
  • 网络Variable frequency speed control device;RHVC
  1. 采用新型元器件的PWM变频调速装置研制

    Development of PWM Variable Frequency and Speed Adjusting Device with Newfashioned Elements

  2. DSP芯片的快速发展为高性能交流变频调速装置的设计提供了可能。

    The fast development of DSP chip provides a possibility for the design of AC Inverter .

  3. 晶体管PWMINV-Ⅰ型变频调速装置

    Transistor PWM INV-I Type Variable Frequency Speed Control Device

  4. 消除电网三次谐波三电平PWM变频调速装置

    Three level PWM conversion speed - governing device

  5. 应用这些技术于PWM变频调速装置中,明显地提高了它的抗干扰能力。

    Applying them to PWM device , we obviously enhances the ability of the device for resistance to disturbance .

  6. 基于DTC的井下架线式电机车变频调速装置设计与应用

    Design of DTC Variable Frequency Speed-Regulating Device in Underground Trolley Locomotive and Application

  7. 交流电动机GTRPWM变频调速装置的双微机矢量控制系统

    A Double Monolithic Microcomputer Vector Control System of GTR PWM Inverter for AC Induction Motor

  8. 本文主要叙述了安钢综合原料场的自动控制系统,本系统基于西门子PLC、变频调速装置、智能电子皮带秤等设备。

    This paper introduces the control system of Composite Materials Market , this system is based on Siemens PLC , Inverter , Intelligent electronic belt scale .

  9. 吹塑机GTR变频调速装置

    GTR - Variable-Frequency Device for Blown-plastic Machine

  10. UPVC排水管安装中常见问题及对策对我厂安装变频调速装置的探讨

    Problems in UPVC In stall in g and Its Countermeasures Discussion on In stall in g frequency Converter in Our Plant

  11. 介绍了全数字式280kW交流变频调速装置的研制与应用.该装置采用IGBT作功率主器件,16位单片微机控制。

    This paper presents a design and application of 280 kW high performance full digital inverter , using IGBT as a power device , and 16 bits microprocessor as a controlling unit .

  12. 用微机程序控制的PWM变频调速装置与惯性振动给料机结合,开发了变频调速振动给料机。本文介绍了该机的工作原理、技术特点,以及变频调速装置的设计。

    The working principle , technical characteristics and the design of the speed regulated vibrating feeder by frequency-conversion is introduced in this paper . The equipment is developed in combination with PWM frequency-conversion device by PC control and inertia vibrating feeder .

  13. 设计了一种基于DTC的电机车电机变频调速装置,现场应用情况表明其具有起动力矩大、维护量小、故障率低、节约成本的优点。

    A DTC variable frequency speed-regulating device is put forward which has advantages of high starting torque , small quantity of maintenance , low percent of malfunction and saving cost when it is put into practice .

  14. 然后设计了高压变频调速装置的控制系统,包括主控系统、上层控制器、PLC控制器、与工业控制系统的接口、人机界面、功率单元控制系统以及控制系统电源。

    Then the control system of the high voltage variable frequency variable speed device was designed , which included master control system , the upper controller , PLC controller , and industrial control system interface , man-machine interface and power unit control system and control system power supply .

  15. 本文通过TMS320F240与TMS320LF2407结构特点比较,针对交流变频调速装置设计中的关键部分。以TMS320LF2407为控制核心给出了具体的设计方案,分析了其优越性。

    Through comparing the traits of TMS320F240 with TMS320LF2407 , this article adopts TMS320LF2407 to give the detail design for the key parts and analyzes the advantage .

  16. 通过HARSVERT-A变频器在大庆龙虎泡取水厂的应用,总结了在水泵节能改造过程中应用大功率变频调速装置的经验和心得。

    With introducition of the HARSVERT-A frequency converter and its application in Daqing Longhupao water treatment plant , some experiences and recommendations are presented out .

  17. 变频调速装置快熔熔断原因分析及解决方法

    Causes Analysis of Fast Fusing of Frequency Converter and the Solutions

  18. 变频调速装置在高压氨水泵上的应用

    The Application of Frequency Conversion Governor on High-pressure Ammonia Water Pump

  19. 变频调速装置在空调水系统中的应用

    Application of variable frequency speed control equipment in AC water systems

  20. 试论变频调速装置在搅拌设备设计中的应用

    Brief Introduction of Application of Frequency Conversion Device to Mixer Set

  21. 变频调速装置在离心机拖动系统上的应用

    Applications of Frequency Modulation Device to Centrifuge Drive pulling system

  22. 浅谈变频调速装置在风机及水泵中的应用

    A View on Application of Frequency Control Device for Fans and Pumps

  23. 高压变频调速装置在发电厂凝结水泵上的应用

    Application of High-voltage Variable-frequency Speed-regulating Unit to Power Plant 's Condensate Pumps

  24. 交流变频调速装置的应用及显著的经济效益

    The Application and Striking Economic Benefit of AC Variable-speed Drives

  25. 变频调速装置的组成方案比较

    Comparing the construction schemes of variable frequency regulating speed technology

  26. 进口电流型变频调速装置的维修点滴

    Maintenance of Import Current Source Frequency Conversion Speed Regulation Equipment

  27. 混合级联型七电平变频调速装置的研究

    The Study of Hybrid Seven-Level Inverter in Frequency Control Device

  28. 变频调速装置的智能故障诊断系统研究

    Research on Intelligent Fault Diagnosis System of Variable Frequency Speed Regulation Device

  29. 浅谈变频调速装置在城市供水泵站中的应用

    Application of VVVF in City 's Water pumping Station

  30. 带伺服电动机的调节器辅助调速器软启动与变频调速装置在矿区的应用

    Application in Mining Area of Soft Start and Variable Frequency Speed Control Device