
  • 网络structural oil pool;structural hydrocarbon reservoir
  1. 对于构造油藏,位于断层上升盘的油井在投产初期要比位于下降盘上的油井产油量高、含水低、开发效果好。

    As for structural hydrocarbon reservoir , the oil well on up-thrown block has higher daily oil production , lower water cut and better development performance compared with the oil well on down-thrown block in block faulted oilfield .

  2. 低幅度构造油藏滚动勘探开发实践

    Progressive Exploration and Development Practice on Low - Amplitude Structural Reservoir

  3. 油藏类型为构造油藏和岩性一构造油藏。

    Reservoir types are structural reservoir and lithologic structural reservoir .

  4. 强底水低幅度构造油藏水平井的研究应用

    Application of Horizontal Wells in Low Amplitude Structural Reservoirs With Bottom Water

  5. 油藏类型主要为孔隙型构造油藏和裂缝孔隙型构造岩性油藏。

    The reservoir types are porosity structural and fractured-porosity structured .

  6. 构造油藏带(中带);零散油藏带(外带)。

    Middle zone with structural oil pools and outer zone with scattered oil pools .

  7. 低幅度构造油藏研究方法

    Study Methods for Reservoirs with Low Amplitude Structure

  8. 水平井挖潜边底水构造油藏剩余油效果及影响因素分析

    Residual oil and influencing factors for developing bottom and edge water reservoir with horizontal well

  9. 微构造油藏勘探实例

    An exploration example of microstructure reservoir

  10. 对于构造油藏,油水界面是圈定油藏边界最直接的依据。

    The oil-water contact is the most direct evidence to determine the boundary of a structural reservoir .

  11. Es2+3段油藏发育在核部,具有统一油水界面,为典型的构造油藏。

    Es2 + 3 reservoir is a typical structural reservoir , developed in the core area with a uniform OWC ( oil-water contact ) .

  12. 目前国内各大油田经过多年的勘探开发,大型构造油藏以基本勘探完毕。

    With many years of exploration and development by various oil fields in our country , large structural reservoirs have now basically gone through exploration .

  13. 油藏类型可分断裂背斜油藏、岩性-构造油藏、构造-岩性油藏、喷发岩潜山裂缝油藏等四类。

    There are four types of reservoirs : faulted anticlinal , lithologic ? structural , structural ? lithologic and effusive rock buried hill fractured reservoirs .

  14. 深水油气的成藏模式,除裂陷盆地的成藏模式外,还有裂后热沉降期裂陷的深水浊积砂岩油藏、底辟构造油藏等特殊类型。

    TECTONIC-THERMAL MODELING OF RIFTING BASIN The hydrocarbon reservoirs preserved in the various trap in the rifting basin , and some unique deepwater turbidite sandstone , and diapir structures .

  15. 油田勘探已实现由构造油藏勘探到岩性油藏勘探的转变,大直径岩心分析技术被广泛应用于储层物性分析工作中。

    Transformation from structural reservoir to lithologic reservoir has been realized in oil field exploration , so major diameter core analysis technique is widely used in reservoir property analysis .

  16. 随着油气勘探进入高勘探程度阶段,油气勘探逐渐由构造油藏转到地层岩性油藏。

    With the oil-gas exploration entering into the high exploration degree stage , the goal of oil-gas exploration changes gradually from the formation lithology oil deposit to the structural oil pool .

  17. 窟窿山构造油藏目前是玉门油田的主力产油区块,也是增储上产最具潜力的区块,位于酒泉盆地青西凹陷南部,被祁连山北缘逆掩推覆。

    Kulongshan Oil Reservoir , located in the south of the Qingxi Depression , Jiuxi Basin and overrided by the Qilianshan Mountain , is the primary producing area of the Yumen Oilfield .

  18. 近几年来,文安斜坡带一直是油气勘探开发重点研究区带,油藏类型以岩性和岩性-构造油藏类型为主。

    In recent years , Wen ' an slope zone has been the main study area in the oil-gas exploration and development . The main reservoir type is dominated by the lithology and lithology-structural reservoir .

  19. 葡南扶余油层为岩性构造油藏,油层物性差,砂体厚度薄,平面变化快,压裂费用高、单井产量低、经济效益差。

    Its physical property is bad , thickness of sand body is thin , plane of sand body changes soon , expanse of fracturing is high , productivity of individual well is low , and economic effect is bad .

  20. 然后依据测井曲线和试油、生产数据确定油藏的油水界面为959米,原油性质为重质稠油,油藏类型为断块构造油藏。

    Then make out the water-oil interface as 959m based on well log and production data . The property of crude oil in this oil pool was heavy oil , and the type of reservoir was block structure oil pool .

  21. 构造油藏、构造-岩性复合油藏是研究区主要的油藏类型。构造控制了烃源岩的分布、油气运移和聚集,还影响了圈闭的形成和油气分布。

    Structural pool and structural lithologic composite oil pool are the main reservoir form , tectonic controls the distribution of hydrocarbon source rocks , oil and gas migration and accumulation , and affected the distribution of trap formation and oil and gas .

  22. 指出了50年勘探经历的背斜构造油藏、向斜岩性油藏、断陷断块油藏等三大阶段以及相应出现的三个油气储量增长高峰期,也是对石油地质理论的三次重大贡献。

    It indicates that 50 years exploration experienced three stages including anticlinal structural reservoir , synclinal lithologic reservoir and rift fault block reservoir , and correspondingly appeared three peaks of oil and gas reserves increase , and also three contributions to petroleum geology theory .

  23. 20世纪90年代以来,吉林油田和全国许多油田一样,简单构造油藏和孔渗条件较好的储层所占比例越来越小,勘探工作主要以三低储层为主的隐蔽、复杂的油藏为目标。

    He explorable simple structural oil pools and the high porosity and permeability reservoirs , like many other oilfields in China , have gradually reduced in Jilin oilfield since 1990s , so the main exploration targets have been changed to subtle and complex reservoirs .

  24. 注入高矿化度、高密度盐水可降低油水粘度比,发挥重力抑制平衡作用,提高反韵律油层的纵向波及效率,在陡构造油藏边缘注盐水可降低含水上升速度,从而改善了开发效果。

    Injection of saline with high salinity can reduce the oil-water viscosity ratio , allow gravity restriction and equilibration , and increase vertical sweep efficiency in reservoirs with reverse cycles . In high dip reservoirs injection of saline can reduce the rate of water cut increase .

  25. 构造岩性油藏注水开发特征及调整研究&以青海油田七个泉油藏为例

    Features and Adjustment of Structural-lithologic Reservoir Water Flooding Development

  26. 二甲基咔唑在惠流构造脊油藏中的分布具有规律性。

    The dimethylcarbazole distribution in crude oil from Hui , Liu Structure Ridge ( HLSR ), the Pearl River Mouth basin , has displayed some regular changes .

  27. 上覆地层自下而上断超于其上,若上倾方向封堵条件好,基底可形成古地貌油藏,盖层可形成构造岩性油藏;

    It may form paleogeomorphic reservoirs in the basement formation and structural-stratigraphic reservoirs in the overlying formation provided that sealing and blocking condition is good enough in the updip direction .

  28. 油藏为低幅度构造,油藏高度小,油水过渡带宽,油层含水饱和度高;

    The reservoirs are Low – Amplitude Structural Reservoirs , the height of the reservoir is small , the oil and water transition belt is wide and the water bearing saturation of the oil formation is high ;

  29. 从沉积特征分析入手,评价研究其油气成藏规律、资源潜力,对预测披覆构造带油藏分布具有重要意义。

    From the analysis of the sedimentary features , it is important to predict the oil reservoir distribution of the drape structural belt by studying the pool-forming rules of hydrocarbon and evaluating the potential of the natural resources .

  30. 研究人员可以借此了解沉积、地层、构造、油藏的各种性质,认识油气的富集特征,从而为决定有利的勘探方向、布置井位和油气开发方案提供有利条件。

    Through these maps , the researchers could discover various geological features , such as sedimentation , stratum , structures and reservoirs , and distribution information of gas and petroleum , thus providing favorable conditions for determining the explorative direction and exploitation plans .