
  • 网络metamorphosis;development by metamorphosis
  1. 昆虫变态发育过程中的细胞自噬和凋亡

    Autophagy and apoptosis in insect cells during metamorphosis

  2. 30KD的蛋白带在芫菁雄虫羽化后1小时出现,主要作用是调控成虫的生长和变态发育。

    The protein band of 30 kD expressed at 1 h after eclosion playing a major role in the growth and metamorphosis of adult development .

  3. 圆背角无齿蚌寄生变态发育的初步观察

    Preliminary observation on parasitic metamorphosis development of Anodonta woodiana pacifica

  4. 家蚕中肠与丝腺变态发育的组织切片观察

    Observation of the Midgut and Silk Gland in Silkworm During Pupal-Adult Metamorphosis

  5. 结果伍氏病蚤雷州亚种的变态发育周期为36.50(32~130)d。

    Results Growth cycle of the flea was 36.50 ( 32 ~ 130 ) days .

  6. 在无尾两栖类的变态发育过程中,消化系统的发育和完善是动物摄取营养和生长的结构基础。

    The development and perfection of alimentary system is a structure foundation of nutrition intake and growth .

  7. 随着变态发育,大菱鲆仔鱼有眼侧皮肤与无眼侧皮肤结构上出现差异。

    With the process of metamorphosis , the ocular side skin and blind side skin became different in ultrastructure .

  8. 因此,圆背角无齿蚌的变态发育包括两个明显的阶段:第一阶段为寄生变态期;

    Accordingly , metamorphosis development of A. wp includes two identical phases : the first is parasitic metamorphosis phase ;

  9. 圆背角无齿蚌在变态发育过程中其外部形态、内部器官、营养源发生了较大变化:成熟的钩介幼虫仅仅可以作简单的双壳开合运动;

    During metamorphosis development , A. wp would change greatly in the external form , internal tissues and nutrient source .

  10. 昆虫几丁质合酶催化N-乙酰葡萄糖胺多聚化形成不可溶的几丁质,是昆虫蜕皮和变态发育过程中几丁质生物合成的关键酶。

    Insect chitin synthase is the essential enzyme that catalyzes the polymerization of N-acetylglucosamine to form chitin to meet the needs of insect molting .

  11. 在变态发育期间,中肠上皮经历了广泛的重组,由再生细胞重新形成的蛹上皮替代了幼虫上皮。

    During metamorphosis , the larval midgut epithelium degenerated and the pupal epithelial cells due to differentiation of larval regenerative cells replaced the larval epithelial cells .

  12. 它是昆虫体内的一种重要酶类,在昆虫的变态发育和免疫系统中起着重要作用。

    It is one of the key enzymes in the development process of insects , the enzyme possesses an important function in metamorphism developing and immunity system .

  13. 牙鲆是重要的经济鱼类,在其早期生活史有一从仔鱼向稚鱼转变的变态发育过程。

    The Japanese flounder is one of the most commercially important Pleuronectid flatfish . There is a metamorphosis from bilaterally symmetric larvae to asymmetric juveniles in its early life history .

  14. 目前认为,昆虫的蜕皮与变态发育进程受蜕皮激素控制,昆虫发育的方向则受保幼激素调控。

    The currently studies showed that the ecdysis and metamorphosis of insects are regulated by the ecdysone hormone and the arrows of the growth of insects are regulated by the juvenile hormone .

  15. 依据不同批次的附着基上幼虫的附着量、变态与发育生长情况,得出虾夷扇贝育苗中附着基的最佳投放时间为眼点幼虫出现后的第3~4天。

    Based on the amount of larva on the cultch and metamorphoses , development and growth of larva by different batches , the optimal setting time of cultch in the rearing of seed eso scallop was three to four days after the appearance of eyespot larva .

  16. 不同温度条件下牙鲆变态期生长发育变化的研究

    Growth and development of Paralichthys olivaceus in metamorphosis period at different temperatures

  17. 家蚕细胞凋亡的研究,对揭示全变态昆虫的发育生物学、遗传调控机制具有重大的理论意义,并且对蚕业科学的应用研究也有非常重要的理论指导意义。

    Have great theoretical significance to revealing the mechanisms of developmental biology and genic control of absolutely metamorphic insects , as well as important leading theoretical significance to applied researches sericulture science .