
  • 网络receiver aircraft
  1. 受油机装备有一个从机身一侧或者是机翼前缘伸出的探头。

    The receiver aircraft is fitted with a probe that extends out from the side of the fuselage or from the leading edge of the wing .

  2. 分析了空中加油对接过程中受油机受到的各种扰动,阐述了插头锥管加油方式受油机的纵向飞行控制原理。

    The disturbances acting on the receiver aircraft in the docking phase of an aerial refueling are analyzed and the truth of longitudinal flight control of the receiver is introduced .

  3. 对于作为飞杆加油受油机的B-50轰炸机的改造也同时展开。

    Modifications to B-50 bombers as receivers for the boom-equipped tankers commenced simultaneously .

  4. 在这种概念里,加油机后方的一名机组成员控制一根可伸缩的硬管将其插入受油机的受油口。

    In this concept , a crew member in the rear of the tanker controls a telescoping rigid boom into a receptacle on the receiver .

  5. 研究了大型授油机尾流的形成和分布特点,分析了受油机在不同位置进入尾流时飞机所受的影响,提出了相应的数学建模方法。

    The formation and distribution of wake flow behind a large aerial tanker are discussed , Then the mathematic model of disturbance to the refueled aircraft during refueling is given .