
  1. 论我国古代刑法中的拟制

    Discussion about working-out of the ancient criminal law in our country

  2. 因此,同居相为隐这一古代刑法原则的形成与确立有其历史必然性。

    So the principle is destined to generate and establish .

  3. 中国古代刑法文化与现代法治理念的架构

    China Ancient Times Criminal Law Culture and Modern Government by Law Idea Construction

  4. 试论我国古代刑法中的罪刑法定思想

    An Elementary Discussion on Conception of Statutory Offence in Chinese Ancient Criminal Law

  5. 该部分介绍了中国古代刑法思想中有关刑罚人道的萌芽以及刑罚人道主义在西方的产生和发展。

    Remark Death Penalty Through Penalty Humanism This part begins with some ideas of humanism in criminal law in ancient China .

  6. 在对后者的论述中,梳理和回顾了中国古代刑法理念的主要内容并将其概括为八大理念具象。

    For the latter , the thesis reviews the main contents of notions of criminal law in ancient China , and summed up to eight concrete concepts .

  7. 在我国漫长的封建社会中亲亲相隐制度一直居于十分重要的地位,成为中国古代刑法的一项基本原则。

    In our long feudal society , the system of mutual concealment of kinship offenses had played an important role , becoming a foundational principle of Chinese ancient law .

  8. 盗窃数额是决定刑罚轻重的重要因素,在古代刑法中,盗窃数额甚至是决定刑罚轻重的唯一标准。

    Steal amount is an important factor in the severity of penalties . In ancient times the Penal Code , the amount is the sole criterion to determine the severity of penalty .

  9. 现行大陆和台湾地区刑法中的自首制度都是在《大清新刑律》的基础上发展起来的,与以前的古代刑法中的自首制度也有着明显的继承关系。

    The current voluntary surrender in criminal law of Mainland and Taiwan has developed on the basis of the new criminal law of Qing Dynasty , and is also the succession of the voluntary surrender in ancient criminal law .

  10. 该部分从我国古代刑法中的教唆犯着手,考察了我国古代、近代、革命根据地及新中国刑法中的教唆犯和外国古代、近现代刑法及社会主义国家刑法中的教唆犯。

    This section , beginning with the instigator in ancient China 's criminal law , examines the instigator in the ancient , modern , revolutionary base 's and new China 's criminal laws together with that in ancient , modern and some other socialist countries ' criminal laws .

  11. 阴阳五行学说对古代中国刑法的影响浅谈

    Comment on the Influence of the Theory of Yin-Yang on Ancient Chinese Criminal Law

  12. 虽然古代的刑法并没有规定性贿赂,但是其社会危害性及对官员的腐蚀性,在当时的统治者来看,要远远大于一般的刑事犯罪。

    Although the ancient criminal law does not require a " sexual bribery ", but its harm to society and the officials of the corrosion , then the rulers of view , far greater than the general criminal offense .

  13. 无论是在古代诸刑法中,还是在近现代刑法中,身份都具有十分重要的地位;也无论是在刑事学理论中,还是在刑事司法实践中,身份都具有重要的指导性意义。

    Not only In the old criminal laws but also In the modern criminal laws , identity has had significant position , At the same time , not only to the theory of criminal laws but also to the judicial practice , identity has had extract importance .

  14. 中国古代统治者惯用刑法来规范与佛道教有关的一些问题。

    It had been a habitual practice of the rulers in ancient China to use the criminal law to regulate matters relating to Buddhism and Daoism .

  15. 本文依据一些史料,对我国古代奴隶制社会的刑法所具有的基本原则进行了一些分析和探讨,试图通过对奴隶制的刑法原则的研究来窥探奴隶社会刑法的实质及演变规律。

    This article based on some historical material , analyses and studies the fundamental principles of criminal law about Chinese ancient slave society and tries to inquire into the central point of that time 's criminal law and regular of its development .