
gǔ āi jí jiàn zhù
  • Egyptian architecture
古埃及建筑[gǔ āi jí jiàn zhù]
  1. 分析古埃及建筑的形式体系可以找到人类共同的形态模型。

    Analysis on the morphological system of ancient Egyptian architecture is helpful to find the common morphological model of human .

  2. 恒久·流传&古埃及建筑文化

    The architecture of ancient Egypt

  3. 古埃及的建筑形式以金字塔为始,而至神庙为终,经历了一个由实体向空间演变的发展过程。

    Ancient Egyptian architecture begins in pyramids , and ends in temples , which undergoes an evolution from substance to space .

  4. 古埃及是建筑历史的第一章,是人类历史上重要的建筑美学体系。

    Ancient Egyptian is the first chapter of architecture history , also it is the important aesthetic system in human history .

  5. 古埃及医生和建筑家伊姆霍特普死后被当作神来崇拜。

    The Egyptian physician and architect lmhotep was worshipped as a God after he died .

  6. 长期以来,古埃及的艺术、建筑和古埃及的传统文化吸引着全世界的历史学家、作家和旅行者们的注意。

    For centuries , the art , architecture , and traditions of ancient Egypt have captured the attention of historians , writers , and travelers around the world .