
gǔ dǒng
  • antique;curio;old fogey
古董 [gǔ dǒng]
  • (1) [antique;curio]∶为人所珍视的古代器物。也作骨董

  • 四边都挂名人书画并奇异古董玩器之物。--《水浒传》六十六回

  • 近来就先送一批古董到巴黎去展览,但终不知后事如何。--《拿来主义》

  • (2) [old fogey]∶称不合时代潮流、思想固执的人

  • 死不开窍的老古董

古董[gǔ dǒng]
  1. 这不是真正的古董——你上当了。

    This isn 't a genuine antique ─ you 've been done .

  2. 他们在设法把那张普通桌子当真正的古董推销出去。

    They were trying to palm the table off as a genuine antique .

  3. 古董的价值依它们的保存状况和稀有程度而定。

    The value of antiques will depend on their condition and rarity .

  4. 无价之宝的古董在大火中焚毁。

    Priceless antiques were destroyed in the fire .

  5. 房间里摆放了古董。

    The room was furnished with antiques .

  6. 他从事古董家具买卖已有25年。

    He has been trading in antique furniture for 25 years .

  7. 他声称把所有的钱都投进了自己的古董生意。

    He claimed he ploughed all his money into his antique business .

  8. 他不想身边有那么多老古董。

    He didn 't want all those old fuddy-duddies around .

  9. 许多经营者都想用古董装饰他们的酒店。

    Many proprietors try to furnish their hotels with antiques .

  10. 这些油画除了作为古董,本身没有什么内在价值。

    The paintings have no intrinsic value except as curiosities

  11. 所有的古董都已经过鉴别并进行记录。

    All the antiques have been authenticated and recorded .

  12. 他穿着著名设计师设计的服装,开着一部古董车。

    He wears designer clothes and drives an antique car

  13. 我不想让自己听上去像一个老古董。

    I don 't want to sound like I 'm some old fogy .

  14. 有些人会把这些奇怪的铁片与木块称作“古董”。

    Some would call these odd pieces of iron and wood ' antiques '

  15. 他经营古董和美术品。

    He deals in antiques and fine art .

  16. 她非常喜欢那些稀奇古怪的老古董。

    She adores old , offbeat antiques .

  17. 她逛了一家高级古董店。

    She browsed in an up-market antiques shop

  18. 它在为期一天的集市上出售应有尽有的各种古董。

    It offers the widest selection of antiques of every description in a one day market .

  19. 在定居葡萄牙之前,她在伦敦经营一家自己的古董店。

    Before she settled down in Portugal , she had run her own antiques shop in London .

  20. 他们做古董买卖。

    They deal in antiques

  21. 这样,在从事多年的室内设计和古董经营后,他把二者结合了起来。

    Thus it came about that , after many years as an interior designer and antiques dealer , he combined both businesses .

  22. 我向他出了个价,要买那张古董桌子。

    I made him a bid for the antique table .

  23. 那条古董项链是无价之宝。

    That antique necklace is priceless .

  24. 她过去是个古董商。

    She used to be an antiques dealer .

  25. 他们房子里有美丽的古董装饰。

    Their house is adorned with beautiful antiques .

  26. 我们以为这是真古董,结果只是一件赝品。

    We thought it was a genuine antique , but it turned out to be a fake .

  27. 在整个期间,旅途充满艰辛且花费不菲,可能仅限于特权阶级——这一阶级还培养出了绅士科学家、作家、古董专家和艺术家的赞助人。

    Travel was arduous and costly throughout the period , possible only for a privileged class — the same that produced gentlemen scientists , authors , antique experts , and patrons of the arts .

  28. 也许我只是个老古董。

    Maybe I 'm just old-fashioned .

  29. 他母亲曾送给他一枚上面刻着科拉多·A·G·皮科里的紫心徽章作为圣诞礼物,它来自一家古董商店,他开始努力让失去勋章的家庭团聚。

    His effort to reunite families with lost medals began with a Christmas gift from his mother , a Purple Heart with the name Corrado A . G . Piccoli , found in an antique shop .

  30. 他在古董店和互联网上搜寻待售的旧军功勋章。

    He finds old military medals for sale in antique stores and on the Internet .