
  • 网络proof-of-existence;Existence Proof
  1. 非线性Stefan问题的系数解的存在性证明

    The Proving of the Existance of a Coefficient Solution with Nonlinearity of Stefan Type problem

  2. 介绍了广义Vandermonde矩阵的定义,利用广义Vandermonde矩阵,给出了二元切触有理插值的一种表现形式,并给出了二元切触有理插值的存在性证明。

    Introduce the generalized Vandermonde matrix , and based on it , set up a representative form and the existence criterion of bivariate osculatory rational interpolation .

  3. 第二天早上之前,我已经建立好一类Fuchsian函数的存在性证明,这些函数来自于超几何序列;

    By the next morning I had established the existence of a class of Fuchsian functions , those which come from the hypergeometric series ;

  4. 价格测算模型及其解的存在性证明

    A Model for Price Estimate and Proof of Existence of Its Solutions

  5. 一般均衡存在性证明的空间抽象过程研究

    The Abstract Space of Existence of General Equilibrium

  6. 动态联合产出模型的描述及其均衡增长解的存在性证明

    Description of dynamic model of United output and proof of existence of the equilibrium increase solution

  7. 本文利用连续时空有限元法对半线性奇异抛物方程进行了研究,利用线性化方法给出了有限元解的存在性证明和理论误差估计。

    The proof of existence of the finite element solutions and their theoretical error estimates are presented .

  8. 这些性质在解的存在性证明,数值算法的构造及其收敛性分析中占有重要地位。

    These properties take an important role in the proof of the existence of the solution , the construction and convergence analysis of the algorithms .

  9. 通过对非退化拟线性抛物型方程(即正则化问题)系列解的极限研究,给出问题的存在性证明,对解的唯一性证明,用解的压缩性质。

    The limits of non - degenerate quasilinear equations ( i.e. the regularizing problems ) are established . The uniqueness theorem is proved by the contraction property of the solution .

  10. 对转动半无限压电陶瓷体的表面声波给出了存在性证明及其条件。

    This paper is to display existence and its conditions to a surface acoustic wave propogating along surface of a half-body of piezoelectric ceramics with a rotation of constant angular velocity .

  11. 在第三章中,我们给出了最优控制的存在性证明,开环最优控制的表达式以及系统所对应的对偶方程。

    In Chapter 3 , we give out the proof of the existence of optimal control . We get the formulation of optimal open-loop control and the first and second adjoint equations corresponding to the optimal pair .

  12. 1954年,阿罗(1972年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者)和德布鲁(1983年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者)第一次利用超额需求函数给出了一般均衡的严格叙述和存在性证明。

    In 1954 , it was the first time that Arrow ( Nobel-laureates in economy 1972 ) and Debreu ( Nobel-laureates in economy 1983 ) showed the stricter description and proof of existence to general equilibrium with market excess demand funtions .

  13. 研究了二阶微分方程周期边值问题,利用锥不动点定理以及格林函数的正性给出周期边值问题单个和多个正解存在性证明的一种新方法。

    In this paper we present a new existence theory for single and multiple positive periodic solutions for periodic boundary value problems by applying a well-known fixed point theorem in cones . The conditions in our main theorems can easily be checked in practice .

  14. Z规格说明中初始状态存在性的证明

    Proving the existence of initial state in Z specifications

  15. 文章采用证法新颖,以避开传统的对数列(1+1/n)n极限存在性的证明;

    The author , in this essay , uses a kind of new method to demonstrate the existence limit of logarithm ( 1 + 1 / n ) n and the mean value is used skillfully .

  16. 第三节利用离散向量场的理论给出变系数问题covolume解的存在唯一性证明。

    The third section gives the proof of existence and uniqueness of the covolume solution based on the discrete vector field theory .

  17. 研究了数论中的steinhaus问题,给出了steinhaus问题中整点不存在性的证明。

    That the problem of Steinhaus in number theory is studied , and then . the proof of non-existent Steinhaus ' integral point is given .

  18. 应用微分方程定性理论和构造Liapunov泛函方法,讨论了该系统平衡点的存在性,证明了平衡点的全局与局部的渐近稳定性。

    The existence of the equilibrium points in this ecosystem is discussed by using the Qualitative Theory of Differential Equation and the Method of Constructing Liapunov Function , and the global and local asymptotic stability of the equilibrium points is proved .

  19. 函数极限性质和存在性的证明

    The Proof of Properties and Existence of Limit of Functions

  20. 复合神经网络控制器及其存在性的证明

    Composite neural network controller and its existence condition

  21. 在共振条件下,对一类梁方程解的存在性给出证明。

    Existence results are shown for a class of beam equation under the resonance condition .

  22. 一维非线性奇异问题有限元解的两种存在唯一性证明

    Two methods for proving the existence and uniqueness of nonlinear singular problems in one dimension

  23. 第二章证明了定理1,也就是解的整体存在性的证明。

    In Chapter 2 , we will prove Theorem 1 , that is the proof of global existence .

  24. 对于正定核情形,本文给出了解的存在唯一性证明。

    For the case of positive definite kernel , the existence and uniqueness of the solution by the coupled method is proved in the paper .

  25. 本文利用编码理论研究对称平衡不完全区组设计(SBIBD)的存在性,证明了几类SBIBD的不存在性。

    This paper discusses the existence of symmetric balanced incomplete block designs by use of Coding Theory . Some kinds of such designs prove to be nonexistent .

  26. 讨论了来自非均匀介质中波动方程的部分不变解的存在性,证明了在波速满足一定的条件时部分不变解是存在的,并得到了部分不变解。

    The existence of partially invariant solutions of the wave equations in inhomogeneous medium is considered , the solutions are obtained as the wave speed satisfies certain conditions .

  27. 本文研究高阶常系数线性随机微分方程的宽平稳过程解的存在性.证明了这种随机微分方程的宽平稳过程通解存在的必要与充分条件,并得出宽平稳过程通解的表示形式。

    The existence is discussed of a solution for the stationary process ( in a wide sense ) of linear stochastic differential equation of higher order with constant coefficients , its necessary and full conditions are treated and an expression for the general solution of the equation is worked out .

  28. 一类新型Stefan问题整体解存在唯一性的证明

    Proof of Existence and Uniqueness of Global Solution to a New Type of Stefan Problem

  29. 比较彻底的解决了简单线性EV模型中回归参数的无偏估计的存在性问题,证明了在一些常见的约束下,无偏估计并不存在。

    Problem about the existence of the unbiased estimator of regression parameters in the simple linear EV model is thoroughly solved . The non-existent of unbiased estimator under some common restrictions are proved .

  30. 在本文内,局部凸Hausdorff空间中凝聚选择映象极大元的两个存在性定理被证明,推广Mehta的最近结果。

    Two existence theorems of maximal elements of condensing preference maps in locally convex Hausdorff spaces are proved which generalize the recent results of Mehta .