- 网络tectonic deformation;structural deformation

This paper gets the morden deformation by using the data of GPS technology and analyzes the deformation dynamic mechanisms further more by combining the geology and the physics of geology .
Recently , the employing of GPS observing technique has gained rapid development in the area of studying the global and regional crustal movement and tectonic deformation , and in the exploring of the Geodynamic phenomena .
GPS database and velocity field of contemporary tectonic deformation in continental China
There are two main stages of structure deformations since Mesozoic .
Geochemical modeling calculation of CO2 releasing has been done based on dynamic metamorphism caused by ductile-brittle shearing deformation .
Hercynian and Indosinian Structureal Overprinting and ~( 40 ) Ar - ~( 39 ) Ar Geochronology of Hainan Island-South China
The crustal movement of the study area dominated by uplifting although the uplift was combined by horizontal movement .
Degree of complexity on structure deforming can be evaluated qualitatively through K value contour map . High K value area has great deformation , which cause rich micro fracture and good permeability ;
~ ( 40 ) Ar / ~ ( 39 ) Ar Dating of Deformation Events and Reconstruction of Exhumation of Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphic Rocks in Donghai , East China
SEM and optical microscopic observations also show that stick slip and creep slip deformation had alternately occurred along this fault segment , and the stick slip deformation occurred earlier than the creep slip deformation .
According to Global Position System observations , considering three representative patterns of tectonic deformation velocity changing with depth , we loaded three different boundary conditions and got each numerical simulation result of the tectonic stress field in this region .
They underwent polyphase structural deformation , giving rise to well developed recumbent folds , ductile shear zones and nappe structures .
The fifth band of MSS is an important image for analyzing structural deformation . Three image marker beds and twelve image features of stratigraphic units of remote sensing are established for interpretation of geological structrue in Lianyuan coal field .
Among them , the Huaibei block moves toward SWW direction , the middle-Anhui block moves toward NEE direction and in the Huaihe structure deformation belt , the faults movement may be left-lateral shear ; it presents inheritable characteristic .
To assess them , on the basis of both magmatism and tectonic deformation , we have considered the following : ( 1 ) structural elements , orogenic episodes , and the P-T-t path of orogenic processes in Yanshan belt ;
On the basis of the studies on the metamorphic p - T-t trajectory of the South Tianshan blueschists , structural deformation characters of blueschists and co herent rocks and regional geology in this paper , we suggest that the South Tianshan high-pressure metamorphic rocks had undergone two uplift stages .
The main tectonic deformation in the Pamir Western Kunlun foreland fold and thrust belt started in Early Pliocene ( about 4.6 Ma ago ), and migrated gradually from the orogen to the foreland basin , with the faulting and folding becoming younger and weakened in the basin .
Tectonic Deformation Mechanism and Geodynamic Process of North Yellow Sea Basin
Mesozoic tectonics and basin distribution in the eastern North China plate
Analysis of Fabric Slipping The micromechanism was mainly dislocation slipping .
Tectonic deformation features of Jinshan gold orefield ── a simulating experiment
Characteristics of the Mesozoic - Cenozoic structural deformation of Chuxiong Basin
Simple shear : main deformation mechanism of active tectonics in China
Structural deformation of the Proterozoic along horse racing mountains , kuruktag
It 's structure deformation controlled the structural trap style .
The fourth fracturing deformation corresponds to the quartz-calciate vein .
Precise Timing and Significance of Caledonian Structural Deformation Chronology in Southeast Qilian
The structure deformation resulted in loess collapse and landslide ;
Features of Caledonian tectonic deformation in the Zhejiang-Anhui-Jiangxi border region , China
Structural Deformation Analysis and the Depressing Mechanism of Bohai Basin