
  1. 那太容易啦。我准备试试古典爵士流行曲。

    That would be too easy . I 'm going to try some classical jazzy pop .

  2. 我们和古典、爵士及蓝调女艺人合作

    We 're working with a bunch of classic jazz and blues ladies

  3. 披头四的音乐总是有蓝调、古典、爵士、乡村音乐的痕迹,是一种融合其他的主流音乐。

    The Beatles'music always had many traces of blues , classical , jazz , country and a host of other genres .

  4. 音乐的类型各式各样,古典、爵士、摇滚、流行、嘻哈和节奏蓝调只是其中一些。

    There are various kinds of music : classical , jazz , rock'n'roll , pop , hip-pop , and R & B , just to name a few .

  5. 而她在6岁时被邀请到“艾伦秀”节目弹钢琴,显示出她在古典、爵士及原创音乐上的造诣。

    At age six , she was invited to play piano on the " Ellen DeGeneres Show , " displaying her range with classical , jazz and original music .

  6. 他发表了几百张专辑,和黑金属乐手、古典作曲家、爵士和即兴音乐家合作过。

    He has released a couple of hundred albums , and has worked with black metallers , classical composer , jazz and impro artists .

  7. 研究者好不容易完成了对1.6万首不同的古典、摇滚和爵士乐曲的研究。

    Researchers have ploughed through 16,000 different pieces of classical , rock and jazz music

  8. 把古典乐曲奏成爵士音乐

    Jazz up classical tunes