
yāo guài
  • monster;demon;goblin;bogy
妖怪 [yāo guài]
  • (1) [monster;goblin;demon]

  • (2) 怪异、反常的事物与现象

  • (3) 旧指草木、动物等变成的精灵

  • 天下哪有妖怪

妖怪[yāo guài]
  1. 他喜欢一味捉弄一个名叫凯列班的丑妖怪。

    He took too much pleasure in tormenting an ugly monster called Caliban .

  2. 我能看见一个多毛妖怪。

    I can see a hairy monster .

  3. 妖怪来了!

    The bogeyman 's coming !

  4. 麦克风没有了声音,似乎小妖怪又把设备弄坏了。

    The microphones went dead as if the technical gremlins had struck again .

  5. 他们不愿被这个东部的女妖怪吃掉。

    They would not be devoured by this gorgon of the East .

  6. 他那善良又足智多谋的妻子不可能是什么妖怪。

    His kindhearted , resourceful wife was not a demon .

  7. 不管她是不是妖怪,他依然很开心能见到自己的妻子。

    Demon or not , he was still happy to see his wife .

  8. 那个妖怪听见了噪音。

    The monster hears a noise .

  9. 不久之后,一位叫做法海的和尚接近许仙,警告他家中住着妖怪。

    Shortly after , a monk3 named Fa Hai approached Xu Xian , warning him that there was a demon4 in his house .

  10. 他要许仙在五月五日让白素贞喝下雄黄酒,那是妖怪法力最虚弱的时刻。

    He told Xu Xian to serve his wife realgar wine on the fifth day of the fifth month , when demons5 ' powers are weakest .

  11. 《口袋妖怪GO》真正改变了行业局势。

    Pok é mon Go is a real game-changer .

  12. 《口袋妖怪Go》现在已经成为一种夏日潮流。

    Pokemon Go has become a summer phenomenon .

  13. 在巴西时把《口袋妖怪Go》的软件关掉。

    Keep the Pok é mon Go app closed while you 're in Brazil .

  14. 和过去的基于手机应用的游戏不同,《口袋妖怪Go》以诱导孩子和成人通过走路玩游戏的方式进行锻炼而广受赞誉。

    Unlike past app-based games , Pokemon Go is being credited with coaxing kids and adults to exercise by having to walk to play .

  15. 库克表示,《口袋妖怪Go》现象表明“增强现实(AR)可能前景广阔”。

    The Pok é mon Go phenomenon shows that " AR can be huge , " Mr Cook said .

  16. 美国消防部门上周四声称,在北部的圣迭戈市,两男子在玩儿《口袋妖怪Go》时,不幸跌入海边的悬崖,并受到了中度损伤。

    Two men suffered moderate injuries when they tumbled off a seaside cliff north of San Diego while reportedly playing Pokemon Go , fire officials said last Thursday .

  17. 经纪商Needham&Co的分析师估计,今后两年仅仅从《口袋妖怪Go》一项产品中,苹果就可能获得逾30亿美元的营收——苹果对应用内购买项目收入收取30%的分成。

    Analysts at brokerage Needham & Co estimate Apple could make more than $ 3bn in revenues over the next two years from Pok é mon Go alone .

  18. 《口袋妖怪钻石。珍珠》将在DS这一平台发行,这已经得到确认,一如既往,游戏将分两个版本一同发行。

    DS is confirmed to be the platform for D / P , and like before , both games will come out together .

  19. SpotMessage的目标人群是那些希望在死后为他们的爱人、亲人留下视频和照片的人。和口袋妖怪一样,这里的虚拟图像和真实环境相结合。

    The Spot Message app is aimed at people looking to leave videos and photos for their loved-ones to discover after they 've passed away and mixes virtual images with real-life landscapes , just like Pokemon Go .

  20. 院方表示,如果“口袋妖怪”游戏对周围的环境造成较大困扰,它会让任天堂用GPS确定虚拟道馆的所在地,把道馆从现在的地址挪走。

    It said if Pokemon Go becomes a major nuisance it would ask Nintendo - which decides on the locations of the virtual gyms according using GPS - to have it removed from the premises .

  21. 在infinity中,你在没有尽头的迷宫中漫游,会碰到妖怪,可以搜集金币,同巫师战斗,用芳香树脂医治美女。

    Infinity-in infinity , you wander around an infinite maze , hacking up monsters , collecting gold , and hitting on cute pixelated Shinto anime healer chicks .

  22. 在他心中占据首要地位的是苹果通过CarPlay初步涉足汽车业务,用AppleTV占领人们的客厅,还有人工智能和《口袋妖怪Go》(PokémonGo)式的“增强现实”。

    Top of his mind were Apple 's early forays into cars through CarPlay and the living room with Apple TV , as well as artificial intelligence and Pok é mon Go-style " augmented reality . "

  23. 上周,英国北中部大学医院NHS信托医院允许其病患在病房内玩“口袋妖怪”游戏,因为四处走走有益于身体健康。

    The University Hospitals of North Midlands Trust agreed last week that patients can play Pokemon Go on wards because walking around is healthy .

  24. 在目睹游戏机方面的竞争对手任天堂(Nintendo)享受《口袋妖怪GO》(PokémonGO,又译精灵宝可梦GO)这款增强现实(AR)游戏带来的惊人成功后,索尼(Sony)计划积极推进手机游戏。

    Sony is set to push aggressively into mobile gaming , having watched from the sidelines as its console rival Nintendo enjoyed meteoric success with the Pok é mon Go augmented reality ( AR ) game .

  25. 坦白地说,F-Type纯粹为欲望而设计,或像是世界上最愤怒的口袋妖怪(Pokemon)。

    Straight on , the F-Type looks like pure appetite , or the world 's angriest Pok é mon .

  26. 他在2003年对英国《卫报》(Guardian)说,这就像是妖怪从瓶子里逃了出来,完全开始以自己的方式行动,向我不希望看到的方向行动。

    ' It was like a genie out of the bottle , and it began to walk all on its own and in directions I did not want , ' he told Britain 's Guardian newspaper in 2003 .

  27. 英国斯托克大学皇家医院发现其病房成为了“口袋妖怪”(现实增强宠物养成对战类RPG手游)的道馆,玩家可在道馆中训练其新捕捉的任天堂精灵。

    Royal Stoke University Hospital discovered that its casualty unit is on the same spot as a Pokemon Go ' gym " - where players can train their newly caught Nintendo creatures .

  28. 下月,该公司将开始在全球推出新款Phab2Pro手机,这款手机的某些功能应该会吸引《口袋妖怪Go》和其它“增强现实”游戏的玩家。

    Next month the company will begin the global launch of its new Phab 2 Pro phone , which has been designed with features that should appeal to players of Pok é mon Go and other " augmented reality " games .

  29. 口袋妖怪的风行使得增强现实技术近来很流行。这款受口袋妖怪启迪的新手机软件叫做SpotMessage,是一家日本墓葬公司RyoshinSekizai董事长YoshiyukiKatori的创意。该公司位于日本千叶县。

    Named Spot Message , the new Pokemon Go-inspired app is the brainchild of Yoshiyuki Katori , president of Ryoshin Sekizai , a tombstone company based in Katori , Japan 's Chiba prefecture .

  30. 全球最大的个人电脑制造商联想(Lenovo)的董事长兼首席执行官乐观地认为,该集团能够借助《口袋妖怪Go》(PokémonGo)等热门游戏,“彻底扭转”其处于紧要关头的智能手机部门。

    Lenovo , the world 's largest manufacturer of personal computers , is optimistic that it can " completely turn round " its critical smartphone unit with help from Pok é mon Go and other popular games , according to the group 's chairman and chief executive .