
  • 网络VAV;Variable Air Volume;vav system;variable air volume system
  1. 办公建筑变风量系统设计中的热舒适问题

    Thermal comfort problems in design of VAV systems for office buildings

  2. 变风量系统的能耗动态分析研究

    A Study on Energy Consumption Dynamic Analysis of VAV System

  3. 空调变风量系统稳定性及MATLAB解析

    Stability in variable volume air conditioning systems and analysis with MATLAB

  4. 基于改进的粒子群PID控制在变风量系统中的应用

    Application of Improved Particle Swarm Optimization PID Control in Variable Air Volume System

  5. 变风量系统(variableairvolume)是利用改变送入室内的风量来实现对室内温度调节的全空气空调系统,它的送风状态保持不变。

    Variable air volume is a full air-condition system that moderates the indoor temperature by changing the indoor blowing rate and keeping its blowing state .

  6. 采用ADPI方法选择变风量系统送风散流器

    Supply Air Diffuser Design of VAV System by ADPI

  7. 并运用TRNSYS仿真软件搭建了系统的仿真计算平台。其次,通过对变风量系统控制策略与控制回路的研究,分析并确定系统优化控制的方法。

    Then the platform for simulation and calculation of the system was established by using TRNSYS . Meanwhile , according to the research and analysis on the control method and the control circles of the VAV system , the optimized control way was obtained .

  8. 变风量系统新风分配控制方案分析

    Analysis of Outdoor Air Ventilation and Distribution Control for VAV Systems

  9. 变风量系统中环状风道的网络计算方法

    Network method for calculation of looped ducting in VAV systems

  10. 变风量系统能耗及节能特性研究

    Research on energy consumption and energy saving for VAV systems

  11. 用小波分析法分离变风量系统流量传感器故障

    Flow Sensor Fault Isolation in VAV System Using Wavelet Analysis

  12. 变风量系统水系统运行能耗分析

    Energy Consumption Analysis of Water System in VAV System

  13. 变风量系统设计探讨

    Discussion on the Design of Variable Air Volume System

  14. 温度在变风量系统中对热舒适性影响的研究

    Research on Temperature Influencing Thermal Comfort in VAV System

  15. 改双管定风量系统为变风量系统的方法

    Method of the unchanged alr system to changeable air system ou the double-tube

  16. 我国不同地区变风量系统节能特性分析

    Performance Analysis of Saving Energy for VAV System in Different Regions of China

  17. 变风量系统中央空调房间的建模及控制系统仿真

    Modeling for the Central Air-Conditioning Room of the VAV System and Control System Simulation

  18. 投入量假设的实证研究总风量控制的变风量系统

    An Empirical Study on Involvement Load Hypothesis VAV System with Total Air Volume Control

  19. 变风量系统最小新风量控制方法的讨论

    Minimum ventilation air volume control in VAV systems

  20. 变风量系统的概念、分类及应用实例

    Definition , classification and application of VAV systems

  21. 办公楼变风量系统末端装置和控制方式的合理选择

    Reasonable Selection of Variable Air Volumn Terminals and its Control Methods in Office Buildings

  22. 总风量控制的变风量系统

    VAV System with Total Air Volume Control

  23. 变风量系统风机节能分析

    Fan energy conservation analysis on VAV system

  24. 变风量系统室内气流组织的理论分析和实验研究

    Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Study of Room Air Distribution with a Variable Air Volume System

  25. 变风量系统室温自调整控制系统的仿真

    Simulation of Indoor Temperature Control Using Self - adjusting Method in VAV Air Conditioning System

  26. 关于空调变风量系统的运行控制模式分析

    Analysis on running mode of VAV

  27. 变风量系统空调房间建模与特性参数估算

    Modeling and Estimating of the Characteristic Parameters for the Air Conditioning Room of the VAV System

  28. 集中空调变风量系统控制方法分析

    An Analysis of Variable Air Volume System Control Method for Concentrated Air Condition and Practical Technical Problems

  29. 探讨了内外区共用一个变风量系统的设计方法。

    Treats the design method of VAV air conditioning system shared by inner zone and peripheral zone .

  30. 户式集中空调变风量系统设计探讨

    Design of household VAV system