
dié zhá
  • ply rolling
叠轧[dié zhá]
  1. 累积叠轧焊对L2纯铝力学性能影响的研究

    Study of accumulative roll bonding ( ARB ) process effect on mechanical properties of L2 pure aluminum

  2. 叠轧无氧纯铜制备超细晶材料的EBSD分析

    EBSD Analysis on Preparation Ultrafine-Grained Materials with Oxygen-Free Copper by ARB

  3. EBSD晶粒图、晶界分布图分析表明低道次叠轧后材料局部出现细小晶粒和小区域小角度晶界。

    The grain mapping and crystal boundary distribution mapping of EBSD show that small grains and small angle crystal boundaries appear at some areas .

  4. 本文以碳化硼颗粒增强铝基复合材料板材(B4Cp/Al)和纯钛(Ti)板材为原料,研究了多层Ti–B4Cp/Al板的叠轧及热处理。

    In this paper , boron carbide particle reinforced aluminum matrix composite ( B4Cp / Al ) sheet and pure-titanium plate are used for raw materials , and the process of multi-layer combined rolling deformation and heat treatment is studied .

  5. 累积叠轧焊(ARB)是一种相对较新的剧烈塑性变形技术,可以用于连续生产超细晶材料。

    Accumulative roll bonding ( ARB ) is a relatively new severe plastic deformation technique . It can be used to continuously produce ultrafine-grained materials .

  6. 采用累积叠轧焊方法制备了超细晶IF钢,对其微观组织和力学性能进行了分析。实验结果表明,累积叠轧后IF钢的平均晶粒尺寸为700nm;

    Ultra fine grained interstitial free ( IF ) steel is prepared by accumulative roll bonding ( ARB ) process with its microstructure and mechanical properties investigated .

  7. 叠轧薄板轧机轧辊轴承的改进

    Improvement of the bearing of the pack - rolled sheet mill

  8. 累积叠轧焊强化金属材料的力学性能

    Mechanics properties of metal materials strengthened by accumulative roll bonding process

  9. 累积叠轧焊硅钢的组织与性能研究

    Study on Structures and Properties of Silicon Steel Processed by Accumulative Roll-Bonding

  10. 叠轧深变形制备超细晶Al-1%Mg合金

    Manufacturing ultrafine-grained Al-1 % Mg alloy by accumulative Roll-Bonding process

  11. 累积叠轧焊不锈钢的组织和性能

    Microstructure and Properties of Stainless Steels Processed by Accumulative Roll - bonding

  12. 对此镀层消除叠轧金属层间复合界面的机理进行初步的分析;

    The Electrodeposited coating can eliminate the compounded interface of accumulative roll-bonding ;

  13. 降低叠轧薄板辊耗的重大技术措施

    Important Measurement of Reducing the Roller Depletion on Rolling Folded Thin board

  14. 累积叠轧焊纯铝的微观组织与力学性能研究

    Study on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the Pure Aluminum by Accumulative Roll-Bonding

  15. 金属材料累积叠轧焊界面的结合特性

    Metal Material Interface Bonding Property of Accumulative Rolling Bonding

  16. 叠轧薄板轧辊辊型曲线的改进

    The improvement of roll - profile of sheet mill

  17. 累积叠轧焊制备Al/AZ31多层复合材料及其强度

    Al / AZ31 Multilayered Composite Prepared by Accumulative Rolling Bonding Technique and Its Strength

  18. 叠轧深变形技术具有商业化生产超细晶材料的潜力。

    Accumulative Roll-Bonding process has a potential application for commercial production of ultrafine-grained materials .

  19. 室温累积叠轧技术对纯铝板材力学性能的影响

    Effect of Accumulative Roll - Bonding at Room Temperature on the Mechanical Properties of Pure Aluminium

  20. 累积叠轧焊制备超细晶IF钢微观组织与力学性能

    Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ultra-fine Grained IF Steel Produced by Accumulative Roll-bonding ( ARB ) Process

  21. 降低叠轧薄板轧辊消耗的方法与措施

    Measures for Reducing Roller Consumption

  22. 控制电解沉积过程在纯铜的表面制得宏观上致密、光滑的铜镀层,以此镀层来消除叠轧金属层间的复合界面;

    Electrodeposited coating is compact and smooth in general that is maken by controlling the processor of electrolysis on surface of pure copper .

  23. 在轧制过程中结合的金属板材(叠轧的名字由此而来)和这个生产过程可以重复数次。

    The metal sheets bond together during rolling ( hence the name " rollbonding ") and the procedure can then be repeated any number of times .

  24. 介绍了热轧、冷轧、交叉轧制、累积叠轧、不对称轧制等不同的镁合金板材轧制工艺。分析了不同轧制工艺对应板材的组织特点及晶粒细化机制。

    This paper is written to introduce different magnesium alloy rolling methods like hot rolling , cold rolling , cross rolling , asymmetrically rolling , accumulative roll-bonding ( ARB ) .

  25. 在制备块体纳米晶和超细晶材料的方法中,累积叠轧技术被认为是唯一有希望实现工业化生产的加工技术。

    In the methods of processing technologies of bulk nano-crystalline and ultra-fine grain materials , accumulative roll bonding ( ARB ) is seem the unique technology to be used in industrial production .

  26. 从累积叠轧第一周期到第七周期,靠近层界面的不稳定的小角度晶界转变为稳定的大角度晶界,这导致了层界面的融合。

    The conversion of grain boundaries near the layer interface from the instable low angle grain boundaries to the stable large angle grain boundaries resulted in the integration of the layer interface .

  27. 旋转叠轧2道次板材表现出相对较高的单向拉伸强度和平面内各向异性,但相对较低的法向各向异性和杯突试验值,而后者表明旋转叠轧板材的成形性较差。

    The sheet processed by rotated ARB depicted relatively higher tensile strength and planar anisotropy , but lower normal anisotropy and Erichsen number than those of the sheet processed by conventional ARB , and the latter results indicated relatively poor formability of the sheet processed by rotated ARB .