
  • 网络tectonic setting;tectonic environment
  1. 华北地区三叠系砂岩成分与构造背景关系的探讨

    Discussion on relationship between Permian sandstones clastic components and its tectonic settings

  2. 花岗岩类的成分既受构造背景控制,又与岩浆来源、起源和演化过程有关。

    Granitoid composition is controlled by tectonic settings , magma sources , initiation and evolution processes .

  3. 介绍了Pn波速度结构、各向异性等在岩石圈结构、构造背景反映等方面的应用研究进展。

    Its application in the study of deep structure background and lithospheric structure in this region are introduced .

  4. MQ油田是在断层复杂化的断背构造背景上形成的断块、断鼻油藏。

    MQ Oilfield is consisted of fault-anticlinal structure with complicated faults , which belongs to fault and fault-nose oil reservoirs .

  5. 伽师附近正处在下地壳C界面和壳幔边界的上隆顶部或拐点上,是强震群发生的深部构造背景。

    Jiashi is located right over the apex or the inflection point of the updoming lower crustal interface C and the crust-mantle boundary , which is the deep structural background for the occurrence of strong earthquakes .

  6. 砂岩非常一致的REE模型,基本显示了同一的物源和相同的构造背景。

    The unanimous REE diagrams of the sandstones suggest that they were formed from the same source rocks and tectonic setting .

  7. 研究区具有与其相同的地质演化历程和相似的地质构造背景,可作为寻找同类矿床的地质目标区。区内有NWW、NE、EW和近SN四组断裂。

    The study area has the same geo-evolvement process and similar geological structural background to the former , so can be taken as geological target area of kin mines .

  8. 采用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)测定了该区中生代沉积岩的稀土、微量元素含量,应用微量元素LaScTh、ThCoZr/10沉积构造背景判别图解对区域构造背景进行了探讨。

    We had determined the contents of REE and trace elements using the inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy ( ICP-MS ), and also utilized the discriminant diagrams of La Sc Th , Th Sc Zr for sedimentary tectonic setting .

  9. 结合区域构造背景,认为银洞沟银矿形成于陆陆碰撞体制,并可以借助CMF模式解释成因。

    Considering the tectonic evolution of the host terrane , we suggest the deposit was formed in continental collision regime and the CMF model can be used to interpret its origin .

  10. 结合区内与花岗岩形成同时发生的变质作用P-T特征,这种I-、S-和A-型花岗岩的同时产出,反映他们可能形成于造山后构造背景。

    With consideration of the P-T path of the regional metamorphism coeval with the emplacement of these granites , the concurrence of I - , S - and A-type granites indicates that these granites formed in the post-orogenic setting .

  11. 文章在介绍Kokchetav变质金刚石矿床的地质特征和大地构造背景的基础上,讨论了该变质金刚石矿床的形成过程以及变质金刚石的成因。

    Based on descriptions of the geology and the tectonic background of this metamorphic diamond deposit , this paper discusses the ore-formation processes and the origin of the metamorphic diamond .

  12. 据此推测该安山岩类属蛇绿岩成员,其可能产于俯冲带之上(SSZ)的岛弧环境。而该蛇绿岩则属于某种弧间构造背景的蛇绿岩。

    It is suggested in this paper that the andesite is a member of the ophiolite suits , which were most probably formed in an island-arc environment of supra-subduction zone ( SSZ ) and the ophiolite belongs to the type of arc tectonic setting .

  13. 彰武地区地震地质特征和彰武4.8级地震的构造背景

    The seismogeological feature and tectonic background of Zhangwu earthquake with 4.8

  14. 合肥地区地震活动性及地震地质构造背景分析

    Analysis of Seismic Activity and Seismogeological Structure Background in Hefei Area

  15. 典型构造背景应变场特征及其演化趋势

    Characteristics and evolution of background strain field on typical structure models

  16. 在进行数值积分时,需构造背景积分网格。

    Background integral cells is needed to evaluate the numerical integrations .

  17. 大地构造背景和构造演化阶段研究;

    The study of the tectonic background and the evolution stage ;

  18. 羌塘盆地深部构造背景与油气远景;

    The deep structural background and hydrocarbon potential of Qiangtang basin ;

  19. 利用砂岩碎屑成分判断含煤盆地的板块构造背景

    Judging plate tectonic backgrounds of coal basins from detrital composition of sandstones

  20. 玄武岩在研究岩石圈深部过程及构造背景中的应用

    Basalt 's action on research geosphere deep-course and structural setting

  21. 临汾地震的构造背景及其活动规律探讨

    The Earthquake in Linfen Basin : Its Tectonic setting and Recurrence Interval

  22. 延边&东宁地区晚三叠世花岗岩地球化学特征及其大地构造背景

    Geochemical Characteristics and Tectonic Setting of Late Triassic Granites in Yanbian-Dongning Area

  23. 独玉的成矿大地构造背景分析

    An Analysis of the Metallogenetic Geotectonic Background for Dushan Jade

  24. 秦岭造山带金矿床类型与构造背景

    Type and structural setting of gold deposit in Qinling , orogenic belt

  25. 通过地质动力区划方法确定了区域地质构造背景。

    The regional geological fault was determined by the geo-dynamic zoning method .

  26. 鲁苏碱性岩套特征及其形成的构造背景

    Characteristics and Structure-forming Background of Shandong-Jiangsu Alkalic Rocks Suite

  27. 具有壳幔混合产物的特征。构造背景为火山弧花岗岩。

    The tectonic setting is granite in volcanic arc .

  28. 浙江青田地区火山&侵入杂岩的地球化学特征及其板块构造背景

    On geochemical characteristic and tectonic setting of volcanic - intrusive , Qingtian Zhejiang

  29. 上海及其邻区潜在地质灾害的活动构造背景

    Active Tectonic Background of Potential Geological Hazards in Shanghai and Its Neighbouring Areas

  30. 中国南方震旦纪火山岩特征及喷发构造背景

    The characteristics and eruptive tectonic setting of Sinian volcanic rocks in South China