
  • 网络SHIFTED GAS;converted gas
  1. 合成尿素新工艺研究中压变换气气提法联尿

    Study on the Integrated Urea-Ammonia Process by Stripping with Converted Gas at Medium-Pressure

  2. 我国自行开发的变换气制碱新工艺有很强的竞争力。

    A new process for soda ash production based on converted gas , developed by China is very competitive in the world .

  3. 脱除变换气中微量CO的方法探讨

    Discussion of Methods Used to Remove Trace CO in Shift Conversion Gas

  4. 改良MEA脱碳技术在小氮厂变换气脱碳中的应用

    Use of Modified MEA Process for Carbon Dioxide Removal in Purification of Shift Effluent in Small Nitrogenous Fertilizer Plants

  5. 简介变压吸附气体分离与提纯技术的发展和技术特点,以及变压吸附技术在氢气分离提纯、变换气脱碳、CO分离提纯、CO2分离提纯、空分制氧气氮气等多种领域的应用。

    Briefly presents the development and characteristics of PSA gas separating and purification technology , as well as the application of PSA in separation and purification of hydrogen , carbon oxide and carbon diox-ide , shift gas carbon removal , and separation of oxygen and nitrogen in air separator .

  6. 针对18万t/a合成氨装置采用恩德粉煤气化技术进行改造后,变换气中CO2含量增加以及生产运行中存在的问题,对NHD脱碳系统进行了配套改造;

    In allusion to that the CO_2 content in the shift gas was increased and the problem was caused during the productive operation , after ammonium synthesis plant has been reformed by using the Ende pulverized coal gasification technology , complete reformation was made for NHD carbon removal system ;

  7. 变换气氨冷器失效分析及改进设计

    Failure analysis and Improved Design of Ammonia Cooler Using Exchanged Air

  8. 利用变压吸附装置从变换气中提氢的技术应用

    Application of Pressure Swing Adsorption Technology for H_2 Refining from shift Gas

  9. 变换气冷却塔腐蚀原因分析及改进

    Failure analysis of shift gas cooling column and its improvement

  10. 变换气煮沸器腐蚀原因分析与对策

    Causation and Countermeasure of Erosion on Transpositional Gas Boiler

  11. 变换气脱硫工艺综述

    Comprehensive Description for De-sulfur Process of Shift Gas

  12. 工业废盐应用于变换气制碱

    Application of industrial waste salt in soda production

  13. 基于小波变换气动光学效应模糊图像去噪

    Wavelet Transform Algorithm for Image Denoising in Aero-Optics

  14. 变换气脱硫装置的设计与运行

    Design and operation of shift gas desulfurizer

  15. 变换气脱硫技术改造总结

    Technology Reformation Summarization for Shift Gas De-sulfur

  16. 高压变换气气提法尿素用于大型氨厂改扩的商榷

    Recommendation of Using HP Shift Gas to Stripping Urea Production for Revamping of Large Ammonia Plant

  17. 煤基18/30装置变换气脱硫脱碳工艺技术的选择

    Selection for De-sulfur and De-carbon Process Technology of Shift Gas in Coal Base 18 / 30 Plant

  18. 新型变换气制碱技术在联碱行业的应用

    Use of A New Type of Soda Manufacture Process with Shift Conversion Gas in Integrated Soda Plants

  19. 分析了溶剂吸收法脱除变换气中二氧化碳技术的优缺点;

    Advantages & shortages concerning the technology for removing the CO_2 in shift gas by solvent absorption method were analyzed ;

  20. 低温甲醇洗工艺是采用低温甲醇以物理吸收的方法将前段工序变换气中高浓度酸性气体除去,得到纯净气体。

    The most important step of coal chemical industry , rectisol is a physical acid gas removal process using methanol at subzero temperatures to obtain pure gas .

  21. 结果表明,变换气脱硫后硫化氢含量可控制在15mg/m3,脱硫效率可稳定在90%。

    Result indicates that the content of H_2S of shift gas after de-sulfur can be controlled at 15 mg / m ~ 3 , efficiency of de-sulfur can be stabilized at 90 % .

  22. 从变换气进入甲醇洗系统的微量氨和水能在溶剂中逐步积累,从而导致甲醇溶剂中的含水量大量增加,恶化了溶剂的质量,而且使大量甲醇在气体放空时损失。

    The accumulation of the minute amount of ammonia and water entering the methanol washing system from the shift system will cause the increase of water in methanol solvent , quality-deteriorated of solvent and the great loss of methanol with purge gas .

  23. 主分量变换在油气异常信息提取中的作用

    The Impact of Main Component Transformation on Extraction of Oil-gas Information

  24. 短时傅里叶变换在压气机气动失稳分析中的应用

    Application of Short Time Fourier Transform to LP Compressor Aerodynamic Unstability Analysis

  25. 计算机快速富里叶变换应用于气相色谱痕量分析

    Application of Fast Fourier Transformation in Gas Chromatographic Trace Analysis

  26. 采用小波变换算法用于气动光学效应图像去噪研究。

    Wavelet transform algorithm is used to images denoising that are brought by Aero-Optics .

  27. 运用多重分形和小波变换预测油气储量及确定勘探井位

    Application of multifractal and wavelet transform to predict the reserve of petroleum gas and determine the position of drilling

  28. 用点变换理论分析气镐的动力过程,讨论气镐正常起动和稳定工作的条件。

    The dynamic process of pneumatic pick and the conditions under which the normal starting and stable working are available are discussed by way of the theory of point transformation .

  29. 以煤为原料生产甲醇的工艺过程包括空气分离、煤气化、一氧化碳变换、合成气净化、甲醇合成、甲醇精馏等工艺单元。

    The process for producing methanol taking coal as feedstock is composed of such units as air separation , coal gasification , CO-shift , syn-gas purification , methanol synthesis and methanol rectification .

  30. 结果表明,系统在一定条件下存在一较为适宜的循环水量,且此适宜的循环水量随变换反应汽气比的降低而降低。

    The results show that an appropriate quantity of circulating water exists under certain conditions in the system and decreases with a reduction in the steam gas ratio of the shift reaction .