
fàn jù
  • Sanskrit drama;India brahman drama
  1. 中国戏曲源于印度梵剧说再探讨一种戏剧性的舞蹈它不象古典芭蕾那么严肃。

    More Survey on the Source of Classical Chinese Drama Said Coming from Indian Sanskrit Drama ; a style of theatrical dancing that is not as restricted as classical ballet ; movements are expressive of feelings .

  2. 论印度梵剧《沙恭达罗》的美学意蕴

    On Aesthetics Implication Shown on the Indian Classic Sanskrit Drama SHAKUNTALA

  3. 印度梵剧影响中国戏曲研究述评

    On the Influence of the Sanskrit-plays Upon the Traditional Chinese Opera

  4. 梵剧由繁复的仪式、布景、管弦乐队和舞台道具组成。

    It involves elaborate rituals and compositions , orchestras , and stage properties .

  5. 从梵剧的蜕变看唐代民间戏乐表演市场对戏剧艺术的双重作用

    Dual Effect of Folk Opera Performance Market in Tang Dynasty & Seen from Metamorphosis of the Sanskrit

  6. 世界上把中国戏曲和印度梵剧、希腊悲剧并称为三大古老的戏剧。

    The Chinese opera , Grace Tragedy and India opera are the three ancient operas in the world .

  7. 保护梵剧是如此重要:对于喀拉拉邦,马拉雅拉姆方言亟需保护;

    The preservation of the Kuttiyattam is important : for India as a nation , preserving its national heritage ;

  8. 卡提亚达姆梵剧是一种神圣的戏剧,来源于12至17世纪期间的寺庙戏剧。

    Kuttiyattam is a form of sacred theatre which was originally performed in temple theatres called Kuttampalams dating from the12th to17th centuries .

  9. 在世界戏剧史上,中国戏曲与古希腊戏剧、印度梵剧一起被称为三大戏剧体系。

    On the history of stage in the whole world , Chinese theatre , Paleo-Greece opera and India theatricals are dubbed three macro-groups of stage .

  10. 威胁:卡提亚达姆梵剧正面临着因缺少资金支持而逐渐消失的危险。

    Threats : Kuttiyattam is in danger of disappearing due to lack of funding to support its productions , and the decline of the Chakyar families who maintain its tradition .

  11. 中国戏曲作为传统艺术文化的精华,不仅在时间上源远流长,更是中华民族文化和精神的写照,更是与希腊悲剧、喜剧;印度梵剧一起被称作世界上三种古老戏剧文化。

    Chinese Opera has a long history and its the essence of our traditional arts and culture , not only portrayal of Chinese culture and spirit but also the World , Chinese Opera with the Greek tragedy .