
shòu kònɡ yǔ yán
  • controlled language
  1. 受控语言加机器翻译就是受控翻译。

    Machine translation plus controlled language is called controlled translation .

  2. 受控语言在学科信息门户中的应用研究

    Research on the Application of Controlled Language in Subject Gateways

  3. Web信息服务中受控语言研究

    Research on Controlled Vocabulary in the Web Information Service

  4. Web信息服务中受控语言的应用可以分为功能层和技术层,每个层次的应用需要遵循各自的标准。

    Application of CV can be divided into function level and technical level with corresponding standard in the WIS .

  5. 受控语言&自然语言一体化是最适合于网络检索的检索语言。

    Controlled Language-Natural Language Entirety is mostly suited to network search .

  6. 两种受控语言间兼容转换问题研究

    Study of the Compatibility and Conversion between the Two Controlled Vocabularies

  7. 受控语言的功能是浏览和检索。

    Function level of CV consists of browsing and searching .

  8. 浅析受控语言的变革与生存

    Analysis of the Change and Existence of the Controlled Language

  9. 自然语言转换为受控语言的语义工具&入口词表模块

    Semantic Tool of Mapping Natural language to Controlled language & Entry Vocabulary Modules

  10. 自然语言与受控语言检索

    Natural Language Searching versus Controlled Vocabulary Searching

  11. 受控语言:机器翻译的新途径

    Controlled Language and Machine Translation

  12. 机器翻译中的受控语言

    Controlled Language in Machine Translation

  13. 受控语言在参考文献链接基础上提供主题解析以实现知识链接。

    CV can build intelligent link on the base of reference linking with subject resolve over DOI and URI .

  14. 受控语言是链接因特网信息空间、人类精神世界和现实物质世界的符号化概念标识系统。

    Controlled vocabulary ( CV ) is an symbolic concept identify system to link internets human spiritual world and real world .

  15. 在手工检索、机检条件下形成的受控语言从标引到检索两方面都已基本成熟,网络信息资源的组织与检索涉及到自然语言如何与受控语言兼容并蓄问题。

    We must solve the problem how to combine natural language and artificial language when we talk about organizing and retrieving Internet information resources .

  16. 为了解决各种手册的可读性问题,为了克服机器翻译语料库的复杂性,人们创造了受控语言。

    Some linguists have created controlled language whose grammar and vocabulary are restricted in order to solve the problem of readability of handbooks for human readers and to eliminate the complexity of corpora for machine translation .

  17. 这个集成词库包括:《中图法》与国内外分类法的互操作,《汉表》与专业叙词表的互操作以及受控语言与自然语言之间的互操作。

    It can realize interoperability between Chinese Library Classification ( CLC ) and library classifications from domestic and abroad , between Chinese Thesaurus ( CT ) and special domain thesauri , controlled languages and natural languages .

  18. 从而指出网络环境下受控语言与自然语言融合&优势互补的可行性、必然性与必要性,探讨网络环境下检索语言的优化策略与方法,以及情报检索语言的发展趋势。

    This kind of combination in network environment has a characteristic in which themselves advantages get mutual supplement , and its feasibility , inevitability and necessity were pointed out ; the optimizing strategy , method and developing trend of information retrieval language were discussed .

  19. 这两个系统模型基本实现了本体、规则和受控自然语言的有机结合,为受控自然语言在相关领域范围内应用提供技术支持框架。

    These two models basically implement the integration of ontology , rules and controlled natural language and provide the technology framework for the application of controlled language in domains .