
  • China Customs;Chinese customs;Chinese Maritime Customs
  1. 中国海关现代化进程中的效率增进问题研究

    A Research on Efficiency Promotion in Process of China Customs Modernization

  2. 中国海关推动贸易便利化积极发挥海关职能作用

    China Customs Promotes Trade Facilitation While Actively Performing Its Functions

  3. 加入WTO与中国海关新制度的建立

    The Chinese Customs should set up new customs system on joining the WTO

  4. 中国海关没有答复FT记者以书面形式提出的问题。

    China 's customs service declined to respond to written questions from the FT

  5. 同时,为了适应经济改革以及WTO的要求,中国海关关税改革势在必行。

    Meanwhile , to meet the requirement of WTO rules and further economic reform , it is also imperative for the customs tariff system to change .

  6. 根据中国海关总署(GeneralAdministrationofCustoms)数据,在截至3月底的一年里,猪肉进口增幅达90%,达到创纪录的28.6093万吨,但这仍只占中国猪肉总消费量(去年达到5700多万吨)的很小一部分。

    As a result , imports are surging , up 90 per cent in the year to end-March to a record 286093 metric tonnes , according to figures from the General Administration of Customs - still a sliver of total pork consumption nationwide , which last year came in at more than 57bn tonnes .

  7. 根据中国海关的数据,今年头十个月,中国对美国出口同比增长5.2%,对东盟(Asean)国家出口同比增长3.7%。

    In the first 10 months of the year , Chinese exports to the US were up 5.2 per cent from the same period in 2014 , while exports to countries in Asean were up 3.7 per cent , according to Chinese customs figures .

  8. Ferragamo表示,加上中国海关当局在假货出关前查获的1500件假货,这些假货的总销售价值估计超过700万美元。

    Taken together with 1500 counterfeit products seized by Chinese customs authorities as they left the country , Ferragamo said the total estimated sales value of the goods exceeded $ 7m .

  9. 中国海关尚未理睬唯冠禁止iPad经由中国港口进出口的企图&此举将对苹果造成最大的潜在损害,因为这家美国公司在世界各地销售的所有iPad都是在中国制造的。

    Chinese customs has yet to act on an attempt by Proview to get imports and exports of iPads through Chinese ports blocked – the measure with the largest potential for damage to Apple because all iPads that the US company sells worldwide are manufactured in China .

  10. 百年近代中国海关,曾管理过10种左右不同的业务。

    Modern Chinese Maritime Customs once managed 10 businesses or so .

  11. 中国海关统计50年

    The Fifty - year History of Custom Statistics of China

  12. 近代中国海关雇用洋员,首先是由于外方的逼迫和诱导。

    Modern Chinese Maritime Customs governed by Foreign Staff nearly one century .

  13. 新时期中国海关非传统职能问题研究

    The Research of Non-Traditional Functions of Chinese Customs in the New Period

  14. 中国海关电子口岸安全数据交换系统设计

    Design of the Safety Data Exchange System for Electronic Port of China Custom

  15. 论近代中国海关缉私制度的确立

    On the Establishment of the Anti - smuggling System of the Chinese Customs

  16. 中国海关不可避免的会截住任何单子

    Chinese customs inevitably intercepts any order to our customers

  17. 洋员进入中国海关中的途径是多样的,目的也是复杂的。

    The foreigners entered the Chinese customs in different ways with different purposes .

  18. 近年来中国海关在推动贸易便利化方面所做的主要工作

    Major Tasks Accomplished by China Customs in Promoting Trade Facilitation in Recent Years

  19. 近代中国海关雇用洋员的历史原因探析

    Reasons for Modern Chinese Maritime Customs Employed Foreign Staff

  20. 近代中国海关外籍税务司制度的形成及影响

    The coming and influence of foreign controlled taxation and tariff system in neoteric China

  21. 具有中国海关总署颁发的报关员资格证书。

    Qualified Customs Clearance Officer with valid certificate issued by the Chinese Customs Department .

  22. 中国海关2000工程广域骨干网

    Backbone WAN of China Customs 2000 Project

  23. 海关总署编辑和出版的《中国海关统计》(季刊)。

    " China 's Customs Statistics ( Quarterly )", edited and published by the Customs .

  24. 中国海关总署表示,出口较上年同期增长了14%。

    The General Administration of Customs says exports have increased 14 percent year-on-year in December .

  25. 走向世界&晚清中国海关与1873年维也纳世界博览会

    Being Involved in the World : Chinese Maritime Customs and the 1873 ' Vienna World Fair

  26. 中国海关的现代化,只有在独立自主情况下,由中国人民自己来完成。

    Chinese customs modernization could be completed by the Chinese people themselves only in independent circumstances .

  27. 中国海关风险管理研究

    Study on China Custom Risk Managment

  28. 实验室信息管理系统在中国海关化验中心实验室的应用研究

    The Application & Study of Laboratory Information Management System ( LIMS ) in China Customs Laboratory

  29. 中国海关总署将实施对知识产权的保护措施。

    The main bureau of china 's customs will implement protective measures for intellectual property rights .

  30. 为此,中国海关提出了进行“区域整合”的目标、内容。

    Therefore , China Customs have announced the aim and content of " Regional Integration " .