
kǒu fú bǔ yè yán
  • oral rehydration salts
  1. 世界卫生组织(世卫组织)和联合国儿童基金会今天宣布了一种生产口服补液盐(ORS)的新配方。

    The World Health Organization ( WHO ) and UNICEF today announced a new formula for the manufacture of Oral Rehydration Salts ( ORS ) .

  2. 火焰光度法测定口服补液盐Ⅱ中总钠和钾的含量

    Determination of total sodium and potassium in oral rehydration salts ⅱ with the flame photometry methods

  3. 小儿口服补液盐(ORS)的临床应用及配制方法

    Clinical Practice of Child 's Oral Rehydration Salts ( ORS ) and Compound Method

  4. 经治疗的患者多采用抗生素疗法(91.2%),无一例应用口服补液盐(ORS)治疗。

    Most of the patients ( 91.2 % ) were treated with antibiotic therapy , but no one was treated with ORS .

  5. 目的推广应用WHO和UNICEF推荐的降低渗透压的新配方口服补液盐。

    Objective To promote and apply an improved formula for oral rehydration salts ( ORS ) to prevent or treat diarrhoea dehydration recommended by WHO and UNICEF .

  6. 目前每年有130万儿童死于腹泻病,改善口服补液盐(ORS)和锌片的获取可以使其中许多获得拯救。

    Improving access to Oral Rehydration Salts ( ORS ) and zinc tablets would save many of the1.3 million children who are dying annually from diarrhoea .

  7. 方法:60名急性腹泻患儿随机分为2组,在两组均予抗病毒及思密达治疗的同时,A组加服口服补液盐(ORS),B组予米汁。

    Methods : 60 children with acute diarrhea were divided into group A and group B in a randomly study , they all treated by anti-viral and smecta , then group A received ORS and group B received rice water .

  8. 通过口服补液盐(ORS)对地塞米松驴应激模型防治作用实验,初步证明ORS有防治应激作用。

    Through the experiment in controlling donkey stress model made by dexamethasone with oral rehydration solution ( ORS ), it was proved initially that controlling effect a-gainst stress was provided by ORS .

  9. 目的了解急性腹泻患者对口服补液盐(ORS)的认知水平、选择意愿及使用情况,探讨护理干预措施。

    Objective To investigate the knowledge level , desire for making a choice , and rate of correct usage of oral rehydration salt ( ORS ) in patients with acute diarrhea and to explore the nursing intervention measures .

  10. 作者于1983年开始将以葡萄糖&钠泵学说为理论的口服补液盐(ORS)技术引入我国畜牧兽医领域,经过几年的临床研究;

    In 1983 , the authors began to study the oral rehydration solution ( ORS ) which is based on the theory of glucose-sodium pump to control diarrhea and dehydration of calves , pigs , chickens and dogs , and the rate of effectivity was 86-98.7 % .

  11. 口服补液盐Ⅱ用于重度口服有机磷中毒重复洗胃40例临床研究

    ORS II used in repeated gastrolavage in severe oral organophosphorus intoxication

  12. 口服补液盐的临床应用与动物实验研究

    Study on the clinical application and animal experiments with oral rehydration solution

  13. 腹泻病患者对口服补液盐的知识水平及使用状况的调查

    Survey of Diarrhea Patients ′ Knowledge About ORS and Use of ORS

  14. 口服补液盐治疗成人急性感染性腹泻脱水的效果分析

    Effect of Oral Rehydration Salts in Adult Patients with Acute Infectious Diarrhea Dehydration

  15. 低渗透压口服补液盐的配制处方在儿童急性腹泻病中的临床应用

    Application of reduced osmolarity oral rehydration salts solution on acute diarrhoea in children

  16. 脱水和发烧可用口服补液盐和对乙酰氨基酚进行治疗。

    Dehydration and fever can be treated with oral rehydration salts and paracetamol .

  17. 拯救生命的腹泻病治疗办法很简单,只需口服补液盐和锌片即可。

    The life-saving treatment for diarrhoea is simple : ORS and zinc tablets .

  18. 世卫组织建议旅行者在其医疗箱中包括口服补液盐。

    WHO recommends that travellers include oral rehydration salts in their medical kits .

  19. 而口服补液盐和补锌可几乎完全消除死亡危险。

    ORS and zinc bring the risk of death down to almost zero .

  20. 止泻口服补液盐治疗小儿腹泻的临床研究

    Clinical study of antidiarrhea and rehydration salts in the treatment of infantile diarrhea

  21. 口服补液盐在基层医院治疗小儿腹泻病情况调查

    The Inquisition of ORS Applied in the Treatment of Children Diarrhea in Basic Hospital

  22. 急性腹泻患者对口服补液盐认知水平调查及护理干预研究

    Survey of acute diarrhea patients ' knowledge about ORS and study of nursing intervention

  23. 利用口服补液盐,可使多达80%的病例得以成功治疗。

    Up to80 % of cases can be successfully treated with oral rehydration salts .

  24. 世卫组织和儿童基金会共同发布了生产新的口服补液盐的指南。

    WHO and UNICEF have jointly issued guidance for the production of the new ORS .

  25. 口服补液盐和盐酸米多君对儿童血管迷走性晕厥的干预研究

    The Efficacy of Oresol and Midodrine Hydrochloride in the Treatment of Children with Vasovagal Syncope

  26. 对儿童生存革命做出巨大贡献的是诸如口服补液盐这样的东西。

    A great contribution to the child survival revolution were things like oral rehydration salts .

  27. 在家中使用口服补液盐早期补充液体对减少死亡率至关重要。

    Early rehydration at home by using oral rehydration salts is paramount to diminishing mortality .

  28. 口服补液盐治疗腹泻脱水临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Oral Rehydration Salt in the treatment of Dehydration due to Diarrhea in Infants

  29. 袋装口服补液盐可在大多数城市药房和卫生保健机构获得。

    Packets of oral rehydration salts are available from most city pharmacies and health care facilities .

  30. 口服补液盐防治家畜应激作用的初步实验研究

    A preliminary experimental study on controlling effect of stress on domestic animals with oral rehydration solution