
  • 网络Transformation Matrix;transform matrix
  1. 根据V画面体视投影原理,推导了V画面体视变换矩阵及V画面体视简易方程;

    The transform matrix and the simple equation of the stereo in V plane are deduced .

  2. 在该方法中,PCA被用于求取坐标变换矩阵以进行图像旋转修正。

    The geometrical transform matrix to correct the image is acquired by the PCA .

  3. 把Sudden近似应用于原子、分子与固体表面的散射,通过引进变换矩阵使分子与表面散射的S矩阵及势能矩阵成对角;

    In this paper , Sudden approximation is applied to atom-and molecule-Surface scattering .

  4. 微波辅助衍生GC-MS测定校正变换矩阵法应用于食用植物油的识别

    Adulteration detection method on edible oils by microwave-assisted derivatization and GC-MS coupled with calibration transformation matrix

  5. 使用四维坐标来表示物体的透视变换矩阵,通过对该矩阵进行归一化处理,简化了Z坐标的计算;

    Using 4D coordinate to express the convert matrix of perspective , it is predigested to calculate Z coordinate through changing to one .

  6. VLBI基线定向的奥波策项变换矩阵

    The Oppolzer Term Transformation Matrix of VLBI Baseline Orientation

  7. 现有的低维(n≤4)混沌猫映射以变换矩阵参数和加密轮数作为密钥用于加密时,主要不足是密钥空间较小。

    Low-dimensional chaotic cat map used transform matric parameters and the number of encryption round as the key used to encrypt , and this has the main disadvantage of small key space .

  8. 由于双平面X射线造影系统只能提供两幅有限的投影数据,冠状动脉树的三维重建在匹配、优化几何变换矩阵等方面存在困难。

    The purpose of this study is to provide a 3D reconstruction of the skeleton of the coronary artery tree from two X-ray angiograms acquired on a biplane angiographic system .

  9. Stewart台体并联机器人位置正解基于D-H变换矩阵的Stewart型并联机床位姿方程及运动学反解

    Posture equation and dynamics reverse solution of Stewart typed parallel machine tools based on D-H transformation matrix

  10. 该文给出了一种求AES算法S盒中各路布尔函数的等价线性变换矩阵的有效方法。

    In this paper , an efficient method is proposed which searching the equivalent linear transformation matrix in the AES s box .

  11. 新型图像置乱矩阵T继承了Arnold变换矩阵易编解码的特点。

    The novel image scrambling matrix T has the same characteristics of easy coding and decoding with Arnold matrix .

  12. 给出了实现通信的量子线路,并以该线路为基础计算了Bell基及对应的幺正变换矩阵和量子门。

    The circuitry of quantum communication is provided , and the author obtains Bell radix and quantum gate for corresponding unitary transformation matrix by the circuitry .

  13. 利用一种基于一个变换矩阵的多变量迭代算法,结合先决条件的共扼梯度法求解混合模型方程组使R法的计算效率大为改善。

    By using multivariate iteration algorithm based on a transformation matrix , and combining with the preconditioned conjugate gradient to solve the mixed model equations , the computation efficiency of Method R is much improved .

  14. 本文给出空间3R机械手的运动描述,通过变换矩阵推导出运动学方程。

    His article describes the movement of space-3R-manipular , which endues the kinematics equation by matrix transforming .

  15. 作者研究的图像置乱矩阵W与经典的Arnold变换矩阵都具有变换的周期性且容易编解码。

    The image scrambling matrix W that the author studies has the same characteristics of easy coding and decoding with Arnold matrix , they are also periodicity .

  16. 以向量代数及回转变换矩阵为工具,建立了CCS空间机构从动构件上一点的运动学数学模型。

    Kinematics model of a point on driven lever of spatial CCS mechanism was established mathematically by vector algebra and matrix operations .

  17. 在用PCA(主成分分析)方法分类和识别白酒时,提出一种新的特征选择方法,解决了降维变换矩阵的组成问题。

    A new feature extraction method is adopted in classification and recognition of distilled spirit using principle component analysis ( PCA ), which provides a solution to the construction of transform matrix for dimensionality reduction .

  18. 针对各VRML造型在其局部坐标系中创建,采用变换矩阵实现了造型从局部坐标系下到世界坐标系下的坐标变换。

    Because each model in VRML is created in local coordinate system , inconvenient to handle them uniformly , this paper infers a universal formula to transform model coordinates from UCS to WCS .

  19. 立体透视变换矩阵中P.Q.R的透视几何意义

    The Perspective Geometry Meaning of P.Q.R in Three-Dimensional Perspective Matrix

  20. 然后在此基础上,利用Harris算子在特征子区域内提取角点,进行准确配准并建立变换矩阵,同时结合运动物体区域信息,通过渐进渐出的融合算法实现图像全景图拼接。

    On this basis , it realizes extracting corner by Harris operator in feature promoter region , matching them accurately , establishing the transformation matrix , and then considering the information of moving object region .

  21. 首先利用几何光学的ABCD变换矩阵计算双光头输出能量与光头间距离的关系,确定其线性工作范围;

    By using the ABCD transforming matrix method of the geometric optics , we calculate the relationship between the output energy and the space interval of the two pickup heads .

  22. 利用相位共轭镜的显含频率的光束变换矩阵,推出了Brillouin增强四波混频相位共轭激光器的高斯模以及稳定性条件。

    The Gaussian modes and stability condition of a Brillouin-enhanced four-wave mix - ing phase conjugate laser have been derived by using the phase conjugate mirror 's transfer matrix that has an explicit variable frequency .

  23. 使用DFT变换矩阵与阵列协方差数据相乘来代替特征分解过程,同时利用最小范数的方法修正噪声子空间或者信号子空间的基,使阵列流型空间与噪声子空间具有更好的正交性。

    The process of eigen-decomposition is instead of the product of DFT matrix and array data matrix , basis of signal subspace is modified by minimum norm method in the same , so the noise subspace and array spaces have better orthometric .

  24. 分析了挖掘机的结构特点,应用DH变换矩阵法建立运动学模型,推导出逆运动学算法,介绍在MATLAB53上建立仿真实验系统,以验证该算法的有效性。

    This paper analyses the feature of excavators . The kinematics model is established using D-H transformation matrix method and the inverse kinematics algorithm is inferred . A computer simulation experimental system is developed in MATLAB 5 3 languages .

  25. 在计算机绘图中的立体透视变换矩阵中经常使用透视变换参数P.Q.R,它们取值直接影响体的透视效果。

    The perspective parameters P.Q.R are very often used in the matrix of perspective transformation in the Computer Graphics .

  26. 在此基础上搭建了风力机的仿真模块。再次,介绍了矢量控制的原理,建立了几种坐标之间的变换矩阵。详细介绍了空间脉宽矢量控制(SVPWM)调制技术的原理。

    On this basis , the simulation module of the wind turbine is set in final paper . Thirdly , this paper also introduces the principle of vector control between several coordinate transformation matrix and the principle of the SVPWM modulation technique .

  27. 其主要思想是通过引入线性变换矩阵来近似经典的局部线性嵌入(LLE),然后通过核方法的技巧在高维空间里求解。

    The main idea is to approximate the classical local linear embedding ( LLE ) by introducing a linear transformation matrix and then find the solution in a very high dimensional space by kernel trick .

  28. 它不同于常用的因子旋转方法,其主要方法是将斜交因子变换矩阵的逆矩阵T-1中的行向量单独考虑,使其有尽可能多的出现0(或接近于0)。

    The main step in this method is to consider separately the line vectors X of the transformation matrix T - 1 . It differs from general rotation of factors .

  29. 新解码器基于ZF思想设计,在接收端构造一变换矩阵,作用该矩阵于时变信道矩阵,使之对角化而达到消除ISI影响的目的。

    The new decoder was designed on the basis of ZF idea . At the receiver , a transformed matrix was constructed and the time variable channel matrix was multiplied . It was a diagonal matrix to remove ISI completely .

  30. 方案二,基于ZF思想,构造一变换矩阵,作用该矩阵于接收信号矢量使之对角化,从而达到去除符号间干扰影响之目的。

    For the second kind of decoder , we construct a transformed matrix using the ZF idea and act this matrix on the received signal vector to result in a diagonal matrix thereby eliminating the influence of ISI .