
kǒu kě
  • thirsty
口渴 [kǒu kě]
  • [thirsty] 口干想喝水

  • 我感到口渴

口渴[kǒu kě]
  1. 他们都口渴了,所以我给了他们一杯饮料。

    They were all thirsty so I gave them a drink .

  2. 挖地是个使人口渴的活。

    Digging is thirsty work .

  3. 她醒来后,感到头痛,口渴难忍。

    She woke up with a raging thirst and a headache .

  4. 这是使人觉得口渴的工作。

    This is dry work .

  5. 她突然口渴了。

    She was suddenly thirsty and dry .

  6. 他感到口渴难忍。

    He felt a raging thirst .

  7. 我从图书馆出来时大约是7点。我不饿,但是觉得口渴。

    It was around seven when I finished at the library . I wasn 't hungry , but I 'd worked up a thirst .

  8. 有些种类的食物使人口渴。

    Some kinds of food makes one thirsty .

  9. 我口渴极了。

    I am as dry as a bone .

  10. 如果你吃东西,你就会感到口渴,你的水很快就会用光。

    If you eat , you will get thirsty and your water will run out soon .

  11. 糖尿病患者,特别是1型糖尿病患者,很容易感到口渴和饥饿,并且体重会迅速减轻。

    People with diabetes , especially the Type 1 , will easily get thirsty and hungry , and quickly lose weight .

  12. 有只蚂蚁口渴了。

    There was once an ant that was very thirsty .

  13. 在英国的埃文河畔布拉福德,你是不会因为没有水而感到口渴的。

    You won 't go thirsty in Bradford on Avon ( UK ) .

  14. 咸的食物令人口渴。

    Salty food makes one thirsty .

  15. 每周吞服一丸就不会感觉口渴。

    You need only swallow one pill a week , and you would feel no need of anything to drink .

  16. n.渴望;口渴vi.渴望;口渴那匹马在河边痛饮解渴。

    thirst The horse satisfied its thirst at the river .

  17. 在精神、口渴、食欲、舌苔脉象方面,三者比较无显著性差异(均P0.05)。

    In spirit , appetite , thirst , tongue and pulse condition , there is no significant difference between the three methods ( P0.05 ) .

  18. 在改善次要症状如精神、面色、食欲食量、口渴方面比较,差异有统计学意义(P0.05),治疗组优于对照组。

    In the secondary symptoms such as spirit , improve complexion , appetite to eat , thirsty , the difference was statistically significant ( P0.05 ), the treatment group is better than the control group .

  19. 观察各组术后4、8、12、24h的视觉模拟评分(VAS)、曲马多用量及镇静评分和口渴等不良反应。

    Postoperative pain , nausea and vomiting , sedation , thirst scores and the dosage of tramadol were observed at 4,8,12 and 24 hours during postoperative analgesia .

  20. 各组对症状改善经差值比较,精神、口渴、食欲、舌苔脉象比较无差异(P0.05);发热、面色、大小便比较有差异(P0.05)。

    The comparison between the groups in improvement of symptoms , thirst , appetite , spirit of tongue , pulse , with no difference ( P0.05 ); fever , complexion , feces and urine are significantly different ( P0.05 ) .

  21. 我们本该改善我们的婚姻,Carlos,但如果那个无处不在的大屁股淑女,总让你担忧什么口渴的孤儿,我们就没法改善。

    We are supposed to be working on our marriage , Carlos , but we can 't do that as long as our lady of perpetual stick-up-her-butt has you worrying about thirsty orphans .

  22. 中医治疗组对主要症状的改善方面,咽痛、口渴症状、身重乏力的症状积分差异具有显著统计学意义(P0.01),咳嗽咯痰症状的症状积分差异没有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    TCM group the improvement of major symptoms , sore throat , thirst symptoms , body weight fatigue , symptom scores were significantly different statistically significant ( P0.01 ), cough and expectoration symptoms symptom score difference was not statistically significant ( P0.05 ) .

  23. 通过允许感知水含量的细胞去激活能够释放抗利尿激素(vasopressin)的细胞,抗利尿激素是一种指示身体进行储水的荷尔蒙,昼夜系统就能使身体在睡觉时储存水分(而不觉口渴)。

    By allowing cells that sense water levels to activate cells that release vasopressin , a hormone that instructs the body to store water , the circadian system keeps the body hydrated during sleep .

  24. 出生于伊朗的FereydoonBatmanghelidj博士曾经在两本书里对饮水的益处大加推崇。他说,依赖口渴来调节饮水量是“医学史上最大的悲剧”。

    Fereydoon Batmanghelidj , an Iranian-born doctor who extolled the benefits of water in two books , called relying on thirst to regulate hydration'the greatest tragedy in medical history .

  25. 有口渴和饥饿,你是水果。

    There is thirst and hunger , you are a fruit .

  26. 给我来一杯茶.我口渴。

    A cup of tea , please . I 'm thirsty .

  27. 口渴明显减轻,无恶心呕吐;

    Thirst significantly alleviated and there is no nausea and vomiting ;

  28. 神看见你口渴了,他创造了水;

    God sees you are thirsty , so he produces water ;

  29. 她要喝水,她口渴。

    She wants a drink of water . she 's thirsty .

  30. 因为他太口渴了,来来回回的飞。

    So he thinks and thinks , and then flies away .