
  • 网络vibrionaceae;Desulfovibrionaceae;Vibrionaceae family
  1. 弧菌科快速鉴定系统与微机应用的研究

    Study on rapid identification system of Vibrionaceae and application of micro-computer program

  2. 结论:弧菌科病原菌在室内游泳池水中具有较高的检出率。

    Conclusion : Pathogenic bacteria of Vibrionaceae had high detection rate in indoor swimming pool .

  3. 研究人员检查了属于弧菌科的细菌基因。

    Researchers examined the genomes of bacteria belonging to the Vibrionaceae family .

  4. 弧菌科鉴定正确率为61&85%。

    The appraisal correct rate of arc bacterid was 61 - 85 % .

  5. 结论:弧菌科的细菌已成为当地重要的肠道致病菌。

    Conclusion : The bacteria of vibrio family are main pathogens of intestinal diseases .

  6. 九项生化试验对弧菌科10种致病菌鉴定的探讨

    A Preliminary Study on Identification of Vibrio ( genera , species ) by the Nine Kinds of Biochemical Reaction

  7. 目的:为了解室内游泳池中弧菌科病原菌的分布情况,预防和控制病原菌在游泳池中的传播流行。

    Objectives : This study was conducted to understand the distribution of pathogenic bacteria of Vibrionaceae in indoor swimming pool .

  8. 作者在福建省沿海,从东到南,选4个代表性县采集腹泻患者与外环境标本,调查弧菌科分布情况。

    The authors investigated the distribution data on genus Vibrio along the coast from east to south area in Fujian province .

  9. 前言:目的:了解粪便中弧菌科细菌的检测,引起临床工作者的高度重视。

    Objective : To find out the detection of vibrio family bacteria in feces , and draw clinical workers great attention .

  10. 弧菌科3个属,10个种1196株菌,属鉴定符合率为98.36%,种鉴定符合率为97.83%。

    In 3 genera , 10 species and 1196 strains of vibrionaceae , the genera identification respondent rate was 98.36 % , the species identification respondent rate was 97.83 % .

  11. 但当他们观察到不同类型的弧菌科细菌之间的互相作用时,发现在任一群落中只有少数的成员可以分泌具有杀菌功效的物质,而剩余细菌则对这种特殊化合物有免疫作用。

    But when they looked at interactions between different strains of Vibrionaceae , they found that only a few members of any given population could produce the bacteria-killing substances , and the rest of that community was resistant to those particular compounds .

  12. 结果引致腹泻的条件致病菌中金黄色葡萄球菌占11.01%,肠杆菌料占56.83%,假单胞菌属占15.19%,弧菌科的气单胞菌属占9.53%,耶尔森氏菌占1.76%,真菌占5.65%。

    Results The opportunistic pathogens included 11,00 % staphylococcus aureus , 56 . 83 % enteric bacilli , 15 . 19 % pseudomonas , 9 . 53 % aeromonas of vibrios , 1 . 76 % yersinia and 5 . 65 % fungi .

  13. 目的简化副溶血弧菌等6种弧菌科常见病原菌的检测程序,缩短报告时间,提高防治效果。

    Objective To predigest the detection procedure of 6 species of pathogenic bacteria of Vibrionaceae .