
kǒu shòu
  • dictate;oral instruction;pass on through oral instruction;instruct orally
口授 [kǒu shòu]
  • (1) [instruct orally]∶口头传授

  • (2) [dictate]∶口说而由别人代写

  • 向秘书口授一封信稿

口授[kǒu shòu]
  1. 在一个极为漫长的历史阶段中,人类只能通过音乐表演和口授来传播音乐。

    For a very long period of historical development , humans could only transmit music by means of musical performance and oral instruction .

  2. 他喜欢自己写信,不愿意口授自己的信。

    He prefers to write his letters rather than dictate them .

  3. 他向秘书口授信稿。

    He dictated a letter to his secretary .

  4. 他口授的所有内容都签上名并在同一天寄出了。

    Everything he dictated was signed and sent out the same day .

  5. 他的一只胳膊截掉了,只能口授书的内容让她来记录。

    He had had an arm amputated and relied on her to take down his books from dictation .

  6. 韦佛先生又口授了几封信,艾琳就走到打字机去誊清。

    Mr. Weaver dictates several more letters , then Arlens goes to her typewriter and transcribes them .

  7. 微软定于今秋发布XboxOne,用户可通过口授命令来观看具体节目,如“打开ESPN(娱乐体育节目电视网)”或“我想看《绝命毒师》(BreakingBad)”。

    The company 's Xbox One , due out this fall , allows customers to navigate to programs by speaking commands such as ' Go to ESPN , ' or ' I want to watch ' Breaking Bad . "

  8. 小姐,我现在准备好作口授笔录。

    I am ready to take a dictation now , Ma'am .

  9. 经理在向秘书口授信稿。

    The manager was dictating a letter to the secretary .

  10. 格林小姐昨天向秘书口授了一封信。

    Miss Green dictated a letter to her secretary yesterday .

  11. 我在离开前要向秘书口授信件。

    I have letters to dictate to my secretary before I leave .

  12. 从某种意义上说,这成了记录想法的口授录音机。

    In a sense this becomes a dictaphone of ideas .

  13. 不管什么原因,保罗用了口授的方式让一书吏为他代写。

    For whatever reason , Paul dictated his letters to a scribe .

  14. 我正在口授写给你的回信。

    I 'm dictating an answer to your letter .

  15. 由老师口授,学生听写。

    The pupil write at the teacher 's dictation .

  16. 她让她的秘书替她记一份口授信稿。

    She asked her secretary to take a letter .

  17. 之后他对她口授了几封信。

    Afterwards he dictated a few letters to her .

  18. 如果我总是不得不作他的口授记录员,我会感到讨厌的。

    I hated it if I ever had to take dictation from him .

  19. 我走进房间时,他正在让秘书记他口授的话。

    As I entered the room , he was dictating to his secretary .

  20. 当有人来访时他正在向秘书口授信稿。

    When the visitor came , he was dictating a letter to a secretary .

  21. 口授那封信花了好几个小时。

    The dictation of the letter took hours .

  22. 信是莫埃先生口授的。

    It was by Mr. Moy 's dictation .

  23. 将老师口授的每个词都记下来。

    Write down every word the teacher dictates .

  24. 我能听写记录正常速度的口授。

    I can take dictation at ordinary speed .

  25. 这主要是口授的传统,口耳相传。

    It was an oral tradition principally , from ear to ear-mouth to mouth .

  26. 我通过电话口授命令。

    I dictated my order over the phone .

  27. 她向秘书口授一封信。

    She dictated a letter to her secretary .

  28. 你能记录口授吗?

    Can you take or do dictation ?

  29. 例如,口授的连续语音识别直到最近才变得实用。

    Only recently , for example , has continuous speech recognition for dictation become available .

  30. 第一天,国王用方言向他的秘书口授一封信。

    The first day , the king dictated a letter to his secretary in dialect .