
  • 网络Ancient Bridge;old bridge
  1. 那著名的古桥被拆除了。

    The famous old bridge was taken down .

  2. 一座千年古桥的地震分析与加固

    Seismic Analysis and Strengthening of Thousand-year Old Bridge

  3. 卢卡喜欢美国音乐,因此我们大声播放老鹰合唱团的歌曲,高唱“Takeit…tothelimit…onemore!!!!!!”(再一次到达极限),为我们开车穿越橄榄树丛和水道古桥的时候,添加某种奇特的加州音乐。

    Luca loves American music , so we 're blasting the Eagles and singing " Take it ... to the limit ... one more time !!!!!! " which adds an oddly Californian sound track to our drive through olive groves and ancient aqueducts .

  4. 走进历史的深处&千年长乐古桥抢救保护工程综述

    Look into the History-Summarize on Salvage Maintenance Project of Ancient Changle Bridge

  5. 在那条河上有一座一百年以前建造的古桥。

    There is an old bridge a ago that river .

  6. 沙河古桥的新发现与研究

    A discussion about the newly found Shahe ancient bridge

  7. 长江古桥考

    The Research on Ancient Bridges of the Changjiang River

  8. 中国古桥在结构上的力学成就

    The Engineering Mechanics Achievement of China 's Ancient Bridge

  9. 泉州顺济桥是一座始建于宋代的古桥。

    Shunji bridge in Quanzhou is an ancient bridge which was built in1211 .

  10. 她除了参观那座古桥还去参观博物馆了。

    She visited the museum besides the old bridge .

  11. 一座古桥的抢修加固

    The Treatment for Reinforcement of an Ancient Bridge

  12. 这座古桥是用铁造的。

    This old bridge is made of iron .

  13. 我还是头一回看到这种古桥。

    This is the first time I 've ever seen this kind of ancient bridge .

  14. 福州古桥文化探微

    A Simple Probe into Fuzhou Ancient Bridges

  15. 福州古桥文化资源特征、保护及开发利用初探

    A Primary Study on Cultural Resources Protection and Exploitation of Ancient Bridge in Fuzhou Municipality

  16. 中国古桥艺术评述

    The Art of Chinese Ancient Bridges

  17. 这坐建于18世纪的古桥,面临坍塌的危险。

    This old bridge , erected in the18 century , has been in dange of collapse .

  18. 建水古桥的作为一种非常特殊的桥梁建筑形式,在云南的桥梁历史中非常少见。

    Jianshui old bridge is a special architectural forms , is very rare in the history of Yunnan .

  19. 浙江古桥

    Ancient Bridges in Zhejiang

  20. 远离古桥建新桥:江苏古桥保护模式

    Tear Down Old Bridges , Build New Bridges : The Protect Pattern of Ancient Bridges in Jiangsu Province

  21. 灞桥区因境内遗存始建于隋代的灞河古桥而得名。

    Baqiao areas as a result remains within the Old Bridge was built in the Sui Dynasty Bahe named .

  22. 《桥上的石座》古桥上设计为路人歇脚的石座,我也在这里歇会儿。

    The stone seats for pedestrians On the bridge , there are many stone seats for pedestrians to have a rest .

  23. 文字中翻拣出古桥残败风景依旧,银钩悬窗离人入梦。

    Picked up bridges turned the text of Canbai landscape remains the same , Yingou hung window from the people fall asleep .

  24. 在这个地方还有许多其他的古桥,但全部都遭到破坏或者被洪水冲走,直到1345年维琪奥桥建成。

    Several bridges stood on the spot , but all were destroyed or swept away over time until 1345 when the present edifice was constructed .

  25. 本文列举了若干著名古桥&安济桥、虹桥、万安桥、卢沟桥、大渡河铁索桥、珠浦桥、程阳桥等为例,评述中国古桥的技术与艺术达到的相当高的水平。

    This article lists out many famous ancient bridges , and a review is given to the high level in technology and arts of these bridges .

  26. 从实用美、技术美、形式美、和谐美几方面探析了云龙古桥的美学意蕴。

    From the perspectives of function , technology , formation and coordination , the paper probes into the aesthetic implication of the old bridges in Yunlong .

  27. 渣济多古桥、古巷,还有据说是全国古村落中最长的石板路。

    Zhaji is famous for a lot of ancient bridges and lanes , it is said that the national longest flagstone road of ancient villages is here .

  28. 当古桥活到现在它已经不是真正意义上的桥了,桥下的清流早已随着马帮而逝。

    While the clear stream under the bridge ran dry in the time of the horse caravans , the soul of the bridge has been lost as well .

  29. 奇怪的是,作为此古桥最基本的技术数据的净跨径现尚无定论,众说纷纭。

    It is quite strange that no final conclusion has yet been reached on the clear span of this ancient bridge as the most basic datum . Public opinions are divergent .

  30. 福州古桥文化具有鲜明的地域文化特征:(1)闽中桥梁,可甲天下;

    The culture of ancient bridges in Fuzhou has its distinctive regional characteristics : first , bridges in the center of Fu-jian Province may be famed second to none on earth ;