
  • 网络variable rate
  1. 接下来通过对利率期限结构理论的介绍,提出了考虑股票价格与变动利率情况下的双因素定价模型。

    In this paper , we also give the two-factor pricing model by stock price and interest rate .

  2. 爱尔兰和西班牙是欧元区房价被高估最多的两个国家;更为糟糕的是,大多树的抵押贷款都为可变动利率。

    In Ireland and Spain home prices are the most overvalued in the zone ; worse , the bulk of mortgages are at variable rates .

  3. 同时,还对变动利率精算模型进行了实际测算,并将所得结果与固定利率精算模型所得结果相比较。

    After that , it makes calculation using the new model of variable interest rates , and compares the result with that of calculation using the old model of constant interest rates .

  4. 通过对经典资产份额定价方法的研究,提出一种变动利率的保险定价方法,给出了应用实例,并分析了各种因素之间的关系。

    Through studying classical asset share pricing method , the life insurance with stochastic interest is presented . Compared with the old method , the new way is more practical for considering of the stochastic changes of interest .

  5. 摘要变动利率通常是各国中央银行最常用的货币政策工具,而利用利率调节股票市场价格也是各国央行经常使用的政策方法。

    Changing interest rate is the most common money policy tool of the central bank in every country , and making use of interest rate to regulate the market price of stocks is also the most important policy method that the central banks often use to adjust stock prices .

  6. 中国举起一个变动的利率抑制通货膨胀而且停止经济过分的经济活动。

    China raises interest rates in a move to dampen inflation and stop the economy overheating .

  7. 包括汇率变动对利率、股价以及对我国商业银行的影响,同时以商业银行为例,介绍了应对汇率变动风险的会计计量和策略。

    The impact includes interest rates , stock prices , as well as the impact of Chinese commercial banks .

  8. 前者包括人口增长模式变动、利率波动、物价水平以及资本市场的变动等;

    The former includes the changes of population growth mode , fluctuation at interest rates , price-levels and the changes of capital market , etc.

  9. 投机性资本流动,包括汇率变动、利率变动、金价变动、证券价格变动和商品价格变动。

    Concerning speculative capital transference , exchange rate variation , interest rate variation , gold value variation , securities price variation and commodity price variation .

  10. 基础货币供给、银行同业拆借利率的变动与利率市场化改革&我国银行同业拆借利率与基础货币供应关系的实证及其含义

    Basic Money Supply , Change of Inter-Bank Operating Rate and Market Oriented Reform of Interest Rate : the Experimental Analysis of Relationship between Inter-Bank Operating Rate and Basic Money Supply and Its Meaning

  11. 利率是资金的价格,它从根本上决定其他一切金融资产的价值变动,所以利率风险也是最核心的一种金融风险。

    The interest rate is the capital price , which fundamentally decides the value change of all the other financial assets , so it is also one of the kernel risks .

  12. 文章分析了人民币汇率弹性化对本国资本市场的各种影响,包括短期境外资本流入带来的乘数效应;国外利率变化、货币政策或财政政策的变动引发的利率、资本的波动;

    This paper analyses different kinds of effects of elasticity of RMB FX rate on domestic capital market , including multiplier effect of capital inflow , the volatility of domestics and international interest rate , monetary and fiscal policy , the structural reform in financial market , etc.

  13. 在银行利率变动导致寿险预定利率调整的前后过程中,寿险的需求将由替代效应为主转变到以价格效应为主。

    And the bank interest rate decides the projected interest of the life insurance , the demand of the life insurance will come from the price effect instead of the substitute effect .

  14. 此外,对所建定价模型运用蒙特卡洛模拟方法,仿真过程中对住房价格变动路径,违约强度变动路径和利率变动路径进行模拟,进而对模型进行计算模拟。

    In addition , the establishment of pricing model containing the risk of default is solved by the way of Monte Carlo simulation . It will simulate the path of housing price changes , default intensity and interest rates to obtain the final result of model .