
  • 网络classics;classical novel;classic novel
  1. 最后通过总结全文得出结论:译者的混杂文化身份影响着文化因素的处理和翻译,特别是在处理《红楼梦》这种蕴涵着丰富的文化内涵的古典小说时,这种影响就更为明显。

    To conclude the thesis , the hybrid cultural identity of translator influences the cultural translation , especially on handling the classics which is endowed richly with culture like Hong Lou Meng .

  2. 论中国古典小说脱胎于史传文学

    The Chinese Classical Novel Emerges from the Womb of Historical Literature

  3. 我并不是说就完全不用去读古典小说了。

    I do not mean to exclude classical novels for ever .

  4. 朝鲜古典小说《兔子传》原型故事略考

    A Tentative Study on the Prototype of Classical Fiction Rabbit Story

  5. 二十世纪古典小说研究的理性思考

    The Reasonable Thought for the Classical Fiction Research in 20th Century

  6. 《霜叶红似二月花》对中国古典小说的继承

    Maple Leaves As Red As February Flowers Inherits Chinese Traditional Novels

  7. 妙处不传:中国古典小说的造境艺术

    On the Art of Creation of Situations in Chinese Classical Fictions

  8. 我国古建筑文化对古典小说理论的影响

    The Influence of the Novel Theory Impacted by Ancient Architecture Culture

  9. 这些新变对古典小说的发展有着独特的意义。

    These changes had unique significance to the development of classical novel .

  10. 金圣叹在建立中国古典小说美学方面,起了关键的作用。

    Jin Sheng-tan plays a key role in establishing Chinses classical novels .

  11. 中国古典小说中的草莽英雄形象探析

    On the Images of Outlaw Heroes in Chinese Classical Fiction

  12. 文章与古典小说&研究古代小说的一个重要视角

    Essay and Classical Novel & An Important Viewpoint to Study Classical Novel

  13. 中西古典小说自然描写模式之比较任自然:魏晋南北朝审美意识的主流

    A Comparison of the Nature Delineation Patterns between Chinese and Western Novels

  14. 中国古典小说人物造型与形神美学

    The Modeling of Characters in Chinese Classical Novel and Esthetics of Formation

  15. 佛教与中国古典小说的因缘浅探

    The Study of Relations Between Chinese Classical Novels and Buddhism

  16. 浅谈中国四大古典小说的情节编织

    A Humble Discussion on the Well-Knotted Plots in the Classical Chinese Novels

  17. 我格外/非常/很喜欢的东西是古典小说。

    What I particularly / most / greatly enjoy is classic books .

  18. 论古典小说的悲剧精神及其对现当代文学的影响

    The Tragic Spirit of Classical Novel and its Influence on Contemporary Literature

  19. 古典小说预叙发达的文化解读

    The cultural explanation of the pre-narrative in Classical Novels

  20. 《芙蓉风》与中国古典小说

    The Wind of Hibiscus and the Chinese Classical Novels

  21. 中国古典小说及其视觉化再生产中的空间叙事

    Narrative Space in Classical Chinese Fictions and Visual Reproduction

  22. 试析《史记》对中国古典小说创作的影响

    The Impact of Historical Records on Chinese Classical Fictions

  23. 中国古典小说塑造人物的运作方法

    The Method of Creating Characters in Chinese Classical Fiction

  24. 中国古典小说里史的因素探因

    An Analysis of the Factor of " History " in Chinese Classical Novel

  25. 中国古典小说考证和历史演进法。

    And the Method of " History Evolution " .

  26. 符号与象征:古典小说人物意义阐释

    Signs and Symbols : Illustration on the Significance of Characters in Classical Novels

  27. 与古典小说理论相比,现代小说理论有其自身的范畴体系。

    Compared to classic novel , modern novel theory has its own category .

  28. 中学语文古典小说的鉴赏与教学

    Appreciating and Teaching of the Classical Novels in Mother Tongue in Middle School

  29. 解放后朝鲜对古典小说的收集、整理

    Collecting and Sifting Classical Korean Fiction in the DPRK

  30. 浅论中国古典小说修辞的民族风格

    On the national style in the rhetoric techniques of the Chinese classical novels