
  • 网络forearc;fore-arc;pre-arc
  1. 弧前复理石至少可细分为三个巨层序,从宽阔而切割较深的粗粒水道充填物开始,而以半远洋泥灰岩(沉积于碳酸盐补偿深度CCD之上)和黑色页岩告终。

    The forearc flysch may be subdivided into at least three mega-sequences , which begin with wide and relatively deeply cut , coarse-grained channel fills and end with hemipelagic marls ( deposited above the CCD ) and dark shales .

  2. 该蛇绿混杂岩带是义敦碰撞造山带大地构造相中的弧前混杂带相。

    The ophiolite melange zone represents forearc melange facies of the Yidun collision orogens .

  3. 在弧前走过的光衰减为黑色。

    The light traveled in an arc before fading to black .

  4. 马里亚纳弧前区锥形海山岩石学及成因

    Petrology and Origin of the Conical Seamount in the Mariana Fore - arc Area

  5. 锥形海山是马里亚纳弧前区非火山成因的海山。

    The Conical Seamount is a non - volcanic one in the Mariana Fore Arc .

  6. 弧前盆地研究进展综述

    Overview of research advance on forearc basins

  7. 该系统包括燃弧前的弧声预警和燃弧后的故障电弧报警两部分。

    This system involves before arcing sound early warning and after arcing arc fault waning .

  8. 构造环境判别图解指示该玄武岩形成于弧前环境。

    Discrimination diagrams demonstrate that the basalts were formed in forearc in terms of tectono-environment .

  9. 缅甸弧前盆地和弧后盆地都是以中生代地层为基底的新生代沉积盆地。

    Fore-arc basin and back-arc basin in Burma are Cenozoic basins on basement of Mesozoic strata .

  10. 综述了弧前盆地的沉降机制、充填序列及主要识别标志。

    The subsidence mechanism , infilling sequence and main recognition criteria of forearc basin are reviewed .

  11. 中侏罗世克拉通边缘坳陷盆地、白垩纪弧前盆地和晚白垩世末&新生代弧后裂陷盆地等3个构造演化阶段。

    - Middle Jurassic depression on a cratonic margin , Cretaceous forearc basin and Latest Cretaceous-Cenozoic backarc basin .

  12. 中秦岭地区晚古生代增生的弧前构造带及演化初析

    The accretional forearc structural zone and its evolution analysis in Later Paleozoic in the middle part of Qinling area

  13. 弧前盆地顺北吕宋海槽向北延伸,穿越台东海槽后与台湾陆上的台东纵谷相接。

    The fore-arc basin extended along North Luzon Trough and connected to Taitung Longitudinal Valley after crossing the Taitung Trough .

  14. 晚三叠世沉积盆地分属周缘前陆盆地、弧前盆地和弧后前陆盆地;

    In the Late Triassic , the sedimentary basins are divided into peripheral foreland basin , forearc basin and retro-arc foreland basin .

  15. 随着短路电流的减小,提出弧前时间考虑到汽化点,使仿真结果更加的精确。

    With the decrease of the short current , the time of boiling was considered . So the simulation results is more precise .

  16. 对于开断低过载电流,由于弧前时间比较长,所以需要考虑周围石英砂的散热作用。

    For breaking low overload current , because pre-arcing time of is much longer , the heat dissipation of surrounding quartz sand should be considered .

  17. 为了使高压限流熔断器更好的配合其它保护电器,本文研究其弧前时间-电流特性的仿真计算,这也为今后全范围熔断器的设计奠定基础。

    In order to make the fuse cooperate with other protection devices preferably , the simulation of pre-arcing time current characteristics was obtained in this paper .

  18. 结合其它资料,探讨了这套浊流沉积的沉积环境,认为它形成于位于消减带和海沟之间的弧前盆地环境。

    Combined with the analysis of the other sedimentary characteristics and tectonic backgrounds , it was concluded that this turbidite suite was fromed in a fore-arc basin .

  19. 弧前盆地油气藏的保存条件较差,逆断层以及褶皱脊部会发育一系列张性断层,容易导致油气逸散。

    Preservation condition of reservoirs in fore-arc basin is poor , reverse fault and crest faults in fold may easily lead effusion of the oil and gas .

  20. 弧前盆地圈闭类型较多,包括不整合圈闭、沿盆地轴向发育的一系列背斜、断背斜圈闭以及构造-岩性等复合圈闭。

    There are many type of trap in fore-arc basin , including unconformity traps , anticlinal and faulted anticlinal traps developed along the basin axial and structure-lithology traps .

  21. 特殊的构造部位,弱的变形、变质和富有特色的沉积序列,砂岩碎屑组分是判别化石弧前盆地的主要标志。

    The criteria recognizing fossil forearc basin are presented and discussed in geotectonic position , deformation and metamorphism , sedimentary sequence and model compositions of volcano plutonic sandstone suits .

  22. 赞岐岩的形成与菲律宾海板块年轻的热的岩石圈俯冲和四国盆地的张开有关,产于岛弧的弧前或弧后盆地环境。赞岐岩不只代表火山岩,也包括侵入岩。

    The Setouchi sanukite is located in fore - or back-arc basins , and originated in subduction of the young and hot Philippine Sea plate and pull-apart of the Shikoku basin .

  23. 在晚古生代岛弧带、弧前海沟带、弧后盆地或陆缘活动带等构造环境下发育有不同的火山岩组合

    Under the tectonic backgrounds of island arc belt , fore arc trench belt , back arc basin . and epicontinental active belt of Late Paleozoic , it has different volcanic rock characteristics

  24. 岛弧为大型背形结构,雅满苏断裂带为火山喷发的主要通道,弧前盆地生成于弧沟间隙部位。

    The island arc has a large antiform structure , the Yamansu fault belt is a main conduit for volcanic eruption , and the forearc basin was formed in an arc-trench gap .

  25. 弧前盆地发育多套储盖组合,但不稳定的构造活动易导致储集层和盖层在强烈变形区连续性差。

    There are several sets of favorable reservoir and seal assemblages in fore-arc basin , but unstable tectonic activity easily lead to poor continuity of reservoir and seal in the strongly deformed area .

  26. 经过初步的侵位机制分析,可知这套火山岩经历了海沟增生楔、弧前盆地基底,并接受了盐边群碎屑岩的沉积。

    The primitive study on the emplacement mechanism suggests that the volcanic rocks had underwent the stages of the trench accretion and the basement of forearc basin , which received the elastics of the Yanbian Group .

  27. 盐边群碎屑岩碎屑骨架颗粒统计分析结果和砂岩常量元素构造环境判断图解显示,它们所处的构造环境为活动大陆边缘,初步判定它们的原型盆地为弧前盆地。

    Triangular diagram of the sandstone clastic compositions and the relationship diagram of major element suggest that the proto basin of the clastic rock of the Yanbian Group was a forearc basin , which was in an active continental margin .

  28. 九州俯冲带弧前地区下方,沿俯冲板块上边界存在明显的低速异常体,板间大地震主要分布在这种低速异常体的边缘。

    Under the forearc region of the Kyushu subduction zone , prominent low-velocity anomalies are visible along the upper boundary of the subducting Philippine Sea slab and large interplate earthquakes are located around the low-velocity zones , which is similar to the features revealed in the Northeast Japan subduction zone .

  29. 目的探讨MRI技术在先天性脊柱裂脊膜膨出(SB)患者人工反射弧术前脊神经根初步解剖定位中的应用价值。

    Objective : To explore the clinical value of the MRI performance to identification the lumbar-sacral nerve roots in the spina bifida patients before artificial reflex arc operation .

  30. 甘肃公婆泉地区志留纪弧盆体系前寒武纪基底的发现及找矿意义

    The discovery of Precambrian basement in arc-basin system of Silurian and its significance for prospecting in Gongpoquan area , gansu