
gǔ shì
  • Ancient style;palaiotype;in the style of the ancients
古式 [gǔ shì]
  • [in the style of the ancients] 与某一历史时期有关或属于该时期的风格、样式;(源于或模仿某一特定时期的风格古式家具)

古式[gǔ shì]
  1. 结果,各种各样的膳食方案层出不穷:素食主义、无麸质饮食、旧石器时代饮食(Paleolithic,又译,古式饮食)、果食主义等等,每一种都拥有大批忠贞不二的拥趸。

    A consequence is an abundance of regimens - vegan , gluten-free , Paleolithic , fruitarian and many more - each promoted by its adherents as the one true path .

  2. 他的职业是古式家具商。

    By trade he was a dealer in antique furniture .

  3. 一辆古式的公共汽车停在一条干涸了的河床旁边。

    An ancient bus stopped by a dry river bed .

  4. 自罗马时代即广为使用的古式按摩油。

    The ancient massage oil has been used widely since Rome era .

  5. 我们用古式红漆仔细油漆了这张桌子。

    We finished the desk in antique red lacquer .

  6. 板桥林家花园原名林本源园邸,创建于1847年,是台湾江南古式庭园风格的代表。

    The Garden was built in1847 and it is the only classic garden as historical site .

  7. 孩子们可以堆城堡、拼马赛克和玩古式玩具。

    Some of the activities included building castles , creating a mosaic , and playing with old fashioned toys .

  8. 这个穿着古式服饰打球的家伙和我都是爱好玩桌球,我很长一段时间都跟着他。

    This guy with his old fashioned bowler I particularly took a liking to and followed around for a long time .

  9. 他们穿过门,并且可以肯定,有一个古式的水龙头与一个碗在它旁边。

    They went through the gate , and sure enough , there was an old-fashioned faucet with a bowl beside it .

  10. 一件金线绣花古式图案的绿绸睡衣,把拿侬看呆了。

    Nanon was wonderstruck at the sight of a green silk dressing-gown , brocaded with gold flowers in an antique design .

  11. 两座神社的主体建筑都是日本古式的茅顶屋,用不上彩的日本柏木建成。

    At Both shrines the main Building is a thatched hut Built in the ancient Japanese style of unpainted Japanese cypress ( hinoki ) .

  12. 他们跋涉了整整一个冬天,没有碰到一个人。但是他们曾经发现过一座古式的木屋,还有屋内一杆旧枪。

    They travelled on through the winter and met nobody , but once they found an old wooden house , with an old gun in it .

  13. 四合院,中国传统的家庭庭院,是典型的北京古式建筑,也是北京重要的古文化遗址。

    Siheyuan , or the traditional Chinese courtyard is an ancient style of architecture typical to Beijing , and an important aspect of the city 's cultural heritage .

  14. 为了快速拆除杭州市内一幢内部框架加固的四层古式建筑楼房,原设计采用向南侧定向坍塌的爆破方案,并已钻眼确定爆破缺口。

    In order to demolish an old internally frame reinforced four story building complex in the city , at first , the directional blast was adopted and the blasting drills had been practised .

  15. 去建这种由木头交叉成金字塔式的小屋需要一些时间和技巧。但这对于一个看过甚至没有看过古式小木屋的人来说并不难。

    A shack built of crossed logs requires some time to build and some skill to make , but it is not beyond the reach of any boy who has seen-and who has not-an old-fashioned log shanty .

  16. 因此将这一历史时期的古典复兴式、中国古式、中国固有式、民族形式等设计方法归纳为言的范畴,代表了将传统建筑进行原样重现的形式化思路,属于具象的模仿和拟态。

    So Classical Revival Form , Chinese Classical Form , Chinese Inherent Type and National Form etc. in this period are summarized as the category of Yan , it represent the formal ideas of reproduce traditional buildings in the original way .