
biàn gù
  • misfortune;accident;suffering;unforeseen event;mishap;blip
变故 [biàn gǔ]
  • [accident;suffering] 意外发生的事故、灾难

  • 则以为变故无自而有。--宋. 苏轼《教战守》

变故[biàn gù]
  1. 少年时代的家庭变故使鲁迅的心灵受到严重的创伤。

    The family accident brings serious spiritual trauma to him .

  2. 没有工作的女人,一旦家庭变故,她怎么抚养小孩?

    Work woman , once the family accident , how does she foster the child ?

  3. 马斯克尔的生活亦有过变故。

    Maskell 's life had not been without tragedy .

  4. 因横扫欧洲的政治变故,国防行业中有些人可能会失业。

    Jobs could be lost in the defence industry due to political changes sweeping Europe .

  5. 要不是因为这一不幸变故,他可能永远都不会迫于无奈地开始流水线式创作小说养家糊口。

    Were it not for this misfortune , he might never have been forced into the business of grinding out novels to support his family .

  6. 发生了变故。

    Something quite unforeseen has happened .

  7. 恐怕有些变故。

    Perhaps something unforeseen has happened .

  8. 的确,莱伊小姐深信发生了什么大变故。

    Miss ley , indeed , was convinced that some catastrophe had occurred .

  9. 顺境中虑及变故,逆境中有信心克服。

    In prosperity1 , prepare for change ; in adversity , hope for one .

  10. 承认你曾认为不可能发生的事实,去做而不需要别人认为不可缺少的条件,忍受那些被视为无法忍受的变故,这就是快乐的秘诀。

    The secret of happiness is learning3 to accept the impossible , do without the indispensable4 , and bear the intolerable .

  11. 生活中困难在所难免,最重要的是要挺过艰难的时刻,积极应对种种变故,冲破黎明前的黑暗,你终会看到只属于自己的灿烂阳光。

    What is most important is dealing with the hard times , coping with the changes , and getting through to the other side where the sun is still shining just for you .

  12. 金:你听说MCQ公司发生了什么变故吗?

    Jin : Did you hear what happened to McQ Corp ?

  13. 根据主权信用评级、信贷违约互换息差以及40%的回收率,德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)估计,未来两年希腊发生信贷变故(违约或重组)的可能性为46%,未来五年的可能性为72%。

    Deutsche Bank puts the likelihood of a credit event ( default or restructuring ) in Greece at 46 per cent within two years and 72 per cent within five , based on sovereign credit ratings , credit default swap spreads , and a 40 per cent recovery rate .

  14. 朝鲜金正日(KimJong-il)的去世,使得朝鲜半岛可能发生变故,进而导致难民涌入中国、中朝发生冲突、甚至是朝鲜的垮台。

    And the death of Kim Jong-il in North Korea has created the possibility of change on the peninsula , which could result in refugees flocking into China , conflict with , or even the demise of , North Korea .

  15. 多米尼克·莫纳汉(DominicMonahan)曾在一家印刷机生产商担任项目经理,2009年他遭遇了裁员,搬进他母亲位于芝加哥市郊居所的地下室,受这些变故打击,他带有一种消极观念也不足为奇。

    Dominic Monahan not surprisingly had a negative perspective after he was laid off from his job as a project manager at a printing press manufacturer in 2009 , and moved into his mother 's suburban Chicago basement .

  16. 一个经理如何在人际关系的徒然变故中幸存下来?

    How does a manager survive the bolts of political lightning ?

  17. 不过,麦加朝圣的开始似乎遭受没有重大变故。

    Still , the Hajj appeared to begin without major disruptions .

  18. 这是我一生中一次突然的可怕的变故。

    This was a sudden and terrible change in my life .

  19. 不是因为变故,而是因为责任;

    Not because of misfortune , but because the responsibility .

  20. 记住:真正是朋友是在发生变故时仍留在你身边。

    Remember : a true friend doesn 't flee when changes occur .

  21. 灾害危机对朝廷政局产生潜在的影响,如,灾害会使太子的确立产生变故;

    The famine crisis had a potential influence on imperial power or authority .

  22. 论凯特·肖班《一小时的变故》中的反讽和象征

    On Irony and Symbols in Kate Chopin 's The Story of an Hour

  23. 57.讲讲你上一份工作中遇到的重大变故。

    57 . Describe a major change that happened in a previous job .

  24. 你有做出大举动的倾向,或者家庭会有变故。

    You 're apt to make a move or experience changes at home .

  25. 刘琳的家庭在2016年遭遇了很多变故。

    Liu 's family suffered a lot in 2016 .

  26. 1986年开始写的《绘画材料研究》几经变故,终于出版;

    Published the book " Painting Materials Research " which was written in1986 .

  27. 一旦有了什么变故你就知道是谁背叛你了

    Then whichever rock gets over turned , you know who betrayed you .

  28. 如果发生了一些变故,随机调整一下。

    If something changes , go with the flow .

  29. 而正当巴里要将彼得·潘介绍给全世界的时候,又有了新的变故。

    Then changes came when Barrie wanted to introduce Peter Pan to the world .

  30. 这样的孩子常常面临负面情况和令人不安的变故。

    Many of these children are routinely exposed to negative news and unsettling change .