
  1. 三类变火山岩均相对富Na,在地球化学分类图解上样品主要位于碱性玄武岩区域。

    The three types of rocks in the orefield are relatively rich in Na and the main samples plot in the area of alkali basalt in the geochemical classification diagram .

  2. 强烈蚀变火山岩地层组构及其防塌钻井液研究

    Characteristics of altered pyroclastic rock and preparation of anti-sloughing drilling fluid

  3. 我国东部白垩纪蚀变火山岩中的斜发沸石和丝光沸石

    Clinoptilolite and mordenite in Cretaceous altered pyroclastic rock in eastern China

  4. 华南&蚀变火山岩型绿柱石矿床的成因探讨

    A preliminary study on genesis of an altered volcanic type beryl deposit in South China

  5. 变火山岩地球化学特征表明,它们生成的最有利的构造环境是岛弧模式;

    The geochemical character of metavolcanics has shown that their most favourable tectonic environment was an arc-island model .

  6. 武当岩群中的变火山岩类经历了海水蚀变和区域变质的改造,其岩石学特征和化学成分发生了较大变化。

    The meta-volcanic rocks in the Wudang Rock Group have undergone alteration and regional metamorphism , so these rocks have been changed in petrographic features and chemical compositions .

  7. 苏北海州群云台组上段变火山岩富含碱性长石(60-70%)和钾长石(35-60%),黑云母为富铁黑云母,部分火山岩含霓辉石、萤石等。

    The metamorphosed volcanic rock of the upper member of the Haizhou group is rich in alkali-feldspar ( 60 to 70 % ) and high potash feldspar ( 35 to 60 % ) .

  8. 甘肃白银矿田变酸性火山岩锆石LA-ICP-MS测年&白银式块状硫化物矿床形成时代新证据

    A LA-ICP-MS U-Pb chronological study of zircons from meta-acidic volcanics in Baiyin orefield , Gansu Province : New evidence for metallogenic age of Baiyin type massive sulfide deposits

  9. 作者通过对武当群的所有年龄测定数据重新作了综合分析之后认为:1.变酸性火山岩的下限年龄大于1900Ma;

    The authors analyzed and interpreted again all the age data in the Group using some new dating methods . The integrated analysis indicates the ' following : ( 1 ) the lower limit of the ages of the meta-acid volcanic rocks should be older than 1900 Ma ;

  10. 广西大厂锡矿田泥盆系蚀变海相火山岩

    Devonian marine altered volcanic rocks in the Dachang tin field , guangxi Province

  11. 苏北海州群变A型火山岩及其含矿讛研究

    A study on the metamorphic A-type volcanic rock of Haizhou group in Northern Jiangsu and their pay nature

  12. 影响储层物性的因素有火山岩相、风化壳、次生蚀变、火山岩岩性、构造运动等。

    Effected factors are the volcanic lithofacies , weathering crust , secondary alteration , volcanic rock and tectogenesis .

  13. 浙江省泰顺龟湖叶蜡石是近年发现的热液交代蚀变酸性火山岩的巨型矿床。

    The Guihu pyrophyllite deposit discovered in recent years in Taishun of Zhe-jiang is a huge deposit occurring in hydrothermal metasomatic alterated acidic volcanic rocks .

  14. 安徽北淮阳构造带的基底由一套变火山沉积岩建造(即原称庐镇关群)所组成。

    The basement rocks that is called the Luzhenguan Group , which located in Beihuaiyang tectonic belt , is a suite of meta volcanic sedimentary rocks .

  15. 大理州西部山区核桃生产基地建设可行性分析鞍本地区太古代变基性火山岩与金矿化

    Feasible Analysis of Walnut Production Base Construction of the Mountainous Areas at West Part of Dali Prefecture ARCHEAN META-VOLCANICS AND ITS RELATION TO Au-MINERALIZATION

  16. 碲矿床主要产出于中、下三叠世块状粗-中晶白云质大理岩、含炭泥质白云质大理岩夹钙质变基性火山岩中。

    Tellurium deposits have occurred mainly in nubby coarse grained dolomitic marbles of the Middle and lower Triassic , belted carbon bearing muddy dolomitic marbles that contained calcareous metamorphic basic volcanic rocks .