
ɡǔ chénɡ yí zhǐ
  • site of an ancient city
  1. 四川省郫县古城遗址1997年发掘简报

    Excavation of a City Site at Pixian in Sichuan in 1997

  2. 庞贝古城遗址,曾两次被人意外发现。

    But the entire site was discovered by accident - twice .

  3. 在大西洋底发现一个古城遗址。

    At the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean was found an ancient artifact .

  4. 古时候,人类住在山洞里。亚历山大里亚古城遗址

    In days of yore men lived in caves . City Site of Old Alexandria

  5. 亚历山大里亚古城遗址

    City Site of Old Alexandria

  6. 奥林匹亚城是古希腊最古老的宗教中心之一。亚历山大里亚古城遗址

    Olympia was one of the oldest religious centers in the ancient Greek world . City Site of Old Alexandria

  7. 墨西哥作家和艺术家们纷纷参加一场抗议活动,力图阻止美国零售商沃尔玛在著名的特奥蒂瓦坎古城遗址附近开设分店。

    Mexican writers and artists have joined a campaign to stop the US retailer , Wal-Mart , from opening a store near the famous ruins of Teotihuacan .

  8. 成纪古城遗址位于静宁县治平乡刘河村,为西汉所置成纪县治。

    Ji into the ancient city site is located Jingning County Rural Zhiping Liu village , home to the Western Han Dynasty by Cheng Zhi Ji County .

  9. 依据相关考古资料和文献记载,河南省正阳县固城寺古城遗址应即两汉时期的安成故址。

    According to relative archaeological material and documents , the city site at Guchengsi in Zhengyang county , Henan province , may be Ancheng site of Han dynasty .

  10. 每年约有250万游客到意大利,参观庞贝古城遗址,陶醉于19世纪的生活,这个世纪的生活方式和现在很像。

    About 2.5 million people visit the ruins of Pompeii , Italy , each year , fascinated by the lives of a first century people so similar to our own .

  11. 到了1748年,工程领队阿尔卡得知Sarno运河附近也有手工艺品出土,于是,他开始在我们现在所知的庞贝古城遗址上挖掘。

    In 1748 , project leader Rocque Joaquin de Alcubierre learned that artifacts had also been found near the Sarno canal and started digging in what we now know was ancient Pompeii .

  12. 浙江温岭大溪古城遗址的调查与试掘早期越国都邑初探&关于古城遗址及龙山墓群的思考

    Investigation and Excavation on Daxi Ancient City , Wenling City , Zhejiang Province ; Pilot Study on the Capital of Early Yue State & Reflection on the Ancient Town Site and Longshan Tomb Cluster

  13. 然而,即使是辉煌的拜占庭帝国也没能拯救它,大约800年之后,它被游牧部落袭击烧毁。前苏联地盘的统治政府在1800年吞并克里米亚地区时发现了这座古城遗址。

    However , even becoming part of the Byzantine Empire was not enough to save the society , as nomadic tribes raided and burned it around eight centuries later.The Soviet Union discovered the site when they annexed Crimea in the 1800s .

  14. 葛洲坝原是一座古城的遗址。

    Gezhouba Dam was originally an ancient city in ruins .

  15. 绥远古城城墙遗址公园的保护与规划构想

    Protecting and Planning Speculation of History Remains Park of the Suiyuan Ancient Wall

  16. 古城墙遗址反映出当地城市历史演变和风貌,留下追踪人物、时间和年代的线索。

    Ruins of ancient city walls reflect the evolution of the local history and character of the city , leaving the track people , time and era leads .

  17. 摘要探测河南商丘地区东周时期宋国地下古城墙遗址,采用了高密度电阻率法。

    In probing the underground ruins of ancient city wall of Song Kingdom in East Zhou Dynasty located in Shangqiu prefecture , Henan province , the authors employed the high-density resistivity technique .

  18. 交河古城土建筑遗址的加固试验

    Experimentation of Chemical Consolidation on Ancient Earth Structure Sites of Jiaohe

  19. 此外,摩洛哥还是九大联合国教科文组织世界遗产的聚居地,主要包括一些古城和旧城遗址,对于历史爱好者来说是一个不错的选择。

    Morocco is home to nine UNESCO World Heritage Sites , mainly ancient towns and old city ruins , making it a decent choice for history lovers .

  20. 其它五大奇迹为约旦佩特拉古城、秘鲁印加遗址马丘比丘、墨西哥尤卡塔半岛上的奇琴伊查、罗马竞技场和印度泰姬陵。

    The other five are Petra in jordan , peru 's Machu picchu , the mountain settlement that symbolises the Incan empire , mexico 's Mayan ruins at Chichen itza , the Colosseum in Rome and the Taj Mahal in india .