
kǒu wěn
  • tone;muzzle;accent;mouth;lip;snout
口吻 [kǒu wěn]
  • (1) [lip;mouth]∶嘴唇;嘴

  • (2) [muzzle;snout]∶某些动物头部向前突出的部分

  • (3) [tone]∶说话时流露出来的感情色彩

  • 玩笑的口吻

  • (4) [accent]∶口音;腔调

  • 听你说话,分明是天津口吻

口吻[kǒu wěn]
  1. 口吻相当宽阔,充实,短钝并且无论从哪个角度看呈方型。为实现尽可能最充分的透明度,每一成员应定期向TPRB报告。

    Muzzle fairly broad , well padded , blunt and square when viewed from all sides . In order to achieve the fullest possible degree of transparency , each Member shall report regularly to the TPRB .

  2. 口吻:结实,中等长度;鼻梁直。

    Muzzle : Strong , of medium length ; nasal bridge straight .

  3. 别用那种口吻跟我讲话。

    Don 't speak to me in that tone of voice .

  4. 他说起话来带着一副一家之主的口吻。

    He talked with the magisterial authority of the head of the family .

  5. 我不喜欢她傲慢的口吻。

    I disliked the arrogant cast to her mouth .

  6. 我讨厌他暗中批评的口吻。

    I disliked the implied criticism in his voice .

  7. 她的讲话带着权威的口吻。

    Her speech carried the ring of authority .

  8. 这好像带有批评的口吻吧?

    Do I detect a note of criticism ?

  9. 她用一种公务口吻,说话干脆利落。

    She adopted a brisk businesslike tone .

  10. 她以讥讽的口吻咬牙切齿地作了回答。

    She growled a sarcastic reply .

  11. 他说话时声音低沉、紧张,带着一种安抚的口吻。

    He spoke in a low , nervous , conciliating voice .

  12. 他以一个讲师般平板、不动感情的口吻说话。

    He spoke in the flat , dispassionate tone of a lecturer .

  13. 这本书是以一个叫理查德·巴本的加利福尼亚男孩的口吻讲述的。

    The book is narrated by Richard Papen , a Californian boy .

  14. 一名受害者的父亲以极为宽容的口吻发了言。

    The father of one victim spoke with remarkable magnanimity .

  15. 这个女孩现在以相似的口吻回答。

    The girl now replies in similar vein .

  16. 他对记者们的讲话带着安抚的口吻。

    His comments to reporters were conciliatory in tone

  17. “所以你们都可以到那里去挨枪子儿,”他说道,口吻中透着这里英国部队惯用的黑色幽默。

    ' So you can all go over there and get shot , ' he said , with the sort of black humour common among British troops here

  18. 他真会看风使舵,口吻也马上变得温和了。

    Steering according to the wind , he also framed his words more amicably .

  19. 他老是用命令的口吻讲话。

    He always speaks in an imperative tone of voice .

  20. 我不喜欢这种学究的口吻。

    I have no brow of such a pedagogic tone .

  21. 他总是以目中无人的口吻讲话。

    He always speaks in an arrogant tone .

  22. 我以一种几乎不加掩饰的警告口吻回答。

    I replied with a thinly veiled warning .

  23. 大卫以命令的口吻说话。

    David speaks in authoritative tones .

  24. 在这种情况下,最好的解决办法是以一种轻松的口吻迅速道歉来解释你的尴尬。

    In this instance , the best solution is to send a quick , light-hearted apology to explain your awkwardness .

  25. 现在,他一面从潜望镜里观察,一面用精干踏实的口吻说话。

    Now , peering through the periscope he remarked in businesslike tones .

  26. 好几个人都不约而同地以讥讽的口吻作出回答。

    This answer came derisively from several places at the same instant .

  27. 这话是用辛辣的自我谴责的口吻说出来的,说话时他的面孔也歪扭得象个地道的魔鬼。

    This sentence was spoken with the bitterness of self-upbraiding , and a contortion of visage absolutely demoniacal .

  28. 这个姑娘犹豫了一会儿,觉得这个问题有点古怪,就以开玩笑的口吻回答说:“哦,可以是33呀!”她也被叫到隔壁的房间去等候。

    She hesitated for a while , suspecting something was planned , then she said jokingly : " Well , it might be thirty-three . " Then she was also told to wait in the next room .

  29. 我从来不大愿意以道学家的口吻来说话,可是猴面包树的危险,大家都不大了解,对迷失在小行星上的人来说,危险性非常之大,因此这一回,我贸然打破了我的这种不喜欢教训人的惯例。

    I do not much like to take the tone of a moralist . But the danger of the baobabs is so little understood , and such considerable risks would be run by anyone who might get lost on an asteroid9 , that for once I am breaking through my reserve .

  30. 例如,“It's9o'clock”听上去比较独断,让人不悦,而“It's,like,9o'clock”听起来则是适宜的商榷口吻,不显得像是说教。

    It 's 9 o'clock ' sounds unpleasantly authoritarian , whereas ' It 's , like , 9 o'clock ' sounds suitably tentative and nondoctrinaire .