冲个数多少不同等等情况下,量化单位的变化及其规律;

    The variation and its pattern for a quantization unit were considered when the pulse frequencies , the working oil flowrate , the working pressures and the numbers produced pulses each time operation were different .

  10. 分析了各种重要因素如球活塞与旋转缸体缸筒间隙、工作油液的压力以及缸体转速等对球塞副泄漏量的影响。

    And the influence of several important factors to leakage of ball piston pair ( clearance between ball piston and rotary cylinder block , pressure of working oil and speed of cylinder block etc. ) was analyzed .

  11. 在德克萨斯州、北达科他州等地工作的油企团体,与OPEC石油部长的会面迥然不同。后者会在维也纳的会议上决定减少或增加供应量。

    A group of oil companies working in Texas and North Dakota and elsewhere is far different from the gatherings of OPEC oil ministers that decide whether to cut or increase supply at meetings in Vienna .

  12. 装载机工作装置油气减振系统建模与仿真

    Modeling and Simulation for Hydropneumatic Vibration Reduction System of Loader Working Device

  13. 本文的研究工作对油气混输管线的合理设计、有效管理以及油田集输管路的经济运行有着重要意义。

    The paper is important for multiphase flow pipeline to design properly 、 administer effectively and run economically .

  14. 测量了此种真空规工作在油系统上的稳定性和起始稳定性。

    The stability of the gauge on an oil pump system and the earlier stability were also measured .

  15. 高速线材精轧机工作辊油膜轴承负荷特性的理论计算与实验研究

    Theoretical Calculation and Experimental Study of Load Property of Working Roll Oil Film Bearings of High-Speed Finishing Wire Mills

  16. 圈闭评价工作是油气资源评价的一部分,圈闭评价的直接效应是钻探;

    The evaluation of traps is a part of work in the evaluation of resources of petroleum and gas .

  17. 高速线材轧机工作辊油膜轴承频繁发生短寿烧损事故,严重困扰企业生产。

    The accident is always occurred , which is that work roll oil film bearing used in high-speed wire rolling mill has shorter longevity and is often burnt .

  18. 计算了装载机工作装置油气减振系统的固有频率,论述了蓄能器充气压力和负载变化对系统固有频率的影响。

    Natural frequency of oil-gas vibration damping system on loader work attachments is calculated . Influences of charging pressure of accumulator and load change on system natural frequency are discussed .

  19. 应用灰色系统理论,对油气地球化学勘探资料进行分析,在一定程度上反映出工作区油气分布规律。

    Using the theory of gray system , the authors analysed the data of oil and gas geochemical exploration , which reflect to some extent the oil and gas distribution regularity of the working district .

  20. 根据已知的工作区油膜厚度可分析得到工作区压应力和摩擦应力分布情况。

    The influence of such parameters as back tension stress , surface average speed , inlet angle and angle frequency on the distribution of film thickness , pressure stress and friction stress has been analyzed by calculation .

  21. 柴达木盆地为被祁连山、阿尔金山、昆仑山包围的山间盆地,上古生界地质研究工作和油气勘探程度较低。

    Qaidam Basin is surrounded by the Qilian Mountains , Altun Mountains and Kunlun Mountains . In this area , few geological research works and oil and gas exploration of low level in the upper Paleozoic have been done .

  22. 介绍了应用ADAMS仿真软件的建模方法,并对某型号装载机工作装置的油气减振系统建立了动力学仿真模型。

    This paper presents the modeling method of ADAMS simulation software . A dynamic model of hydropneumatic vibration reduction system of a specific loader working device is set up .

  23. 轧机工作辊轴承油气润滑技术应用分析

    Application of Oil-air Lubrication Technology in Work Roll Bearings of Cold Rolling Mill

  24. 在油气勘探开发工作中,油、气井测试是获取勘探成果的一项必不可少的重要环节。

    Well testing is the very important part in the reservoir exploration and exploitation .

  25. 本文的工作为潜油电泵机组故障诊断技术的研究提供了有益的思路。

    And the works of the paper provide useful ideas for fault diagnosis technology of ESP.

  26. 井间断层分析的研究,是油气储层地质研究的一项重要基础性工作,对油气的运移和聚集其中重要的控制作用。

    The analysis of strata between wells is fundamental in the study of oil and gas reservoirs .

  27. 海管的安全保障工作对开采油气资源、保护海洋生态环境都具有重要意义。

    The pipelines protection plays an important role in oil and gas resource exploitation and ocean environment protection .

  28. 测井解释中识别测井剖面上地层的岩性,尤其是储层的岩性,是石油勘探和开发中的一项重要的基础性工作,在油气层识别中不可或缺。

    The lithology identification of the reservoir , is an important work in the petroleum exploration and development .

  29. 搞清侵入岩体的分布形态与赋存,对凹陷下一步的勘探工作部署和油气综合评价是有意义的。

    To make clear the distribution pattern and occurence of intrusive rock mass is of significance for the next exploration work arrangement and hydrocarbon comprehensive evaluation .

  30. 对那些因激进环保局的激进规定而失去工作机会的油气行业工人们,我父亲正在为你们而选举。

    To the oil and gas industry worker denied a job because of radical regulations from a radical EPA , my father is running for you .