
  • 网络Transform;STFT;alternative approach;transformation method;Transforms Methods
  1. 快速反投影与变换方法CT图象重建

    Fast Backprojection and Transform Methods for CT Image Reconstruction

  2. 非均匀弹性介质地震波动模拟的Fourier变换方法

    Fourier transform method of simulating seismic wave in Heterogeneous Elastic Media

  3. 用Park变换方法检测感应电动机转子故障

    Detection of induction motor rotor cage fault based on Park transformation

  4. GIS中多源数据的空间坐标变换方法探讨

    A Study on Coordinate Transformation of Multi - spatial Data in GIS

  5. 柴油机轴系非线性扭振响应求解的正逆Fourier变换方法

    Direct-Inverse Fourier Transformation Technique for Responses of Non-Linear Torsional Vibration of Diesel Shafting

  6. 应用Radon变换方法检测窄V形船舶航迹

    Apply Radon Transform to Detect Narrow V Ship Wake in SAR Images

  7. 引力场球谐综合的Walsh变换方法

    A Walsh transform method of spherical harmonic synthesis for gravitational field

  8. 利用Fourier变换方法求出了带一般收益函数的欧式回望期权的定价公式。

    By the method of Fourier transformation , the price formula for the European lookback options with general payoff function is determined .

  9. 根据多媒体应用的特点,本文实现了一系列循环变换方法来发掘循环中更多的SIMD并行。

    Several loop transformations are applied to exploit the SIMD parallelism in the loops .

  10. 传统的基于神经网络的图像KL变换方法存在一些不足。

    There are some shortcomings for the conventional image KL transforms based on neural networks .

  11. 提出了用状态空间法计算墙体Z传递函数的数学模型和计算方法,给出了与拉氏变换方法的对比算例及其结果,认为本算法的精度和可靠性是令人满意的。

    Presents the mathematical model and calculating procedure , gives a result comparison with that by Laplace transformation , asserts better accuracy and reliability of the former .

  12. GDL图形处理系统的图形变换方法

    The Graph Transformation Method in GDL System

  13. 为了提高非线性超声无损检测方法对缺陷位置和相对大小的表征能力,该文将Hilbert-Huang变换方法用于非线性超声无损检测信号的处理。

    The Hilbert-Huang transform was used to improve estimates of the position and relative size of defects for nonlinear ultrasonic nondestructive testing .

  14. 首先,根据虹膜图像的边缘图像用圆检测随机Hough变换方法提取瞳孔的圆心与半径;

    Based on this idea , circle detection random hough transform is used to extract pupil circle center and radii from the edge map of iris image ;

  15. 一种近期发展起来的线性变换方法称独立分量分析(ICA)。该方法能够从混合信号中分离出最独立的信号。

    A recently developed linear transformation method is Independent Component Analysis ( ICA ), in which the desired representation is the one that maximized the dependence of the component .

  16. 接着利用Fourier变换方法得到了场延拓的形式表达式,然后给出了几种特殊垂向非均匀介质下场延拓的精确解析公式。

    Then the formal expression for the field continuation is obtained by the method of the Fourier transform , and the precise analytic formulas for the field continuation under a number of special non-homogeneous medium are given .

  17. 首先提出了统计性质不变的spiketrain变换方法,然后估计了泊松过程强度参数的后验GAMMA分布,提出了神经发放强度的不确定性度量方法,同时给出了神经脉冲分类的最大似然估计量。

    We propose spike train transformation methods , give out the estimator for the posterior GAMMA possibility of the Poisson intensity , and propose the measurement of uncertainty of Poisson intensity and MLE of spike train classification .

  18. 利用Fourier积分变换方法将电绝缘型运动裂纹问题化为对偶积分方程,并进一步归结为易于求解的第二类Fredholm积分方程。

    By using the Fourier transform , the problem involving an impermeable anti-plane moving crack is first reduced to two pairs of dual integral equations and then into Fredholm integral equations of the second kind .

  19. 检测结果表明,小波变换方法能有效的检测出边缘,优于Sobel算子、Prewitt算子、Roberts算子。

    The experiments show that , this algorithm can efficiently detect edges from image . It is better than Sobel algorithm , Prewitt algorithm and Roberts algorithm .

  20. 利用EMD和Hilbert变换方法,给出了振动模式瞬时能量的概念,提出了一种基于EMD-HT的瞬时能量分布特征提取方法。

    By EMD and Hilbert Transformation ( HT ) methods , the concept of vibration mode instantaneous energy was brought up , a new instantaneous energy distribution characteristics extraction method based on EMD and HT .

  21. 在研究了滤波器组时频检测方法的基础上,提出了基于滤波器组的短时Radon-Wigner变换方法,以实现低信噪比下单PPS信号的检测。

    After the analysis of filter banks time-frequency detection method , a method based on the filter banks short time Radon-Wigner transform is proposed for PPS detection .

  22. 为实时补偿电网中瞬时无功功率的变化,采用dq同步旋转坐标变换方法,精确检测系统功率,有效克服电网电压波形畸变给p、q运算方法带来的误差;

    In order to real-time compensate reactive power change of system , a dq synchronized rotating coordinate transform method was proposed to make the measurement of power more accurate , which can effectively decrease the effect of voltage distortion with the p 、 q method .

  23. 本文利用数字梯形滤波器的设计原理,以离散微分器作为积木块,利用频率变换方法,设计出数字LDD梯形高通滤波器。

    Based on the design fundamental of digital LDI ladder filter , a digital LDD ladder high-pass filter is designed by using the frequency transformation in this paper .

  24. 在电离层CT技术中,若要用直接Fourier方法等变换方法重建成像,必须先根据其数据采集结构特点,用一定的数学方法由大量单个TEC值组合出若干个伪投影。

    In the computerized ionospheric tomography , if direct Fourier method is used to reconstruct the image of electron density , several pseudo projections are grouped from a lot of individual pieces of TEC data by mathematical methods based on characteristics of data acquisition system geometry .

  25. 本文对无限大多层油藏有越流的定压生产情形,利用Weber变换方法,给出了产量函数及压力分布函数的解析解。

    This paper presorts an analytical solution for the production function and pressure distribution function of flow in infinite stratified oil reservoir with crossflow under the condition of constant wellbore pressure ( CWP condition ) by Weber 's integral transformation .

  26. 本文的主要工作如下:(1)了解小波基本理论并深入研究CCSDS图像数据压缩标准中小波变换方法。

    The main work of this paper is as follows : ( 1 ) Learn the basic theory of wavelet transform and make a deep study of wavelet transform in CCSDS image data compression standard .

  27. 利用大振幅弯曲振动哈密顿和矩阵变换方法,考虑RennerTeller效应,计算了NH2自由基A2A1,X2B1态电子弯曲振动和K型转动能级。

    The vibration and K type rotational energy levels of the 2A 1 and 2B 1 state of NH 2 radical were calculated with the extended large amplitude bending vibrational Hamiltonian and matrix transformation approach , also considering the Renner teller effect .

  28. 结果表明:对于噪声成分多、灰度分布范围窄、对比度差的实时X射线探伤图象,S-T变换方法能明显地改善图象质量,线灰度梯度法提取的焊接缺陷定位准确、畸变小。

    Experiment results show that digital image of weld defects with high noise , narrow gray lever region , and low contrast can be remarkably improved by use of S-T technique . The weld defects collected by means of line-gray gradient can be exactly positioned with less distortion .

  29. 提出计算ESPI条纹密度的傅里叶变换方法。条纹的方向和密度作为电子散斑干涉图像的基本信息,不仅是本文的一个重点,更有指导图像其它处理的重要作用。

    We proposed a method to calculate the frequency of ESPI based on FT. As the basic information of ESPI , orientation and frequency are not only the emphasis of the paper , but also can direct fringe image processing .

  30. 采用速率方程与Volterra变换方法,分析了垂直腔面发射激光器在微波模拟调制情况下,频率、自发辐射因子以及自发辐射寿命对三阶谐波和三阶互调失真的影响。

    The nonlinear effect of vertical cavity surface emitting lasers ( VCSELs ) is analyzed using the Volterra transfer function in analog modulation . The effects of the modulation frequency , spontaneous emission factor , and spontaneous emission lifetime on the third harmonic and third-order intermodulation distortions are investigated .