
ɡǔ xiānɡ ɡǔ sè
  • 熟语antique;quaint;of antique or classical beauty
  1. 古香古色的茶艺馆也很合适一个人品茶看书或是三两好友喝茶聊天。

    The antique of tea house is also suitable for a person to read or drink and chat with friends .

  2. 进而打造一座文化特色鲜明、景观风貌突出、空间格局明确的古香古色的历史文化名城。

    Thus creating the distinctive characteristics of a cultural landscape style , and a clear spatial pattern , antique historical and cultural city .

  3. 博帕德是一个有着许多深巷窄道、古香古色的小镇。

    Boppard is a small , quaint town with narrow streets .

  4. 这些家具给人一种古香古色的感觉,与周围爱德华七世时期风格的布置很协调。

    The furniture strikes a traditional note which is appropriate to its Edwardian setting .

  5. 在这古香古色的村庄里有很多小巷。

    There were many small lanes in the quaint village .

  6. 这间装有褐色镶板的客厅,一切摆设都古香古色,都是真正的古老家具。

    The brown-panelled parlour was furnished all in old style . and with real old furniture .

  7. 卖主把车说成是一辆古香古色的名贵轿车,但我把它叫做旧破车。

    The seller described it as a vintage car , but I 'd call it an old wreck .

  8. 佩带一些小饰品&太阳镜,胸针以及古香古色的手提包等小饰品都会让你看起来别具一格,而他们既简单便捷,又实惠可靠。

    Relying on accessories sunglasses , big pins , bright hosiery or vintage handbags is a safe , easy and inexpensive way to start a personalized look .

  9. 离镇中心仅两个街区的地方,古香古色的石头房被一栋栋由栅栏隔开的完建公寓楼所代替,而公寓楼里却是空空如也。

    Barely two blocks outside of the village center , historic stone houses give way to condo complexes that have been finished , boarded up , and left empty .

  10. 他用中国古语“古香古色”来形容这种效果,意思是说这种特殊的感官怀旧体验,会带我们进入另一个时间和空间。

    He describes the effect with the old Chinese saying ," Old colour , old smell ," which suggests the sensory nostalgia experienced when specific sensations transport us to another place and time .

  11. 现在到三河旅游,不仅能看到古香古色的水乡小镇,还能领略独特的根雕艺术,今天上午,根雕艺术展馆落户三河,成为古镇三河又一处景点。

    With a Root Carving Museum open to the public this morning , the small riverside town Sanhe now has more to offer tourists in addition to its beautiful scenery featuring age-old buildings .