
yāo yàn
  • pretty and coquettish
妖艳 [yāo yàn]
  • [pretty and coquettish] 异常艳丽而不端庄

妖艳[yāo yàn]
  1. 那件大衣使她显得十分妖艳。

    That coat made her look so tarty .

  2. 她精心地把脚指甲涂成妖艳的红色或橙色。

    She took care to paint her toe nails a lurid red or orange .

  3. 她不妖艳,她常有一颗善良的心。

    She does not flirtatious , she often a good heart .

  4. 披上了妖艳和充满活力色彩的秋天。

    Summer days give way to a stunning and vibrant display of colors .

  5. 花儿有了你,美丽更加妖艳。

    You reveal the beauty and charm of flowers .

  6. 这样的新娘美容,妖艳又不失纯真,讨人喜欢。

    This Beauty treatment makes Brides sensual and likaBle , But not far from innocent .

  7. 我有一个妖艳的情妇,但我觉得一无所有。

    I 'd got a brilliant son , but I 'd felt I had nothing .

  8. 霍丽是个妖艳的女孩。

    Holly was a glamour girl .

  9. 那个女人打扮得很妖艳。

    The woman is seductively dressed .

  10. 曼珠沙华是罪孽。美丽,妖艳,虽然绝望,可它仍然分发出罂粟的芳香。

    The red spider lilies symbolize sin . Beautiful , enchanting althoughdesperate , they diffuse poppy-like fragrance .

  11. 作为恋人,双子座的非常妖艳的身体,他们喜欢触摸和亲吻。

    As lovers , Gemini 's are very flirtatious and physical , they like touching and kissing .

  12. adj.肉感的现今,妖艳的女演员似乎比智慧型的女演员吃香。

    voluptuous Nowadays an actress with voluptuous beauty seems to be more popular than the one with intelligent looks .

  13. 美丽女孩当然连脚指甲也不会放过,美丽的脚性感妖艳,要把它打扮得五光十色才好!

    Beautiful girls even toenails certainly will not miss , beautiful feet sexy pretty and flirtatious , it should only multicolored dress !

  14. 敲开锦绣青荷座1501门时,她看到了一张妖艳的脸。

    She knocked at the room 1501 Qinghe Jinxiu district . When the door was opened , she saw an enchanting face .

  15. 沉沉的黑暗影射出罂粟般妖艳的触角,空气中飘浮着暧昧的气息。

    Mapping out the dark of the dark tentacles of the opium poppy as glamorous floating in the air with an ambiguous atmosphere .

  16. 容或妖艳,容或清丽,欣然接受生命真情的彩妆。错误经不起失败,但是真理却不怕失败。

    Be it rich , be it plain , gladly accept the true color of life with delight . Wrong cannot afford defeat but Right can .

  17. 我真的不知道如果我失去了它我能做什么,这样的新娘美容,妖艳又不失纯真,讨人喜欢。

    I really don 't know what I 'd do if I lost it , This Beauty treatment makes Brides sensual and likaBle , But not far from innocent .

  18. 每个孩子都佩戴大型金色头饰,脸上化着妖艳的浓妆,顿足有力,手势纤柔。

    All the children were decked out in gold and massive headdresses , decorated in fierce drag queen makeup , with powerful stamping feet and graceful , feminine fingers .

  19. 豪门,既然有豪门就会有玩世不恭的富家公子,既然有富家公子就会有模样妖艳妄想加入豪门的漂亮女子。

    Wealthy , since there will be a cynical wealthy wealthy son , since there will be a wealthy son joined the giants look like sexy beautiful woman delusional .

  20. 她们使原本苍凉的高原凭添几多瑰丽的妖艳,使原本寂静的高原升腾起生命的无限快意和欢歌笑语。

    They have made the original desolate plateau look more sparkling and charming , and also made the originally quiet plateau rise an infinite satisfaction and a singing smile of life .

  21. 一篇标题为《“娘炮形象”等畸形审美必须遏制》的文章批判称,现在许多男明星“妆容浓重、衣着妖艳、雌雄难辨。”

    The article -- titled " The Deformed Aesthetics of ' Sissy Men ' Must Be Curbed " -- complained that many male celebrities " wear heavy makeup , sexy clothes , and it is difficult to tell whether they are men or women . "

  22. 在湖边的第一幕中,奥杰塔善良而乏味,在舞会那一幕中,奥杰莉亚邪恶妖艳,然后我们又回到湖边观看善良而乏味的奥杰塔——后面这一段更无趣,因为没有值得观看的舞蹈技艺。

    Odette is dully good in the first lakeside act , Odile is vampily bad in the ballroom act , and then we go back to the lakeside act to watch Odette being dully good again - more dully this time because she has no choreography worth looking at .

  23. 作家后期的作品在死亡中、甚至是在梦幻中、想象中追求妖艳的美的生命,在魔界与佛界中穿梭,寻求艺术上的真、善、美,进行了更高层次上的探索。

    The later works of the writer try to pursue beautiful lives in death , even in dream and in illusion , and shuttling back and forth between the devil and Buddha field to pursue the artistic truth , kindness and beauty , and inquire into a more advanced level .