
  • 网络industrial ceramics;industry ceramics
  1. 自蔓延高温合成(SHS)是目前被广泛开发用于工业陶瓷和其它先进材料制备的一种独特的先进工艺技术。

    Self-Propagating High Temperature Synthesis ( SHS ) is a novel processing technique currently being developed as a route for the production of engineering ceramics and other advanced materials .

  2. 工业陶瓷制品设备在矿山企业中的应用

    Application of Industrial Equipment Using Ceramic Parts in Mine Enterprise

  3. 我国工业陶瓷窑炉大多以煤炭为燃料。

    The fuel of most industrial ceramic kilns depends on coal in China .

  4. 由于膜片采用高性能的工业陶瓷,因而使传感器具有很强的抗冲击及抗过载能力。

    Because diaphragm adopts high functional industrial ceramic , sensor is significantly shock-proof and overload-proof .

  5. 文中对该方法的基本原理、基础试验以及新设计的电火花工业陶瓷钻头作了介绍。

    Its fundamental principle and testing method , and the drill specially designed are all introduced in detail .

  6. 出口:晶闸管、功率模块、固态继电器、整流桥及工业陶瓷、工业电炉、焊机和开关设备。

    Export : thyrister , power module , SSR , rectifier bridge , industrial ceramic and furnace , welding machine and switch .

  7. 本公司是江苏省工商联工业陶瓷同业商会常务理事单位,长期和国内高校的著名专家教授研讨,致力于新型高技术陶瓷的应用开发。

    The company is a standing director member of ceramic General Chamber business association and cooperates with college technology experts to develop advanced structure ceramic products .

  8. 介绍了各种复合材料、胶粘剂、高分子材料和工业陶瓷等非金属材料的性能及其在卫星结构中的应用情况。

    The feature and application in satellite structure of nonmetal materials such as composite , adhesive agent , high polymer and industrial ceramic were introduced in this paper .

  9. 但是,现在中国无论是在工业陶瓷还是在艺术陶瓷上的发展都不容乐观,发展陶艺基础教学意义重大。

    Normal professional students through the limited time to learn pottery making , pottery for the future in teaching and learning activities to lay the foundation , it is particularly important .

  10. 主要的研究成果如下:(1)对煅烧铝矾土组成、结构及性能的研究结果表明,煅烧铝矾土为一种优良的陶瓷原料,适合制备高强度、耐高温的工业陶瓷制品。

    The main conclusions of the above researches are listed as follows : ( 1 ) Calcined bauxite , as an excellent raw material for producing ceramics , is suitable for preparing industrial ceramic products with a high strength and high-temperature resistance .

  11. 介绍陶瓷过滤机的原理、特点及国内应用实践;利用过滤面积1m3的小型工业试验陶瓷过滤机对冶炼渣选矿厂铜精矿进行工业试验,探讨其可行性。

    The article introduces ceramic filter 's principle , character , application , and completed industrial test for using minitype industrial ceramic filters with 1 ㎡ filtrating area to filtrate copper concentrate produced from smelting slag in concentrating mills to discuss its feasibility .

  12. 面向过程工业的陶瓷膜制备与应用进展

    Recent advances in process-engineering oriented preparation and application of ceramic membranes

  13. 工业炉陶瓷纤维炉衬及其优化设计

    Ceramic fiber lining and its design of industry furnace

  14. 实验室或工业用陶瓷过滤器

    Ceramic filter for laboratory or industrial purposes

  15. 湿法控制工业燃煤陶瓷窑炉黑烟的新方法研究

    The Research on the New Control Methods of the Black Smoke from the Industrial Coal-burning Ceramic Kiln

  16. 石油化工泵用过滤器选用、检验及验收实验室或工业用陶瓷过滤器

    Specification for selection , inspection and acceptance of strainer for pump in petrochemical industry ceramic filter for laboratory or industrial purposes

  17. 主营产品或服务:进口工业皮带陶瓷,金属,塑料填料进口工具进口轴承。

    Main Product or Service : imports of industrial belt , ceramics , metal , plastic filler import tools import bearings .

  18. 我厂还承接各种耐高温,耐磨,耐腐蚀的工业精细陶瓷生产,加工订货业务。

    The factory a variety of high temperature endurable rub , endurable corrode with occupation precision ceramic produce , process and subscribe business too .

  19. 利用过滤面积1m2的小型工业试验陶瓷过滤机对冶炼渣选矿厂铜精矿进行工业试验,探讨其可行性。

    A small-scale industrial testing ceramic filter of 1 m 2 filtering area was used in testing copper concentrate from slag concentrator to investigate the feasibility .

  20. 与其它印刷方式相比,网版印刷有众多独特的优势,被广泛应用于电子工业、陶瓷贴花工业、包装装潢、广告等行业。

    Compared with other printing methods , screen printing has many own advantages , is used widely in electron industry 、 ceramic decals industry , packaging and decoration industry , advertisement industry and so on .

  21. 采用自蔓延高温合成法(SHS),用硫酸渣代替工业铁粉生产陶瓷涂层。

    The ceramic coating was produced with sulfuric acid dregs instead of industrial ferri powder by SHS .

  22. 化学工业用耐酸陶瓷–有圆锥法兰的t型管

    Conical flanged t-pipes of acid proof porcelains for chemical industry

  23. 化学工业用耐酸陶瓷试验方法

    Testing method of acid proof porcelain for chemical industry

  24. 燃料工业炉用陶瓷与熔融盐复合蓄热材料的制备

    Preparation of New Heat Storage Materials Combined with Ceramic & Molten Salt Applied to Industrial Fuel-fired Furnace

  25. 公司主要经营各类传动部件,有轴承及轴承配件,工业皮带,陶瓷、橡胶、塑料结构件等。

    Our products cover , but not limit to , bearings , bearing accessories , industrial belts , ceramic components , rubber components , plastic components .

  26. 我们曾经打电话给轻工业品公司陶瓷器部,但他们说客户并未要求承保破碎险。

    We rang up the ceramics section of the light industrial products corporation but were told that their customer had not asked for a cover of the risk of breakage .

  27. 提出了采用工业机器人快速制造陶瓷熔射原型的方法。

    A new method for robotic manufacturing ceramic prototype was developed .

  28. 陶瓷工业的几种低温陶瓷原料

    Several raw materials of low temperature ceramics in ceramic industry

  29. 利用含钴工业废料研制黑色陶瓷颜料水彩一种水溶性颜料

    Utilizing Industrial Waste Containing Cobalt to Produce Black Ceramic Pigment

  30. 利用工业废物改进卫生陶瓷泥浆的性能

    Improvement of the Properties of Ceramic Slurry for Sanitary Ceramics through Industrial Wastes