
  • 网络Calligraphy and painting
  1. 他家收藏了许多历代的名人字画。

    His family has collected many famous paintings through the ages .

  2. 他还创作了一些名人字画的铁拓画。

    He also created a number of celebrity pictures and paintings of iron formation .

  3. 适当点缀一点高档工艺品、名人字画突出企业文化档次。

    Appropriate that the high-end decorative handicrafts , celebrity pictures and highlight the level of corporate culture .

  4. 四川美术馆现珍藏有宋元明清以来名人字画真迹近200件;

    The Sichuan Art Museum has collected more than200masterpieces by well-known artists from Song Dynasty to the present age .

  5. 吴门艺苑专营:名人字画、油画、版画、水彩画及各类书画美术作品。

    Wumen Art Gallery specializes in : celebrity calligraphy and paintings , oil paintings , prints , watercolors and artwork of other calligraphy and paintings .

  6. 他指着壁上挂的当代名人字画道:“这许多是我逃难出来以后,朋友送的。”

    Pointing to some calligraphy scrolls on the wall by well-known contemporaries , Wang remarked ," there are ones friends gave me after I escaped . "

  7. 该所有《白鹭洲书院史》、《宋明二代吉安部分名人介绍》陈列,收藏当代名人字画十多幅。

    The all " Egret Island College History "," Song Jian some celebrities introduced the second generation " display , collecting more than a dozen pieces of contemporary celebrity pictures .